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Posts posted by Enkida

  1. I think I enjoy every iteration of Dragon Age past the original as a novel more than a game. DAO was fun to play as a game, plus it had a good story with many forking paths that mattered. DAII ... wasn't fun to play, at least not for me, and DA:I was somewhat a little more fun, but it really annoyed me that the choices you made had no real impact on the linear story of the game, with a very few outliers. You're led to believe you'll see an impact from your choices, but... you don't, not really. Like, you save XYZ person in Haven, you get to see their face in Skyhold, and that's the extent of the "reward" you get for taking a different path. Except applied to everything.


    I'm curious to see what the gameplay is going to look like in a new iteration, but not holding my breath. I'm sure the story will be passable to good, it always is. But will I enjoy "reading" the new book, ehh. We'll see :-)

  2. I may be the only one saying this, but I actually like the more limited banter checkpoints. I run around the game a lot being a completionist, and alone in Lothring I can exhaust much of Alistair and Morrigan's banter just crossing that one bridge. It would be a bit overwhelming to have everyone comment every time, in my opinion.


    One thing that probably wouldn't happen because it is a tweak is the increased party banter *in combat* mod that exists on the Nexus (I can provide a link if necessary). I had no idea the NPC companions had so much additional voiced dialogue until I installed that mod; it makes me suspect that there maybe something wrong with the vanilla trigger chance of NPC companion dialogue during battle. Might be something to check out!

  3. With over 300 views, people clearly are interested in your post, so maybe reconsider deleting since you already put a lot of work into it?


    The lack of links, descriptions and variation in font size of some mods seemed to me like a kind of ranking, like some mods where the best thing since sliced bread and others just a side note and that made me sad. But if that was just a question of lack of time and you'd consider updating the list as you go along, this could be a very, very useful tool :)

    I'll think about it if I can figure out where to host such a list without actually needing to start a website for it. In all seriousness, I rely on the Nexus extensively to mod all 6 of the only games I still play, so it doesn't take much to send me running from here screaming, hehe. I don't like the new Bioware forum setup much, but if I can figure out how to navigate it, I'll try to repost there and make a link here sometime.


    Enkida, I'm sure I speak for everyone when I thank you for volunteering to merge all these mods into one for us, so we only have one mod to install. That's really selfless of you. Truly. Can't thank you enough. Nope. Sure can't. Great job. We love you. Looking forward to it.


    Some of the mods in Enkida's list are my work, and I do not grant permission for any of them to be merged into a package for redistribution, if that is what this all about. /grumpy



    Re-reading this after breakfast, tea, and more bloodflow to my brain:


    I don't know from whence any kind of make-a-compilation discussion came up, but I was not planning on making any sort of mod of any kind for anybody, ever. I did my time on the BG2 modding scene years ago, I had enough of the drama generated from producing original content back then, so I was well and done with being any kind of mod content creator before I even started playing DAO the first time. It does make me appreciate all the more people who can put up with the fans / critics though, so thanks again to all the modders out there who make the game still fun and interesting to play 10+ years after the fact.


    My only intent here was in making a 2017 list of compatible DAO mods, sort of like the out of date 2010 list on the Bioware blog from Lady Karrakaz. Nothing more, nothing less, and not even that anymore since these kinds of lists aren't allowed on the Nexus forums I gather. Or they are, but I'd rather be safe than sorry, as I just like using the Nexus too much to risk a banhammer. Caveat: I didn't redact the bugfix and quest sections as I think they can still be of use for purposes other than my own mod list guide.


    I apologize for any confusion this thread might have caused, and just one last time:


    No, I am not making any mod of any kind for Dragon Age: Origins. And compilation mods are a bad idea anyway, they never, ever seem to work. Put in some of your own elbow grease and you will be richly rewarded for your effort with a personalized playthrough, folks!

  5. Oh hey all! First of all, I am not a modder and therefore will not be making any complilation mods. Besides that these sorts of things always end up horrendously buggy and out of date (Morrowind Sound and Graohics Overhaul comes to mind instantly), I was thinking more along the lines of making a "this is what I like playing with" list that works together since there don't seem to be too many of those around.

    As for links to half of these and not, well, simply put this is a huge list and I was going section by section as I played my game and tested that everything worked. (In other words, I hadn't gotten to linking up the second half of this list and commentating everything because I hadn't had the time to edit all the posts yet + changes as I went through my game and discovered bugs mid-playthrough). Basically, you can find 98% of these on the Nexus anyway.

