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About JennyPricefield

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  1. I made a race mod with a custom voice type and successfully set up all the shouts for it except the lines like "Hey melon nose!" for the Throw Voice shout. I tried to figure out how they work but due to my limited CK knowledge I wasn't able to do that. Can anyone help?
  2. I mean, it'd be real nice of you to do it for free becasue free things are nice and i also don't have a lot of income and I'll also need to pay for a lot of voice acting somewhen in the future (and there's no way I'm getting that one without paying a ton of money) but hey, what are the odds of getting help for free? And no, I'm not kidding, I'm seriously willing to pay because this mod is pretty important to me. Anyways, I made this race/follower mod. Since everyone has their own idea of balance which also depends on used mods I wanted to make a MCM menu that would allow conveniently changing the power of racial abilities in-game and even got someone to help me learn the whole MCM-spell-power-change thing buuuut i got hit apathy and wasn't, still am not and probably will not be for some more time in a state to learn new things and I think there's a good chance I'll soon run out of free time I can spend on modding sooo here I am. btw by "help" I mean "basically make everyhting for me". Here's a list of spells and effects so you can have an idea of how much stuff there is: Repair Pack (targeted ranged spell) Multiple healing effects (they have level conditions, it was made so the healing gets stronger with time so rather than being of a permanent value so it's still useful in late game while not being busted in early game) - changing magnitudeArmor increase - changing magintude and durationSpell Resistance - magnitude and durationPoison Resistance - magnitude and durationCooldown effect (dummy effect that doesn't do anything by itself but limits the use of the spell on a single target) - durationInspire (cloak applied to enemies hit by melee attacks, ends instantly but applies buffs to the player and allies for a duration) Health Regeneration - magnitude and durationMagicka Regeneration - magnitude and durationStamina Regeneration - magnitude and durationShout Cooldown recovery - magnitude and durationCloak effects - magnitude (which means area for them)Barrier Shield (just a ward) Three sets of regular ward effects (like with Repair Pack to make it scale with level) - magnitudeRally (power that applies a cloak to the user, the cloak applies buffs to allies; same buffs are also applied to the user) Armor - magnitude and durationMagic Resist - magnitude and durationAttack speed increase - magnitude and durationFortify for every school of magic - magnitude and durationAll of the above but applied to the user - magnitude and durationCloak effects - magnitudeRally (follower version, basically the same spell but cast from hand rather than from Shout slot, the follower is supposed to use this spell on command, for some reason refused to cast the shout slot version so I had to make this one) Crusader Training (passive effect that is active when and as long as the user is weilding a mace and a shield) Attack speed - magnitudeI think that's it, hope didn't forget anything. Also, it's pretty messy in the effects and spells from the Creation Kit side so if you'll be so nice as to help me you'll probably need my help navigating through that chaos too.
  3. I actually got it work. And without scripts. Although I'm not exactly sure what fixed it as I did a lot of semi-random stuff and then package just began working at some point.
  4. Dialogue isn't really an option because it won't be available in combat and the whole purpose of Rally is to greatly increase combat capabilities of nearby allies. While using dialogue before an encounter is possible, telling the follower to use a combat buff spell outside of combat is awkward, some encounters are sudden (like a dragon swooping out of the blue sky) and, more importantly, I want to eventually make my mod as immersive as possible, with the follower actively reacting to the surroudnings and stuff. Not having an option to ask her to use her ultimate ability in a fight whee things suddenly went south and instead having to reload a save, enter dialogue and ask her to cast it before the fight would be quite immersion-breaking. Regarding the "UseMagic"/shout thing, shouts are magic as far as the game's concerned and there is no "UseShout". Not to mention that Rally isn't a shout in the first place.
  5. Changing faction rank would require scripting, wouldn't it? I can't do that, the best I can do when it comes to scripts is understand what they should do (unless they're too complex for me to understand) and maybe put together something up using existing scripts as templates but I won't be able to make a new script from scratch yet. And it would be better to use as few scripts as possible anyway. But aside from achieving desired functionality for my mod, in this case I also really want to know what the heck is wrong with the command package. It's almost completely identical to the healing package, the difference being in the spell used and the player value used for the check yet one of the packages works just as it should and the other doesn't work at all. Like... why? Although... the spell that should be used on command is a cloak spell and the healing spell is a simple targeted spell. Could it not work becasue of the spell being a cloak?
