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Posts posted by Blindcoyote

  1. Soooo im sure im not the only one thinking this, but what if we could build our own vault? bring people in, expand, grow, maybe even build aliences with NCR, BoS, Legion, maybe even the Raiders or Kahns. I know this idea CAN be done, probably in a way similar to the way the Lucky 38 is grown... i have no idea how someone would go about aquiring an alligence. As far as making a storyline fit in with the New Vegas area.... eh. maybe it was another vault project to see if someone on the outside was cappable of running a vault with no training only a vaultec overseer manual or somthing.

    If there is currently a mod like this please let me know, if not... lets fix that.
    I have no modding experience im just putting ideas out there.

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