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About Krazyguy75

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  1. For the latter, I want it to be something like Implacable, where upon being inside a detection zone, at the end of your normal movement action, when you would normally break concealment, you get a single bonus movement action before you get discovered. It'd be a great perk for allowing you to dash around the map, because you could dart back out of a detection zone or just get to better cover when you'd normally trigger a pod.
  2. So... a ton more questions (will update the top post): Medium: - Remove overwatch aim penalty (I see lots of mods that remove the crit penalty or add an aim bonus, but I'd like a normal shot with no modifiers) - Make the first hacking option an automatic success. - Allow the unit to extract from anywhere on the map (cause why do snipers not already have this) - Increase grenade throw height (so that you can throw over buildings and up onto much higher ledges) Hard?: - Give an extra movement after entering a detection zone PRIOR to breaking concealment I don't need anyone to answer all of these, just if you know one please share or give me pointers in the right direction.
  3. Well... then can I borrow your cone of fire code? We seem to have similar thoughts (though I'm just adding these as bonus abilities for the AWC to give out rarely, rather than changing class features).
  4. Oh, nice, thank you, saves me a lot of work! Also, way more simple than I expected! EDIT: I hope you don't mind if I borrow your code? I don't plan to use any of the graphics, and I'll give you credit, OFC.
  5. So I'm adding a metric sh*t ton of abilities... and I'm not very experienced with modding X2 (I modded for about a week and then moved away for several months). I'm going to just list my questions here in order of estimated simplicity: How would I... Easy: - Apply a bonus flanking aim bonus for an ability? Medium: - Remove overwatch aim penalty (I see lots of mods that remove the crit penalty or add an aim bonus, but I'd like a normal shot with no modifiers) - Make the first hacking option an automatic success. - Allow the unit to extract from anywhere on the map (cause why do snipers not already have this) - Increase grenade throw height (so that you can throw over buildings and up onto much higher ledges) Hard - Modify enemy detection range only (for concealment) for a single soldier? -SOLVED, thanks Kregano - Give an extra movement after entering a detection zone PRIOR to breaking concealment
  6. About 80% of it was retconned. I watched most of it. It was a jumble of mods duct taped together, whereupon people decided they wanted more than that and covered it in paper mache lore to make it look nice. A lot of the coherence was because the people behind LW were some of the major people in R&D, so they shared similar ideas on what they wanted changed when new mods were developed.
  7. I'm not really a fan of the new textures. It's hard to tell in that lighting, but I feel like the textures are weirdly dark. The viper's eyes in particular look awkwardly dark, like it is dead and wearing eyeliner. The MEC just looks like it is coated in charcoal. Not burnt, but rather like someone rubbed charcoal over it.
  8. Pretty much what they said above. The gold looks too yellow, and the green is waaay too vivid. It's a viper, not a tree frog.
  9. Wouldn't this be easy? Looking at the run and gun stuff (at a brief glance), it looks like it is simply adding a specific type of action point on use. You'd just have to make it passive, I think? Though maybe making it add every turn would be the issue, not sure. I'd just look at the code in X2Ability_RangerAbilitySet and fiddle around to try and make it simple. If you just want a once-per-turn cooldown, that's even easier, just change Cooldown.iNumTurns to 1.
  10. Personally, I think that you should have a threshold, where, rather than all aliens being able to rank up to colonel, aliens have a starting rank based on their species. So Vipers and MECs would be Squaddie aliens, but Mutons would be around Sergeant Rank, and Andromedons at around Captain or so when they are added, with Sectopods being 2 soldiers slots in the avenger (-1 squad size, basically) and a starting rank of colonel, as... well... they're Sectopods.
  11. So, I've got all my abilities worked out, except the aforementioned Salvo and Covering Fire... but now I have no idea how to make the AI use them. How would one edit the AI? I want the unit to have regular muton AI, but with an increased chance to use grenades (especially on higher difficulties, if that is possible), and I want it to use one of its abilities as the first opportunity it has every turn.
  12. I actually wanted two of the same grenade, and I found out that was really easy. You just change the ClipSize feature of grenades, and that adds more charges, and since it is a custom grenade and not equippable by XCOM, it'll work fine. I'm still confused on the prior issue of how to get Covering Fire and Salvo to work. It doesn't seem to work normally, whether added on the character or on the items. However, other passives seem to be done the same way, such as the andromedon's break wall or robotic suit abilities
  13. Another sorta related thing, which isn't truly an ability... but how do I get it to carry 2 grenades?
  14. So... it doesn't seem like passive abilities work the same. Both Salvo and Covering Fire fail when I add them like normal abilities, despite showing up in the corner of the screen.
  15. Problem solved, but I still don't know what it was. I redid all the references, and it fixed it.
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