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  1. Things seem to be running smoothly, and my bows are effective again. Thanks for the help. :)
  2. Fiddled about with load order, bow seems to have improved slightly. Played for about 4 hours, have had two crashes where the computer locks completely and I have to restart. Will check load order more thoroughly tomorrow. http://www.modwat.ch/u/RosyGrogEnigma
  3. Ah, I should have been clearer. I tweaked things in the ammunition.xml file for PerMa, not with the CK. And the RTFM comment does strike true, yes. :P
  4. I've been playing with that(-ish) load order for about 50 hours the last few weeks, so something has to work. :D But I honestly didn't know that LOOT and PerMa don't play well together; the only real issue I've had is the bow damage, and that appears to have fixed itself. I've made merged and bashed patches now (which I'd completely forgotten about...), and can't see any difference, although I guess some more testing is needed. I'll have a look at that video (or find somthing for NMM ;) ) later and take a look at your load order. Thanks. :)
  5. I do have a CTD now and then, but very rarely. Could you elaborate on what exactly is wrong with the load order? I haven't made any changes from what LOOT recommended.
  6. The Dragonsteel Bow is from Immersive Weapons, and the Reforging is from PerMa. The thing is, I repatched PerMa a few days ago as well, and I've had the problem that bows do little damage for some time. Why it works now I have no idea. :P
  7. I've been playing around with some more testing today. I toggled god mode so I could see how much damage I did without getting oneshotted (because PerMa enemies are very dangerous...). Using getav health I checked how much damage I did with bow and sword. I tried changing the base arrow damage for PerMa from 13 to 26 and did some testing, and, of course, my damage increased. Then I changed the base arrow damage back, forced Patchus Maximus to make a patch, and... Now the bow does more damage than the sword. I did some more testing after that, and I kill a mob about twice as fast with the bow as I to with the sword now, no matter if I spawn them in or encounter them while playing. Yeah, I have no idea what's going on.
  8. Huh. That's a neat little thing I've only now heard about after 4-5 years of amateurish modding. :P If for nothing else, thanks for showing me that. :) http://www.modwat.ch/u/RosyGrogEnigma
  9. More testing: I have no idea what's going on. Now it seems as if this only applies "in the wild", as it were. If I encounter enemies while playing, my bow is bad. If I spawn enemies using console commands, my bow is good. Am I going mad?
  10. Some testing against a Dwarven Knight Warmonger: Bow: Starting with a sneak attack, 2.1x in the back, then 11-12 more arrows in the back from point blank to kill. Sword: 9-10 strikes in the back to kill. (In both cases, my follower is tanking and hitting as well.) I guess that I thought the sword damage was much higher than the bow damage because it takes so much longer to kill with bow, but that is because I hit more often with Dawnbreaker than I am able to draw and loose arrows. Still, the bow should be doing several times as much damage as the sword. The Dwarven Knight Warmongers are immune to shock, so bow damage would be 219 + arrow damage 28 = 247, while Dawnbreaker does 91 + 20 sun damage = 111. Add to that all the bonuses I get with the bow, and I should kill a mob several times faster with the bow than the sword. So we're back to this: Is the bow damage as stated in the inventory too high? Do mobs react differently to ranged attacks than they do to blade attacks in PerMa? Or is it something with my installation that messes up things?
  11. Unfortunately, it appears that ABT is not compatible with PerMa. In any case, I would love to know why there is such a great mismatch between what my inventory tells me the damage should be and the damage I actually do. ... I just thought of something... It seems almost as if the game only applies arrow damage, not bow damage. Is that possible? No, this is just silly.
  12. Sorry, nope. Even with 2,4x sneak attack modifier, I hardly do any damage with the shortbow.
  13. As I've gotten higher and higher level, it seems that my bow is doing less and less damage. I'm at level 46 48 now, and my shortbow is almost useless; enemies often take 15+ arrows to kill, even when shooting from behind at point blank range. I just entered a dwemer ruin, and running into guardians, it's finally gotten so far that I have to ask if PerMa archery is useless or if there's something wrong with my installation. I'm using a Reforged Dragonsteel Shortbow with shock enchant - My inventory claims that it does 217+19 damage, plus ebony arrows with 28 damage. My bow skill is 108 (uncapped, because legendary skills are pointless). Add to that that I have Point Blank, Flanking, Arrowhail, Coup de Grace, Blindside and Piercing Thrust perks, as well as enchanted gear, so I should be getting +225% damage as well as enemies having -50% armour when attacking the back of the target from point blank range. I also have Dawnbreaker with 91+20 damage, and Light Weapon Combat and Blindside perks, which should give +55% damage. Using Dawnbreaker, I kill every mob more than twice as fast as with my bow, which seems strange - The enemy health bar moves considerably more for each hit with the sword than for each hit with the bow. This means that a sword with a potential of 161 damage does more damage than a bow with a potential of 507 damage (+arrows), which also ignores 50% armour... (Using Top Gear mathematics and if my understanding of bonuses are correct; in any case, according to my inventory screen, 91 is more than 217 (+arrows).) So, what's wrong with my setup? Is there an inherent disadvantage for bows in PerMa, or does another of my mods cause issues/break PerMa? Or did I break something when I uncapped skills? :tongue: Mod list:
  14. I started the unticking routine, but with over 160 mods installed, I wanted to try every other solution first. :P You mentioning it was a LoD issue made me go through all my mods, and it appears I've found the culprit, so thanks. :) I am using RealVision ENB for Climates of Tamriel V; however, I had installed Particle Patch and Subsurface Scattering Patch for RealVision ENB. Once I removed those and installed the ones recommended for RealVision ENB for CoT V, the issue disappeared*. :) What made me think that it was a texture issues was what I mentioned as "grey ground textures". It seems as if the fallen ash everywhere is lighter and smoother now than it used to be, so that is what tricked me. *Of course, those are supposed to be installed before any of my other graphics mods, so we'll have to see what troubles I've made for myself this time.
  15. If I save where the problem is and reload immediately, the problem persists. If I save and quit the game, then the problem is gone when I reload. The problem is only gone where I saved, though. All other locations are corrupt when I reach them, whether I fast travel there or walk. After a while, the location where I loaded becomes corrupt as well. Fort Frostmoth and Tel Mithryn: It seems I've started getting some grey ground textures as well. Could corrupt textures be causing this? Would the fix be to reinstall my mods?
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