  6. I've been trying to make a follower use a certain spell when the player commands it (using AI packages) but I can't get it work. Which is weird because I already got her to use a healing spell on the player when they are below 50% health using an almost identical package. Now, I'm a complete noob with packages and I got the healing package work properly by using another mod as a template. But I did get it work and assumed it would be easy to make a "use on command" package using the healing package as a template. I copied the package and made necessary changes - changed the spell used and conditions from the player being at low health to the player having a magic effect on them. Well, also the cooldown since it's supposed to be an extremely powerful spell that has casting limits. The "command" was a self-cast spell that applied to the player the effect that was used for the check. Yet this "command" package didn't work for some reason and I tried changing different things - switched it from being a power to an orditary spell, switched conditions to check for the command command effect on the follower and making the command spell a target spell, removed the healing package and left only the command package in case they conflicted... nothing works. In fact, it even got weirder with leaving only the command package because the follower began to constantly sheath/resheath her weapon in combat which never happened with the healing package. And the first one is based off the second one! I'm really at a loss here. Could anyone tell me what's wrong? Obviously you'll need to see the packages so here is the .esp of my mod. I'm using dropbox because the forums won't let me attach it directly, saying "You aren't permitted to upload this kind of file". Healing package ID is _BrigitteLindholmReapiPackAIPackage (yeaaahhh, I misspelled it, didn't notice for a long time and then didn't bother changing it, it's supposed to be "RepairPack", not "ReapiPack" because that's what the healing spell is), command package ID is _BrigitteLindholmRallyPackage.
  7. I converted (only converted, by loading it in SE Creation Kit and saving, I didn't make any actual changes to it) a race mod I made for Oldrim to SE and instead of using custom textures assigned to the race it uses the vanilla face texture (or whatever texture is replacing it). This only happenes with the face, not the body or the hair, and it never happened with Oldirm. Switching chacrater's face complexion in the character editor fixes this but after loading a save or opening the editor again it resets back. The problem isn't with the face complexion texture - it can be switched back with no issues until editor gets open again or a save is loaded. The only solution I found other than switching complexion every time is replacing vanilla face textures with the race's textures but neither of those two is really good. What could be the problem here and how do I fix it so the race uses the textures it's supposed to use from the start and doesn't swtich off of them, like it was in Oldrim?
  8. Normally she's fighting with a mace and a shield but I made a combat override package that makes her heal the player when their health drops below certain percentage. It works but after using the healing spell the follower doesn't resume fighting and just stands there. How do i fix that? If it's relevant, I copied the Use Magic package, set the spell to the healing spell the follower has, set the player as the target, set interrupt override to combat and set conditions to player health percentage and the player not having a certain magic effect on them (it's a dummy effect that doesn't do anything itself but acts as a cooldown for the spell, the spell itself already accounts for it and won't work on targets that have this cooldown effect and I just added this condition in case AI could bug out continuosly trying to heal the player while they have the colldown effect on them) EDIT: using resetai console command fixes it but having to use it every time is not very cool. How do I make it apply automatically once the spell is cast?
  9. Okay, found it myself. It's the Combat tab of the VoicePowers quest and Misc tab for additional voice lines used by the Throw Voice shout.
  10. I'm making a custom race mod and it'd be really neat and immersive if it used uniques voice. I already set up combat stuff like grunts when attacking or bashing and cries when taking damage since finding a template for this in vanilla quests was easy but I want to also try setting up unique voice lines for shouts (and since different races already are using different voice lines for shouts I, hopefully, will be able to use whatever it is that determines said lines as a template to use for my race). Problem is, I have no idea where to look and there is a ton of quests to search (if it's even a quest, I guess it's probably a quest but I also guess that I may be wrong becasue I'm not experienced with Creation Kit beyond super basic stuff).
  11. I made two passive constant effect abilties for a custom race mod both of which apply a perk. It worked fine but then I noticed that if I load a save both of those perks disappear. It can be easily fixed by quitting Skyrim, launching it again and loading any save, even if that save was done after the perks have disappeared so it's not completely mod-breaking but still an uncool feature to have. Is it possible to fix it?
  12. Thanks! I had to change the spell to a cloak that is applied to an enemy hit to get it work so it slightly moves the area of effect which should be centered around the player but since it's a melee attack the difference is negligible and the spell triggers properly so all is good.
  13. So I made an AoE spell based off Fire Storm but whithout a cast time which applies a bunch of buffs to nearby allies but I need it to trigger automatically when the spell owner lands a melee attack on someone. It's not an enchantment, okay? A full-blown spell that triggers from attacks and dosesn't depend on wheter or not the weapon is enchanted. I'd imagine that it should go somehow like this: write a script that makes the spell trigger when the actor to whom this script is attached lands a melee attack -> make a magic effect with this script -> make a passive ability with this effect -> slap this ability into the racial powers becasue it's a part of a custom race mod. Thing is, I don't know Papyrus and have only a very basic understading of scripts in the first place sooo... would someone please be a dearie and point out how to make this work? I'd rather avoid learning scripting just for one small mod.
