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About shadekur

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  1. Thanks, Chemboy1. Yes, I did purge mods in VMM before diving into chaos. I read that much elsewhere. I just now attempted your instructions regarding Settings > Mods. Success? Unclear. 1. Opened VMM. 2. Clicked on "Settings". 3. "Mods" is listed under each game (in this instance, FO4). Clicked that. 4. Found nothing called "Move Staging Folder" or facsimile anywhere. I presume it would be in the orange task bar above the mod list. But again, I didn't find it. To be sure, I clicked on "Deploy Mods" on the task bar before closing VMM. But I'm pretty sure I did that after moving FO4 onto G:\ drive, since I received a "Some mods are redundant" message following this command. Regards, Shadekur
  2. I uninstalled FO4 from C:\ and installed it to G:\ using Steam (for both actions). Now, I'd like to either: Goal A. Point Vortex MM on C:\ to FO4 on G:\ , or if that isn't possible, Goal B. Install Vortex MM onto G:\ where it needs to go in order to function. Please let me know what steps I need to take. FWIW: - OS -- Windows 10 64-bit v22H2 - CPU -- Intel Core i7-6700HQ - Graphics -- NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970M w/ G-SYNC Thanks!
  3. Where's the rest of me?? Halp! (see attached hideous image) While I'm sure that the Institute would be intrigued, I want me back. I've tried clicking on me in the control panel so that I get (00000014) [EP], then tried both recycleactor and resurrect. Nothing. Also, when I press R to enter combat, my minigun seems to be aimed behind me and on my right shoulder. Tell me there's a control panel command to undo this mess. - Pat
  4. (Copied and pasted from NexusMods general Forums) I'm moving over from one laptop to another. Currently I have both open and side by side so that I can compare my old NMM F4 mods to the mods I am currently in the process of downloading to Vortex. One mod in particular is proving rather elusive. Its contents (when the mod is downloaded and installed) would be found under Structures> Concrete> Stained. It has a range of different concrete walls to peruse: - Stained - Rusty - Worn - High Density - Lightweight - Painted - Mods (this is where the vanilla concrete elements are) Any ideas? I've tried searching NexusMods F4 for keywords like "Concrete", "Walls", "Stained", and even "Textures". No bites. The really frustrating thing is that when I load F4 on the old PC, the mod in question is still there. But I can't seem to locate it on the corresponding NMM mods list. Any help is greatly appreciated. - Pat (P.S. There is a good chance that I'm probably going about this the 'wrong' way; EX "Why don't you just do X,Y, and Z instead??". Let's just say that I'm in the AARP age range and leave it at that.)
  5. I'm moving over from one laptop to another. Currently I have both open and side by side so that I can compare my old NMM F4 mods to the mods I am currently in the process of downloading to Vortex. One mod in particular is proving rather elusive. Its contents (when the mod is downloaded and installed) would be found under Structures> Concrete> Stained. It has a range of different concrete walls to peruse: - Stained - Rusty - Worn - High Density - Lightweight - Painted - Mods (this is where the vanilla concrete elements are) Any ideas? I've tried searching NexusMods F4 for keywords like "Concrete", "Stained", and even "Textures". No bites. The really frustrating thing is that when I load F4 on the old PC, the mod in question is still there. But I can't seem to locate it on the corresponding NMM mods list. Any help is greatly appreciated. - Pat (P.S. There is a good chance that I'm probably going about this the 'wrong' way; EX "Why don't you just do X,Y, and Z instead??". Let's just say that I'm in the AARP age range and leave it at that.)
  6. "Just save and reload." Alas. Alackaday. I have tried this many a time. No workie. Is there a concrete-grey, surefire way of 'resetting' NPCs? I already know prid; all that does is focus the game's troubleshooting console on the referenced code so that the command to follow (i.e. moveto) does the same. My temporary 'solution' is to point my wand and use disable on Cait, so I at least don't have to look at a wannabe minion of Cthulhu. Oh, and people...in case it isn't clear; never, NEVER use unequipall on any NPC that you want to thoroughly...erm, examine...while they're in power armor. There are some things that you cannot unsee. Regards, - Shady
  7. So... I used the console command unequipall on Cait for, um...reasons and unfortunately she was in Power Armor at the time. Now she looks like this (see screenshot). I mean...elongated limbs and a pinched waist only a Minecrafter would envy. I want the original Cait back. Can anyone please assist? - Shady
  8. Agree with the sentiment; after all, the Broadsider is already a vanilla player weapon. I suppose from a design persepctive* that it would be similar to setting up one of those traps where a weapon fires a single shot at whomever set the trip-wire or other trigger off, only the weapon is a Broadsider instead of a rifle. *I wish to make clear that I'm no modder; about the best I can do for you is write your technical manuals and online help pages for you, and the grammar would be impeccable. - Shady
  9. Qualifier: I could have sworn I had seen half square floor tiles in the shape of a right triangle somewhere in FO4 Build mode. That being said... I'm looking for a simple(?) mod that will allow me to add right triangle (half a square, separated at the hypotenuse) flooring, maybe even roofing, to my builds. I've included a pic of a reservoir I'm constructing in Vault 88 which includes perimeter walkways. The blocky look, which I want to offset with the requested mod, is playing havoc with my OCD. Baseline requests: Available for all vanilla flooring option squares (at the very least the 256 x 256 squares) for Wood, Metal, Concrete, Warehouse, and Barn. I utilize the Warehouse floor blocks (256 x 256 x 320) more than all the other floor options combined. Nice-to-Haves: 1) Fully compatible with vanilla small-square floors (128 x 128) wherever they are available in the above categories; 2) Fully compatible with moriartykain's Custom Concrete Walls with Window Glass mod* (particularly the Grey Concrete floors, including the glass ones); 3) Fully compatible with Akaman's Build Your Own Pool mod, so that the right-triangle version of the water marker(s) completes any solid right-triangle flooring I may use at the edge of my pools (the least necessary, I realize, since you can place water markers which 'go through' solid material; but hey someone may want to make a diamond-shaped - relative to their rectangular floor plan - pool). *Which moriartykain based on cartman1975's original mod of similar name. Thanks for reading, and comments (even the thorny ones) of course welcome. - Shady
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