Could you please describe your process? I sort of managed to get the bhkNPCCollisionObject tree under a NiNode that was under the root one but the process was a mess and the CK crashed instantly when I loaded the new model. First I added a new NiNode under the root, gave it a name (is the name important?) but then there was no way to move the bhkNPCCollisionObject tree under it except to copy and paste it but then it would paste as a new node on the same level as the root. I started from scratch, right clicked on the bhkNPCCollisionObject tree, attached a parent Ni-Node to it and what it did was create new NiNode at the bottom of the list (thought it was subordinate to root) with a new copy of the bhkNPCCollisionObject tree under it. Again I removed the original bhkNPCCollisionObject tree and again I got the glorious crash. This is what the model tree looks like initially. I also tried transforming the NiNode under bhkNPCCollisionObject but it moves the whole object.