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About Chris_whitefang

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  1. i have been wondering about a couple of things one, if your character already is a vampire, can you still join dawnguard? Also, if you choose to become a vampire lord, can you still do the dawnguard missions or are they blocked out?
  2. Turn all the mods off, maybe even do a clean install, you cant really expect the mods to work with a new vertion of the game
  3. http://s15.postimage.org/bhuvdiwiv/shot_001.jpg So as you can see, none of the menu buttons work right and even though i have quite a few tanks i cant select any of them, tried reinstalling to no avail, any help is appreciated .
  4. Also, give me back my highwayman :P i miss that little thing.
  5. First person shooters have no relevancy anymore IMO. What I really hate is random people showing up out of nowhere and going " :hurr: Bethesda hater GTFO" just because I dare to dislike Fallout 3... fine and dandy, hate it all you want, but this aint a hate thread, so please move on.
  6. Your character is meant to have whatever voice that you want them to have, not the voice of some voice actor. lol still would add to the immersion if i could hear my character talking instead of reading text.
  7. :P back on topic. PC VOICE ACTING, common people it cant be that hard to do.
  8. I know, i dont get it, there here, so that must mean there playing the games and downloading the mods, so they must not hate them all that much. last thing i have to say on the matter as i do not intend to continue this childish argument. Fallout 1 and 2 were good games for there time, but that time is over, look at it like this, New vegas had some of the staff making it that made the original games and i dont see any isometrics. Games have to move forwards, not backwards. If you enjoy the old games, great, play them till the day you die. But don't try and keep the new games down. They will contine to evolve for the better.
  9. Turn based works just fine, as for the combat speed all the devs have to do is to add options for controlling combat speed, just like they did in Fallout 1 and 2. i still fail to see the point in going backwards with a game. Turn based isometric games have no relevancy any more, there old, clunky and not to pleasing to the eye.
  10. lol then why are you all here? :P makes no sense if you hate it so much yet your a member of a site devoted to beth games
  11. am i the only one who thinks beth did a good job with fallout and would prolly do the same with stalker? i mean really, ya they changed fallout gameplay, but for the better and all games have bugs. Just think of this, EA games could have bought out fallout and stalker.
  12. I hated that in fallout 2, was a pain in the ass, turn based dont work any more, no one wants to take 20 mins just to fight 4 dudes.
  13. Just a little list of things i think would rock. 1 : Multiple full world spaces that must be traversed constantly during the story. I'm talking something slimier to Requiem of the wasteland. Maybe include most of the lands already covered in the falloutiverse. 2 : REAL ammo and weapon management, get rid of the inventory space and make the PC have to use backpacks and mag holders, and re loadable weapon magazines, really make the PC think. "Do i have enough ammo to go threw though fiends?" 3 : Cover system. Now im not talking about chest high walls far as the eye can see. but it would be nice to do more then just stand there shooting. 4 : improved AI. I want enemies that make use of cover, that know the strengths of there weapons and the danger. No more raiders that kill them selfs shooting a rocket launcher at there own feet to get to the PC. 5 : Better armor system. I want to take, say an plane suit of combat armor and customize it to my needs, maybe i want it to be lighter, so i can remove the trauma plates. Or i want more ammo storage so i add more mag pouches. Or maybe i'm going to be faceing lots of enemies, so i want to tank the suit out. I know none of this stuff will prolly happen, but i still felt i had to put it out there were there was a chance some one from bethesea could see it.
  14. Hi all, im looking for a particular mount mod i seen a year or so ago, cant rember the name of it, but it was like a large land dragon with a saddle and saddle bags, i have looked everywere but have turned up nothing. Thanks for the help
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