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  1. I believe the Vortex readme states exactly that.
  2. The source code as it stands is unusable. It makes a shedload of calls to third-party libraries (such as Xbyak) with no mention of why it's doing it. Xbyak itself then has its own dependencies. Working through the code it appears that it uses the player height as the baseline, then hooks each NPC as it loads and switches the NPC's setscale by a randomised amount. The only concession it makes to female NPCs is to take the player height and reduce it to 0.93 before chucking it into the randomiser. There's also a call-out to create some assembler on the fly and as I haven't programmed assembler in thirty-odd years, I wouldn't like to pick that one up again. I'm not sure but it looks like the assembler could be patching the NPC code as it loads. If I had the full Visual Studio solution I might have been able to do something with it (learning to hook SFSE looks like fun ) but as it is, no.
  3. Damn. Giantesses it is then. Ubisoft are also guilty - Eivor (f) in Assassin's Creed: Valhalla and Kassandra in Assassin's Creed: Odyssey. I live in Ireland and the ladies here are quite tall (say compared to the UK) but very few are taller than the men.
  4. Thank you for the responses. I'll back my game up and see how quickly I can break it . Otherwise, I'll remain the in the Land Of The Giantesses.
  5. I see there's a mod to increase Sam Coe's height by 1.05, so is it possible to reduce PC height (say to 0.95) or will that mess with all the meshes etc.? I started a runthrough with a female avatar but she towers over most of the male NPCs which, of course, looks terribly realistic . I've never modded Skyrim or Starfield, but if someone could just possibly point me to the right areas in sfedit, I'll give it a go myself.
  6. Had the same problem - simply deleting the \ModData folder solved it for me.
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