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  1. How do you recharge that, I tried nearly everything. (including the game's manual) No mods installed but Code Patch and Unofficial Patch. Bug? https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/913547991529786996/998A890C76A777E0C356C9FCB1302AF02E582AE9/
  2. Thanks your interest Kitty. Got any suggestions? If the following ones aren't okay Here's a few, same file obviously 1) http://www.filehosting.org/file/details/536020/28GvahE0rtLMoeFL/Save%204684%20-%20Raskolnikov,%20Adams%20Air%20Force%20Base,%20194.04.00.fos 2) https://www.mediafire.com/?h6q9c3kr6938r6o
  3. Basically getting a freeze instantly once I enter the mobile base trawler. Any way to know which mod is conflicting? Playing roulette disabling/enabling is a pain; and sometimes corrupts inventory or progress. Thanks! :pinch: Save game: http://www89.zippyshare.com/v/ZQQks1qB/file.html Load order:
  4. Not MMM, but Mantis Operation. Tried spawning them but couldn't replicate. Will keep you updated.
  5. Basically, sometimes (rather frequently) when I kill a venomlurk (the small ones in green) in addition to be gibbed; the critter creates some kind of mini-torrential water explosion/waterfall that goes on and on. It is very loud, damages the player, and never goes away; no matter the time or entering/exiting zones. Pretty sure this isn't intended. I have the perk that increases gibbing and increases damage. (5 percent ?) -- maybe a conflict? Also running Imperfection (doubtfully the cause) and the FOOK2 patch for MMM. Can't find the creature in FO3Edit, or I'd spawn a few for screenshots. Full loadorder:
  6. You can play via Steam by rename fose_loader.exe to falloutlauncher.exe
  7. Found the culprit, UniqueWeaponsRetextured.esp. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/21245/?tab=1&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Ffallout3%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D21245%26preview%3D&pUp=1 The WMK version is bugged. Does not happen with the regular one.
  8. Any way to troubleshoot this from the console? Looks like it could be a sidearm/armor. (I have a error marker replacer btw) Discordant data according to FO3Edit, not sure if this helps. https://i.imgur.com/0Wqtav8.jpg Load order: Discordant data according to FO3Edit, not sure if this helps. https://imgur.com/fREW14q Thanks. [EDIT] Tried killing him for armor/weapons and I don't get the same effect.
  9. Was probably removed because it's copyright infringement, unless you use your NV files manually.
  10. Finally worked by using the thingyid from FO3 Edit, rather than "gbo".
  11. Trying to apply it to "K-9", Fook2's robotic dog. I hit the console, right click on K-9, type "gbo" to get thingyid, then "setessential [thingyid] 1" Maybe it's because he's listed in FO3 Edit under "Creature", rather than "NPC"? Or I'm doing things incorrectly? It worked for the other follower, "Malcolm".
  12. Disregard everything I said, it's actually a VRAM issue. I had too many HD mods installed, coupled with mods. Even if I have a GTX 980. The following program saved my life: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/17594/?
  13. Asking here because it's seemingly impossible to get a correct answer from Googling. Some say yes, others no. Do enemies in the Super-Duper Mart & Sprinvale School respawn? What about the loot? Thanks.
  14. Where's the key? Checked all houses, and the wiki. Maybe it was added by a mod? http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/391047884367310583/6BE7CFF7D8254965992BD8DC7DB0C1E4ECD1E8A1/ Near the Benson house where there are three red balls and a tricycle.
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