  14. Sooo I'm looking for an option to reply to a specific person but it either doesn't exist here or I'm blind. Guess I'll just drop a generic post reply in which I'll be adressing two people. ReDragon2013, as I said, I made my script by modifying Serana's script, effectively using the latter as a template because I don't know papyrus. Can't really forget something you don't know, right? But thanks for your version of the script although faomyesque's solution seems to be the better one since the less scripts the better. foamyesque, that's GREAT. Simple but I didn't even think of it. Which is kinda dumb of me since one of the two spells already is using checks, although not for level but for an empty magic effect on target actor that functions as a per target cooldown for the spell. I'll be trying this one first!
  15. So I'm trying to make a custom race mod, with custom race powers, one of which includes a healing spell. Naturally, there is an issue with setting the healing value so it's both useful in late game and not overpowered in the beginning. However, from my digging around Creation Kit a real long time ago I knew that Serana is using a script that, by the looks of it, replaced her spells with more powerful ones as the games goes. I don't know papyrus but I have a basic understaing of how scripts work from school IT classes so I copied the script and modified the copy to be like this: Scriptname _BrigitteLindholmSpellLevelingScript extends actor Event OnInit()RegisterForUpdateGameTime(24)EndEvent Event OnUpdateGameTime()If IsInCombat() == FalseCurrentLevel = GetLevel()If CurrentLevel > LastLevelIf CurrentLevel >= Stage7; currently undefined, set LastLevel to shut downLastLevel = Stage7ElseIf CurrentLevel >= Stage6RemoveSpell( _BrigitteLindholmSpellRepairPack50 )RemoveSpell( _BrigitteLindholmSpellBarrierShield20 ) AddSpell( _BrigitteLindholmSpellRepairPack60 )AddSpell( _BrigitteLindholmSpellBarrierShield60 ) ElseIf CurrentLevel >= Stage5RemoveSpell( _BrigitteLindholmSpellRepairPack40 ) AddSpell( _BrigitteLindholmSpellRepairPack50 ) ElseIf CurrentLevel >= Stage4RemoveSpell( _BrigitteLindholmSpellRepairPack30 ) AddSpell( _BrigitteLindholmSpellRepairPack40 ) ElseIf CurrentLevel >= Stage3RemoveSpell( _BrigitteLindholmSpellRepairPack20 ) AddSpell( _BrigitteLindholmSpellRepairPack30 ) ElseIf CurrentLevel >= Stage2RemoveSpell( _BrigitteLindholmSpellRepairPack10 )RemoveSpell( _BrigitteLindholmSpellBarrierShield ) AddSpell( _BrigitteLindholmSpellRepairPack20 )AddSpell ( _BrigitteLindholmSpellBarrierShield20 ) ElseIf CurrentLevel >= Stage1RemoveSpell( _BrigitteLindholmSpellRepairPack0 ) AddSpell( _BrigitteLindholmSpellRepairPack10 ) EndIfLastLevel = CurrentLevelEndIfEndIfEndEvent Int Property CurrentLevel AutoInt Property LastLevel Auto Int Property Stage1 = 10 Auto Int Property Stage2 = 20 Auto Int Property Stage3 = 30 Auto Int Property Stage4 = 40 Auto Int Property Stage5 = 50 Auto Int Property Stage6 = 60 Auto Int Property Stage7 = 61 Auto SPELL Property _BrigitteLindholmSpellRepairPack0 Auto SPELL Property _BrigitteLindholmSpellRepairPack10 Auto SPELL Property _BrigitteLindholmSpellRepairPack20 Auto SPELL Property _BrigitteLindholmSpellRepairPack30 Auto SPELL Property _BrigitteLindholmSpellRepairPack40 Auto SPELL Property _BrigitteLindholmSpellRepairPack50 Auto SPELL Property _BrigitteLindholmSpellRepairPack60 Auto SPELL Property _BrigitteLindholmSpellBarrierShield Auto SPELL Property _BrigitteLindholmSpellBarrierShield20 Auto SPELL Property _BrigitteLindholmSpellBarrierShield60 Auto After that, I first tried creating a magic effect that applies this script to an actor but some kind of error popped up, it was quite some time ago and I don't remember what exactly it said, but the point was to change "extends actor" to "extends magiceffect" or smth like that. Which I did and it seemed okay. But creating a passive racial ability with this effect didn't seem work: I leveled up my character to level 10 via console but nothing happened, I waited for 24 hours but still nothing happened, baseline spell stayed the same and didn't get replaced. "Okay, maybe this kind of script doesn't work with extends magiceffect". So then I made a quest, created an alias, set it to unique actor - player - and added my script to alias scripts (using this way there would also be a need for a race check so the script is applied only to my race but I left it for later). But again, leveling and waiting had no effect. So I started to think that maybe the problem is with the script. Or maybe I just screwed up with the alias thing since the only kind of modding I'm confident in is re-balancing followers to fit my gameplay style. Anyways, I need two racial spells to be leveld and the two ways of doing it I could think of didn't work. They seemed okay so what did I do wrong? Or if they're not okay how do I make leveled spells for a custom race?
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