Considering the power armor that I've seen running loose in the game and it's "expansions" I for one don't think this would be too large a problem to mod to. If only I had the know how and experiance to do it myself. For I think this is indefinately worth while. Desolators have been a favorite of mine since the game came out. To see the weapons and armor would truley be awe inspiring. The real problem is finding someone with the experiance, and to be willing to make it. Considering none of us here have or are willing to put cash forward to make it worth their time. I doubt it will ever come to pass. nrrr...Though as you say. A guy can dream. If possible I shall locate someone who is willing to make such a mod, though I'd not count on it be a success. mmm... Perhaps if I find someone with the same interest. after all 8/10s of the work is graphics, the rest is well programing. Tis a good idea.. mmm.. tis a shame it's unlikely to be realised.