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Are negative endorsements being turned into positive ones? How can the moderators possibly excuse this? Screencapping and monitoring thread. It's one thing to ignore the community, it's another to modify their input to suit your own needs.
Possible to have our accounts deleted? Thanks in advance.
It seems like for the most part that the people the vehemently despise an addition of any feature that will bring back the functionality of some kind of warning system for the community are the same people who do so because it might add a blemish to said mods. A bug report feature seems like it would walk the middle ground between returning functionality while still sparring peoples feelings. Although some people will always voice their opinion in the loudest way possible, and the people who would be emotionally affected by things like a thumbs down are probably the loudest.
So people should avoid my mods if someone said it did not meet their high quality standards? Or did not fit their personal tastes/beliefs? The previous system was such a bait to trolls that it would have been a miracle if it wasn't abused. I think we both know the vote up was abused way more then the vote down was for obvious reasons. Most trolls would never go through the hassle of waiting 3 hours just to hassle someone they don't know, and if it really wasn't such a big issue in the first place, there's no reason to remove it anyways. No double standards.
In my head, the perfect system would be a short review of the mod with a 1-3 hour waiting period after downloading, along with perhaps a mandatory screenshot of you experiencing the mod, followed by a 1-10 rating, and if its below a 5-6, your issue must be included. Much like the thumbs up and thumbs down, the reviews should be tallied and shown upon selection of the mod, so you can more accurately find the informaiton you need. Comments sections can and almost always are useless swamps of children complaining that they cant install the mod or simple things such as "I like dat sword color" or "dis is kewl thx!1". The mandatory waiting time, and screenshot will not only force only people who TRULY value your mod to speak up, but increase the overall content for images shown on certain mods, which can be an issue as we all know. Like it was stated many times previously in the thread, if comments section can just be used for this stuff, the review section should be held to a higher standard. To that extent, it should be moderated and monitored as best the higher ups see fit to use their resources, in the same way senseless downgrading would be removed and dealt with.
There's no two ways about it, it's not a light thing to think so strongly of a mod in a negative light that you feel the need to inform the author, or others, and with that responsibility needs to be taken. You need to respond and let them know why you think so badly of it.Pardon the term, but "circlejerking" is where talent goes to die, but if you're going to down vote something? That's as important as reporting a person. I don't think there's a person here who just wants the old system strictly back. Hopefully when the higher ups see this thread, they can take that into consideration and come up with something we can all benefit from.
You can see our issue then if a feature that helped the majority of players avoid bad mods was removed because it might hurt someones feelings? Not to be rude, but it's frustrating to say the least.
Because I don't browse mods depending on the author unless I am uniquely interested or impressed, which I have never been on tesnexus, unfortunately I cannot. I can on the other hand give you an example of when I would have done it, had the option been there! http://lovkullen.net/Emma/Kateri.htm Julan, as I think we can all agree, was an epitome of modding, but some of her other mods were definitely not sparkling. Let me shoot back at you with this, can you think of an author who felt the ramifications of a negative feedback? Someone who's modding life was heavily affected by the ability for someone to say "No, I do NOT like this!"
Gopher my good man, I like you. We may not see eye to eye on everything in this thread, but instead of demanding we listen to you, or leave in a huff, you refuse to quit because you want your opinion heard, and I respect that. If I could kudos you I would. We need a review system! :thumbsup:
For the same reason telling someone their kid is adorable is a minor compliment that is quickly forgotten and telling someone their kid is ugly is a major insult that may end with bloodshed. Or the same reason telling your girlfriend she looks great will get you a quick smile and maybe some attention for a few hours, but telling her she is ugly will end it forever. There is a double standard because the two are not equal. And telling your uncle his cooking is bad before he spends twenty grand to open a chain restaurant? Baseless praise is JUST as a bad unwarranted criticism. Complacency breeds mediocrity. You just destroyed your own argument extremely well :) If you tell you uncle his cooking is bad to stop him opening a restaurant, why would you immediately book him to cater at your wedding? If my mods are so bad that you think I should not be modding, why do you care if you can or cannot download any more? Because he may be awful and cooking dinner, but he can cook one hell of a mean breakfast. Edit: Perhaps I should expand upon that metaphor! :biggrin: Let's say your awful at quest scripting and storywork in general, and your quest mod is downrated, but you make some of the most beautiful axes in the game, and he knew from your axework you were a good modder, so he went to try out your quest mod and was underwhelmed. If you make something bad, and want to get better, dont you want people to tell you its bad so you can improve, instead of telling you its good, so you can remain at the same level of low quality?
Probably, but it would depend on the reason given and if an honest attempt to find a solution had been made. There is one negative endorsement I have where I actually still help the guy out when he asks for help. He thumbed down my mod because he really knows nothing about mod installation, but he seems polite and nice enough so I helped him get things working even though he still has not removed the negative endorsement. But I would not ban him. But the guy that thumbed Unified HUD because he failed to install darnified ui correctly? Him I would ban :) I really mean no disrespect when I ask any of these questions, and i'm sorry if I come off harsh. I apologize in advance, tempers are high and there's no need for more drama. Why do you think it's fair to give you moderator privileges if someone downrates your mod if it doesn't actually effect your mod?
For the same reason telling someone their kid is adorable is a minor compliment that is quickly forgotten and telling someone their kid is ugly is a major insult that may end with bloodshed. Or the same reason telling your girlfriend she looks great will get you a quick smile and maybe some attention for a few hours, but telling her she is ugly will end it forever. There is a double standard because the two are not equal. And telling your uncle his cooking is bad before he spends twenty grand to open a chain restaurant? Baseless praise is JUST as a bad unwarranted criticism. Complacency breeds mediocrity.
To be fair, a rate down would be almost unwarranted in this particular situation. In a perfect world where downrates are attached to comments and moderated, it would be removed. Downrating a beta because it crashes and is buggy isn't acceptable. Downrating a mod because it's a finished product and causes characters to occasionally blank states, or corrupt a save? That is downrate material.
Just to understand your mindset, would you ban him from ALL your mods if he only thought one was bad? If so, what is the reasoning?
"Positive feedback doesn't require a constructive response. It's just that; a pat on the back. If they so choose, they can give some constructive thoughts on the mod." Then why cant a negative just be a frown? Why the double standard?