    Last but not least, I'll actually be slowly taking this list down, as I wasnt aware posting such a thing went against forum rules! But it does, so sorry about that! I will be pruning this thread down later today (lack of time ATM).


    Last notes - probably not very important as I'm removing the list, but I did find three more bugs. I think I mentioned one before: Zathrien's hair being missing. Solution: delete the Zathrien headmorph from the Ferelden Elves mod.


    The second one I haven't found a solution to yet: LOD files of certain elven boots missing, so from a distance the boot textures appear white. They *seem* to be the Ancient Elven Armor boots, but as I actually obtained the ancient elven armor boots and they don't have that problem, it's just a medium armor boot that Dalish Camp NPC elves wear that looks similar that has this problem. I'm not sure what mod is causing it; it's not HDR Textures as I deleted all of the armour retex files from that one, though.


    Third one: Cammen is naked for some reason. It's not too noticable, as the Men-In-Trousers underwear mod just makes him shirtless, rather than barefoot and in a loincloth, but it's there nonetheless. Have not discovered the cause of that one yet either.


    Oh, a mini-fourth one. I suspect that whatever VFX removal I have on weapons is not working, either. I think I'm using one that came rolled into the Dragon Age Rules Fixpack (I'd have to check - I think it was a "reduced" weapon VFX mod and not a "complete removal" mod), but it's clearly not working on lightning runes on weapons.


    Also, last NB: if you're using the Hawke Family in Lothring mod, I'd advise to get the version of Carver that doesn't require any additional clothing mods - it's too little of a change to be worth slogging through ID conflicts for, IMO.

  6. Man, I think following is thread is going to spoil my current playthrough with alistair. Do they have spoiler tags in this forum? We might want to start using them.


    Anyway re all questions, a more consistent Alistair is always my choice, although this is really convincing me that those Alistair romance extension mods that also fix dialogue on the side really are essential bugfixes ATM.

  7. Here's a small request. When you look at mage staves, they don't tell you what damage type they use. Neither the item description nor equipping them tells you anything, you have to wait for combat and then equip and use them to find out. I think it would be helpful if something in their description simply said "nature damage" or "cold damage".


    I like to keep a few staves on hand to change damage types against different opponents, and it's a pain to have to keep a written list of what type each staff does.


    Not sure how helpful this is as I haven't looked and seen if it lists it on the staves, but Dainbramage's "More Detailed Tooltips" might do that for you already.

  8. Eh - Zevran and Morrigan?


    Adding to this, that you can get the character respec mod on the Nexus to respecialize them to be exact copies of Wynne and Leliana's skillsets and specializations, if you wanted to.

  9. I would love to use that if you ever finished it. To be honest, the major shine problems occur mostly in the female human noble clothing that have "solid" designs - large swathes of unbroken fabric that I suppose is meant to represent silk or satin. But in the default vanilla game lighting, especially in the Human Noble origin, it just makes them all look extremely shiny. It does to a lesser extent on the men's noble clothing too.


    I found a way to decrease the "saran wrap" shine by simply installing sweetfx shaders that dull down the overall lighting and colours in the game, but that's really not a fix to the clothing problem, since it affects the rest of the game.


    Anyway, please keep me posted if you ever do finish your mod, it's desperately needed!

  10. I found the gamebreaking bug in this setup, which was actually under bugfixes, of all places. Something in the AA - Additional Adjustments mod was making the main party camp area unloadable. So I'd skip that if you're using the slew of other fixes from that link provided. (Or just wait for the Qwinn 2.0 pack, although that also means no enhanced romances for Morrigan, Alistair or Zevran I think.)


    Also, another useful mod that I hadn't realized I needed but now I can't play without: I'd file this under graphical bugfixes


    Pixellated Shaders Begone



    Removes pixellation in the fuzzy backgrounds. Subtle, but very necessary, because once you notice the pixellation on vanilla you can't unsee it.

  11. just a few more notes and weedings out as I bugfix and test this build. DracoAngel's Mages of Ferelden has to be the "alternate" version, or there'll be some kind of outfit conflict that renders Irvine's body invisible. Also took out Chantry of Ferelden because of the jarring skin tone mismatch on the hands, and added in a DA:I Chantry Robes retexture instead. Plus small compatibility notes here and there.


    Update: haven't had a lot of time to work on this. currently this setup has 1 small bug (zathrien is missing his hair) and 1 game breaking one (main party camp won't load). After sorting my mods I think the problem is in the bugfix section, not the romances section. The bughunt continues....

