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About ShepardRyderSR2

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  1. ohhhhh ok i did not know that, i do not really thinks about that about contractions ^^
  2. Best contact the mod authors themselves with your offer. If you want individual people in the village to know, don't shout from atop the mountain but go down to speak with them. And pay attention to your spelling. my idea was to came here to touch more people and having "my message" spread from hear to hear ^^ but i will try that too ^^ Thanks
  3. Hi, i start this topic cause i would like to have some informations about a very small issue i had with the mod "Priority Earth Overhaul Mod - v1.5.1 (Executable Installer)-766-1-5-1-1567636748" for Mass Effect 3. The probleme is the following one : when i start the last mission of the game Priority : Earth, i had some audio trouble, for example the first time i play the end Hackett was speaking in english, then the second time he was speaking in french, but after that Joker say "approching Helios relay" and during the priority you can talk to some characters of the games that are on other places on the planet, the guys ask me in english who i want to speak with, i choose (choosing option in french) answer in english, but my talk with the characters i contact is in french, and there's a lot of other stuff like that during this mission, speaking to team mates in english where i always had the french audio when i play before the mods. So my question is this one : is it possible to "force" the game to play the french audio when one exist ? Cause all that talk with team mates and characters/friends exist in french. (I always had the french subtitles through the mission) but i would like to play full french with all the great add from mods, and its only this mission who have englis/french mixed audio, did you know if what i ask is possible and if it is, how i could do that ? Thanks if you taking the time to read it ;p P.S. : If there's something not clear, dont hesitate to ask me to clear it ^^ Have a great day ^^
  4. Hi guys, im not sure if im in the right part, if not, please direct me to the good one ^^. I just recently discover how to translate mods, and im gonna start soon for my personnal use before having permissions of mods author to share them, in this time, if mod creators/authors see this, i will be happy to propose my help to translate mods from ENGLISH to FRENCH
  5. You can do whatever you like for personal use. If you want to upload changes to mods to share with other users, you'd need the original authors' permission. You might want to take a look at the permissions listed on the mod pages. As an example, the permissions tab of this mod explicitly states: A. Permissions for this mod are "closed". Any usage beyond playing, or alterations beyond a user's personal, private modifications, requires my express permission. B. You may not distribute, re-use, convert, translate, update, or modify, ME3Re or any of its contents without my express permission. Each mod and author can specify the permissions of their choosing. And btw how can i contact the author ? There are a couple of ways you can get in touch with mod authors. 1. Select the "posts" tab on the mod page and see if the author is currently active there. You could post your offer to translate the work there. The mod author might help you incorporate the translated text into the original work. 2. The other option is to send them a private message. Click on the link under "Uploaded By" to visit their profile page, then click on the "contact" button to initiate a private conversation with them. Thx, Pasquale1223 i actually had the help i need on a discord for how to translate the mods, now its done, i only had to wait answer for mod creator ;p thx again for your help ;p
  6. so i had to ask every mod authors BEFORE start translate ? i cant just translate and propre to the author ? Anyway, i still dont know how to actually open/and or translate what i want
  7. EDIT : TOPIC CLOSED Hi, i recently, for the first time ever, use mods for a pc game (cause now, i got a REAL pc to use mods on). Im french and i understand english, but having the game in french and some stuff in english is a little bit boring, even if, like i said before, i understand english. So i would like to be present and help those who maybe would like to use a game with mods, in full french. And my questions is how to proceed ? -Should i open each files of the mod folder, create a blank one and copy the original mod and just wrote in french ? or something like that ? Please if you know how to act on that, i would be SOOOO happy to help the community to translate the game in french, to improve gaming experience, mine included. Thanks, i hope you guys understand what i want to explain, if not, dont hesitate to tell me what you dont got. Thanks again, have a great day
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