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  1. Only thing i can say to this workshop trash is, it is still useless and buggy. I'm not able to build corners... still ridiculous and bad developed. And with the Vault-Tec DLC everything will f***ed up again, due of an invasion of useless patches and an patch and again a patch, Nuka World release, patch, patch and patching again, Mods again broken and the workshop and cosntruction system are still for the garbage! I've build my Sanctuary 10 times due of brainless patches. And everytime again, the construction system with his red zones are an pain in the ass! Bethesda's Lead Designer is an noob! FO4 version of Creation Kit is the best one ever! Instead of many intern game errors we got crash at start and crash at exit, in the editing time itself.. and maybe everywhere too. I thought Skyrim was ugly and stupid but now Fallout transform into an real Fallout
  2. after updating to new version nothing works anymore. With or without Bash, fo4se, ShadowBoost, dlc's, modifications, ini configurations, i'm not able to start the Bethesda Launcher, Short, everything is now for the garbage. Several month of work broken. Welcome to Oblivion or Schmyrim Never again a Fallout, especially Bethesda game!
  3. In response to post #36538710. #36546365, #36563250, #36563570, #36594350, #36615955, #36631860, #36632370, #36734090, #36777275, #36780610 are all replies on the same post. Survival Mode Patch whatever is boring, everything but not good!
  4. If people want cosnole back... i guess maybe they have to modify the console.SWF too
  5. In response to post #36179015. By your words, i hope they will fix problems from main game too and not only the survival changes! ;D
  6. In response to post #36113280. #36113495, #36113620, #36113775, #36113885, #36115700, #36115745, #36116315, #36124765, #36125685, #36126565, #36127040, #36127720, #36129150, #36167490 are all replies on the same post. It seems most of features are working with new scripts!?
  7. Every other Game has a better Survival mode.
  8. In response to post #36127135. #36127445, #36127625, #36127845, #36128375, #36128665, #36130230, #36130760, #36135625, #36137125, #36138065, #36139095, #36139110, #36139180, #36142335, #36143320, #36144985, #36145295, #36146990, #36148665, #36152660, #36156650, #36158870, #36159505, #36160235 are all replies on the same post. If her minds are not strong in these situation, then not the console is the problem. It is her own Ego, self-assurance or self-confidence! Very very funny here!
  9. In response to post #36132845. #36133745 is also a reply to the same post. yeah i've read it now^^ And i've compared the old Fallout4.esm with a renamed beta one Fallout4Beta.esm Only three new entries in "Game Settings" with _TSV ending in the name.
  10. In response to post #36130355. #36131015, #36131195, #36131385, #36131925 are all replies on the same post. More people from Mainstream and Money! XD But True words... but another method would be cool. I want only play and modifying, other players can describe problems better then me
  11. Give me old Survival Difficult values back! Add a New entry instead of replacing. Ridiculous Designer decision!
  12. On the way back to Sanctuary two Bloatfly or Bloodbugs killed me, in a Power Armor! My answer to this.... Nope, play and test it alone Bethesda! Your changes are mostly more terrible. I will downgrade back to 1.4 and wait on the REAL Survival Mod(e) They haven't learned anything from Fallout New Vegas! Thank you for destroying the last balance and removing the old damage values. Hate You and spit on your upcoming content!
  13. In response to post #36113280. #36113495, #36113620, #36113775, #36113885, #36115700, #36115745 are all replies on the same post. you cant test these features https://bethesda.net/#en/events/game/fallout-4s-all-new-survival-mode/2016/03/29/96 without one bug who was reported since release day. Is it so hard to understand!?, Console is debugger and a helper to get the id of an problematic object as accurately as possible. Instead of posting an description where they can find rock x and tree y and hole z in worldmesh. But the report of the right id will change nothing. Bethesda will always remain Bethesda. "War never changes" :D
  14. In response to post #36115765. Because the Console was blocked/disabled in the executable (Fallout4.exe) and not in game files. The Thirst, Hunger, Sleep Systems are integrated too (most time .cpp files) Maybe someone can reverse it with hexEdit or similiar methods
  15. In response to post #36103150. #36103355, #36104240, #36108360, #36109005 are all replies on the same post. And which of Bethesdas Games was Bug free? I remember Oblivion, without Mods = not proper I remember Skyrim, without Mods = not proper Fallout 3 and New Vegas, again, not proper without Mods Especially they are all not fixed without the unofficial patches. Hope some people will have slept off somtime.
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