  12. re: non restored Frostback Mountain store: From what I had read, his inventory may have been the kaddis cut from the game? Theskymoves' blog has that kaddis listed under the mod "mystery of the missing kaddis" with two options for getting it in game - restoring that merchant, or putting it in the inventory of the store of... I think the merchant outside ofOrzammar that Sten threatens for asala. In case you didn't see it before :)
  13. To be honest, I think most people who "like" Alistair are going to be overwriting your 3.0 fixpack with one of the plethora of Alistair expansion mods that completely change the epilogue anyway (adding in weddings, funerals, proposals, etc, etc) so you can probably use your own discretion there. The only solid advice I can give here is to make sure whatever you do doesn't conflict with DahliaLynn's mods, as almost every and any Alistair expansion I have seen - even those that conflict with one another - are meant to be used with her work (namely the Wedding, but also her other stuff).


    Fixes: I know you said you were going to stay away from "graphic" fixes, but as you went and fixed the Fallen Templar/Knight thing anyway (and yay for that!), I thought I'd list the ones I think are of note here, just in case they're considered bigger than a "graphic" fix by others. Now with links! These are all from theskymove's blog, but I've seen multiple authors correcting some these in different mods.



    Templar Armor Fixes



    The Gnawed Notebook



    WTF Lyrium Dust. I'll just say it again, this mod, much like the bow mesh replacer (I do archery), are mandatory for me :happy:



    Actually what the hell. I do actually do medieval archery, and what the maker of this mod said is 100% correct. Normal people would not be able to use these vanilla bows in the real world, and the vanilla bows look better with the thin meshes on top of that. Heck, it even fixes the vanilla game hand clipping visual bug.

    Bow Replacer (mesh fix)



    Elfy!Ghost boy (Brecilian Forest)



    Her hammer is her ... (Myaja hammer fix)



    Elora is a mage (outfit swap)



    Aldous isn't a tranquil (outfit swap)



    Better Mages, Better Templars, WTF Tranquil?



    The most important fix I took away from this one that I've seen other mod authors fixes is the willy nilly dispersment of what must be clearly labelled as Tranquil Robes to non-tranquil NPCs. I've seen at least two other mods fixing that one in particular.


    The Redcliffe Seven (they're dead, Jim)



    Ariane's (dalish) weapons (weapon model swap)



    This one deals with WItch Hunt DLC content, as an aside.


    If I can think of more I'll throw them in, but those were the ones that struck me as fixes rather than tweaks.

  14. I feel your pain. I'm in the middle of doing that now myself :pinch:


    In my own 270ish install, I also have Grey Warden Weddings and King Calenhad's Tomb installed, and have noticed no problems at all with the health potions, FYI. So two down?


    Edit: I was looking through what you said, since I hadn't heard of Vulak before - and thank you for that, added it to my list, LOL! - and I think a big culprit might be Rose of Eternity.


    If I get the mod page right, it's an add on module you can play separately from the Origins campaign, and the mod authors even say on the discussion page that the way it changes skill trees and other things can bork certain things in an Origins playthrough, so you should disable it (if you're playing Origins). That's my best guess so far.


    The same is true of DA Uprising; as it's an add-on module, you might as well disable it unless you're actually playing the add-on campaign, and see if that fixes anything in your Origin campaign.

  15. Thanks for looking into these! One other thing I'm not sure you consider bugfixing (but I do) touched in the Oghren mod is changing dialogue of Dalish elves to say "by the Creators!" instead of "By the Maker!" and for dwarves to say "By the stone!" instead of "by the Maker!". Clear logic dialogue fix IMO, but some might call that a tweak I guess? Not sure if you caught those already so sorry if it's a double ;)
  16. Well, I just found one under dialogue. Oghren restoration patch:



    Not sure if you saw it yet. Also, the mod author mentions that a lot of Shale dialogue is broken in the vanilla game, but it's outside of the scope of that mod to fix it on the discussion page.


    I should add, one of the most "attractive" things about this dialogue mod is that it allows you to import Oghren's approval rating to awakening if you use all the modules. I consider that a bugfix, personally.



    Oh, this one is no mod, it's just one I remember from way back when. I was playing the DLC "Return to Ostagar" module with Sten in my party, and when we approached the ruins of the King's Camp and looked in the chest, Sten fired off some dialogue about a sword or something that was clearly in the wrong place. It was a point in the quest where your companions (Alistair, Wynne, Loghain) would say something pithy about the documents to Empress Celine / Orlais over what you found in the chest, but with Sten in the party, he was talking about a sword. This was not in the dialogue window, it was "banter" style dialogue interjection in the game. I don't know if anyone else has ever run into that bug as I don't think I've ever seen it mentioned anywhere else, but you might want to have a double look at that.

