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Everything posted by kerloch

  1. Could you give more information about what you're talking?
  2. ahah~ you could set their scale to something around 0.60 or smaller you know, or... just RP that you found them at some giant camp. :D
  3. Well, did you verify their scale with the console? Maybe they will return to their normal height that way! Just open the console, click on them and type "setscale 1.00". I don't know where the problem come from though, but at least maybe this will help!
  4. Alright, don't hesitate to ask for help if you run into any kind of problems with those!
  5. Hi! That one seems good enough, but be careful and backup your saves before installing it. You might also want to check out these ones.
  6. Try doing this: Go in your Steam Library, right click on Skyrim then select "properties" (bottom of the pop-up list), a window will pop up. Then go in "Local Files" and select "Verify Integrity of game cache". Hope this helps!
  7. Have you ever thought of using a water enhancement mod? I'm sure it will help. Also, I found this. You could give a try. (plus, it seems compatible with any water mod)
  8. [Water] bReflectLODObjects=1 bReflectLODLand=1 bReflectSky=0 bReflectLODTrees=1 => Here is an example of what you can find in the ini file. *You can enable it in your skyrim ini file by changing the "0" to "1". So in your case it will be this line: " bReflectLODObjects=1 " PS: Location of the file => Documents/mygames/Skyrim It's either called "Skyrim.ini" or just "Skyrim" (the icon looks like a notepad page with a screw on it) PPS: Just in case you didn't know, and to be the most clear possible. Cheers!
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