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About fatchicken200

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  1. So, I managed to get my Skyrim looking pretty good if I say so myself. Then, however, came a few occasional freezes. I fiddled around, installed cleanmem - Which all helped. However, after updating nexus mod manager I found a good portion of my addons to have suddenly deactivated. Since I have not touched my Skyrim folder in some time, and my memory is hazy - I'm starting again from scratch and deleting all my mod and skyrim files. Could anyone suggest a fairly heavy-duty modding guide? Preferably one that does so in easy, laymen's steps. With clear installation order, and that points out blatantly when I must choose between two suggestions. I have a factory overclocked GTX 670, so as I said I'm looking for a top-end one. Thanks in advance.
  2. I'll try this now, thanks - I definitely don't remember installing that file.
  3. Title says it all, when I edit my character there are no textures to choose from - is there a separate file I need to download?
  4. Title says it all, when I go to make a female character the skin tone of the head does not match the body, the body is slghtly lighter - Here are my body/face mods. Unfortunately, I'm not always 100% Sure I selected the right download from each - So if you know any ones that would clash it'd help. (I tried to choose all the UNP compatable options, but they're so f***ing many to choose from.) ApachiiSkyHairDIMONIZED UNP female body (i'm using UNP BASE Main body V1dot2)UNP BLESSED BODY UNPB - With Optional BBP Breast Physics Real Girls Realistic Body Texture for UNP UNPB and SeveNBase - WIPAll in One Face for Dawnguard Vampire and Vanilla Races - UNP - CBBEv3 - VanillaNatural EyesUnderworld Dawnguard - Vampire and Werewolf Eyes by AnardionNo More Ugly Bronze ShineThanks in advance. (Also, in place of helping me find the problem - Perhaps you could suggest your favourite female mod/face mods with an installation order, and I'll simply uninstall all I have.)
  5. Okay, so I've recently started modding Skyrim and have just gone all in with it, I'm currently running out 120 (Quite a few of which aren't to do with graphics though, and are simply like - Extra items, quests, NPCs etcetera.). Anyhow, I still have no Idea what ENBseries is or how to use it, so I'll try and list a few questions I have. Laymen's terms in answers would be appreciated :) 1: What is ENBseries/what does it do? 2: Do I need ENBSeries if I'm running an ENB mod from Nexus? Namely Climates Of Tamriel. 3: Should the aforementioned be ran simultaneously or is it one or the other? 4: After installing ENBseries, I found the game to look quite out of focus/less sharp, and the sun is ludicrously bright - I assume this is because I need to sort out the ENB settings, and so; can you tell me how/any recommended 'presets' per say? 5: Perhaps I should've put this question earlier, but would it be easier for someone new to modding like myself to leave ENBseries alone, and simply stick with something like CoT? Thanks in advance, and apologies if I sound clueless - Might be because I am.
  6. Sorry for the late reply, but shortly after I did some fiddling I had to go out - I think I got it all working now thanks to you and that guide, and I'm using the new ENB as well. Cheers for the help.
  7. Ah, scratch that - I just re-enabled the realistic lighting overhaul, with Climates of Tamriel deleted (I accidentally deleted it entirely instead of just deactivating it.) and it came back. So, it seems to be something to do with RLO.
  8. Well, when removing it completely the problem was fixed. Thanks man, and when you say disable then in the load order, does that infer going into the loadorder file in appdata and deleting them from the list?
  9. Ah - I should've seen that, every time I read "Climates Of Tamriel" I forget it affects lighting as well and assumed it was just for weather. Is there one mod you'd recommend over the other? I'll try disabling each one now and see what that does and then get back to ya.
  10. Hey guys, I've recently started modding Skyrim's graphics etc in the wake of building my own PC. And before I start, I think it worth mentioning that I'm completely clueless when it comes to mod knowledge, I did it all in one day and just went on my own logic. After a few bumps and hiccups, I finally got everything looking right - But I still have one main problem; When I enter a building, I.E. Jorrvaskr, I find that the lighting 'flickers' an awful lot. To be specific, when I get a certain distance from the fireplace/light source the whole room suddenly jumps up in brightness, leaving light in places where there was none before and leaving a lot of faces looking very shiny. As I said, I'm not very knowledgeable but I'll list any mods I feel could be possible offenders/clashes: FXAA Post-Process Injector (I've had the issue since before I downloaded this, I'm only mentioning it in case of any othrr known issues with the other mods.) Realistic Lighting Overhaul Seasons Of Skyrim Climates Of Tamriel Lanterns of Skyrim? Cheers for any help in advance. Here are some pictures, hopefully if you flick through them you should see what I mean, they're a 'snapshot' of me taking a few steps forward in-game, and if you look at the far wall you should see the change. (I apologise if Imageshack is painfully slow) http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/580/c6xa.png/
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