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  1. hello. i'm working on an armor, and, as i want to make different textures, i'm using alternate texture. i made my texture set correctly and added it in the armor addon. no problem for the moment. the new armor uses the same model but another texture, and it's checkable in game. but the 1st person female model doesn't save the texture, and the base model is visible in game in 1st person view, whatever i put as texture. the weeird thing is it's only with the female model, the male one works perfectly. it's not the nif, i made out a will by inverting the models, and models in male 1st person work fine, but female one don't. this a screeny with both same models to test ( femalearmor) i can add the textreu, but if i save and reload, there's no texture. ( click to enlarge) http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8370/8411528677_3cd53b7e4f_n.jpg as i'm planning 30 different colors, i would like to avoid to make 60 different models. so, any idea to fix that?
  2. ok, thanks, i understand the problem, now. i have used copy/paste from the conteiner mesh for the BSlightingShaderProperty.
  3. hi there i'm trying to make a backpack, based on the vanilla. i use blender and i made all the mesh, following the tutorial for armor creation. the bag is linked to bodypart 47, according to the body part number consensus. the mesh is correct in nifscope and in the CK. the problem is in game, the mesh doesn't move with the character. http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8339/8211952522_df89f3f985_c.jpg the mesh is weighted to the spine2 bone but it seems locked to the base nnode. i have tried all i could think to clear the mesh ( delete all weight and parents, ecport as obj and re-import, replace as an obj the underware in a vanilla mesh...) but nothing is working. i don't know what the problem can be. is there anybody with an idea?
  4. i'm trying with a craftable version of the wooden dragon mask. Maybe i made something wrong. I'll try again. but anyway, even if the wood armor works, it's not possible to add new materials :( Edit: You're right, it didn't work because i have added ArmorMaterialLeather too, so it was in the leather. but anyway, it's working only for wood armor
  5. i see. It's a bit frustrating.( WeapMatrialWood doesn't work for an armor, i have already tried) Thanks for the explanations.
  6. hello. i would like to make a wooden armor set, but to craft that, i think it should be better to add a new material in the forge list. there's already a WeapMaterialWood but nothing for armors. i tried to add a kayword ArmorMaterialWood but it doesn't change anything, even after adding the new keywork in the armor material formlist. i don't think it needs to change the exe, because heartfire add a new category ( building materials) with the keyword BYOHHouseCraftingCategoryBuilding and this one is not available in the CK without the DLC.esm loaded. any idea?
  7. unfortunatly, the new skyrim update is a beta one, i'm afraid we'll have to wait for a real one for a CK update.
  8. hello i'm trying to make a race with custom body parts, but i don't find where are the body models. i'm sure it's possible, because argonian and kajhiit have differents hands, but i didn't find anywhere in the ck something about this hands. is somebody has an idea?
  9. did you select the races in the two races in armor addon's additional races list? i'm not sure if it's that, but many of the helmets don't have beast races selected.
  10. sometimes, to use console is required. recently, as i wanted to obtain the werewolf perk achievement, i was bloqued by spider webs in werewolf form, so i couldn't cut nor burn them. so instead of waiting 24H ingame, i prefer to use TCL to pass through. and i don't think it's cheating.
  11. Game uses the BSDismemberSkinInstance to paint areas who should be hidden under other items, this is why top of gloves and boots goes away under robes. Put on an full helmet and your head is replaced by an helmet but the neck is still visible. Checked the ears and yes to top is marked as ear zone, however so is all of Khajiit ears. check the khajiit head mesh in nifscope, and you'll see the ears are inclueded in the head.
  12. Then why is not the Khajiit ears hidden? All helmets hide them totally. One possibility is that the Khajiit ears use the top hair slot while human and elves has an ear slot who is hidden on some headgear but not all. This gives Khajiit an extra slot :o) in skyrim, the ears are part of the head, and can't be splieted
  13. hello. i'm actually making a mod with new armors based on vanilla retextured. it's working perfectly when i'm trying, but if i pack the files as a BSA with the CK ( and delete my meshes in the data folder) the meshes are invisible. the BSA is correct, i have all the files in it when i open it, it's just not activated in the esp. is there somebody who know how to fix that?
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