  17. Added in mod links through section VI - Combat. By the way, for anyone browsing this list, I am open to suggestions if you know of obscure, lore-friendly, doesn't break your game by being overpowered mods.


    By the way, I know about Alistair's / Warden Funeral, as an aside, but chose not to install them because I used to work at Blockbuster Video while the movie Titanic was A Thing. Sorry, Titanic theme song. Once you've lived through your teenage years having to listen to that song on loop for the entire workday, those mods just can't happen anymore. XD


    Update: found a bug with Armor of the Sten not showing properly. Probably a conflicting item ID issue. I don't know how to resolve those however, hrm. It may be cut, especially if the Kossith Add-On works without problems.


    Actually, of relevance: how to fix item ID conflicts

  18. That's what I had to do to find some bugs in my install, and one only registered when the origin story ended (as in, I had to replay the transition from the origin story to Ostagar about 200 times to find it!)


    If you go that way, uninstall all mods, start a fresh vanilla game, and create save points with nothing installed. Then reload mods one by one (or five by five) and check to see when the problem occurs. Don't use your old saves, they might be corrupted already and not register when you fix it. I'd recommend the end of the origin story, the start of Ostagar, the end of Ostagar, the start of Lothring, the end of Lothring, and the first and second camps you make (Bodhan intro camp, and then the standard camp).


    Also, you can try listing your mods here but I don't know how much help it is. I can cross ref my own list since I don't have that bug and tell you what's not causing it if we have mod overlaps.


    Edit: one last thing: if you really do have hundreds of mods installed, you might want to go in and delete overlapping files from mods, keeping only the final changes you want from one of them. I know everybody says "don't worry about it!" or "just rename the folder with a z'" etc, but when you're running literally hundreds of mods, at some point it forcing the game to do all those conflict comparisons can make things go funny. So it's better to remove conflicts you know you don't need to have prior to installation than asking the game to do it for you.


    All credit for that discovery to theskymoves, from her blog. Most people will say it doesn't matter. Most people are also not running an excess of 200 or more mods I think ;)

  19. Let me just ask: Do any of you consider the fact that you can walk into the Market, see a bunch of darkspawn, leave, go to Alienage, spend a while clearing that, then go back to the market and find nothing at all changed and the general has patiently waited for you to kill him to be a bug? Cause a couple things I did hinge on answering yes to that.


    I guess another way to look at it is, do you consider that you can leave the Market at all, AND return later, but are locked into the Alienage till you kill the general, is that inconsistency a bug? And if so, which way should it be made consistent?


    I'd consider it a bug. I have no strong opinion either way on whether or not you should be locked into every individual area until it's finished, or if you should be allowed to swan in and out of every area as often as you can. But I do think the answer should be consistent whether it's option A or option B.


    Actually, considering I just played through to Lothring again recently, I think the Darkspawn, who can canonically sense you as per conversation with Alistair and Morrigan (at the beginning of the game, post-Ostagar at Flemeth's hut) would hunt you down and not let you leave an area, if the whole reason you were in that area was specifically to kill their leader the Archdemon. It's already canon established that they CAN and WILL sense you if they are over a certain level of intelligence, and everything in Denerim is the best and brightest the Darkspawn have to offer - so why would they let you off?



    Related note - I read about this on the Armored Ogres mod discussion page at some point I believe, or maybe it was the Forced Deathblows discussion page, but according to one of those mod authors, Awakening introduced a bug in finishing blows on Ogres where the warden (or other character doing the slaying) would sometimes leap in the wrong direction and perform the killing move on empty airspace (while the Ogre was going through the killmove animation on another part of your screen). Not sure if it's something you want to look into, but I thought I'd mention it here just in case!

  20. Made some minor updates to section XII after playing through a bit more. The big, complicated quest mods don't play nicely with an install this finicky, so I removed most of them. I kept in one because of the Isabella headmorph, but it may also go if I keep on getting area ID popups in my game, as they really break immersion for me.

  21. and that's it. I have to go back in and edit these posts as I discover stuff / remember important tweaks to certain mods, but... in theory these all will work together with a few tweaks. I had another section for standalone modules planned, but I ran out of steam, LOL. Hope this gives some of you some ideas for your own modding experience. :)

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