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Everything posted by DEvilgodspidER

  1. Oh, I see... But unfortunately I'm pretty sure even that won't run on my GeForce 4 MX-4000 and 768MB of RAM.... You don't want to know my processor, trust me. As for the NPC thing, I want to make sure that every NPC can be killed if I'm not there to help (or not by my hand or my desire), but to help on that if possible if I really don't want him to die that soon. Like, to explain better, let's imagine Madonach (Forsworn guy locked up on those mines on Markath) was released, but that I hold grudge against him for killing, hum, I can't remember the name but it's the guy that says "I think you dropped this note, maybe it's important" that starts the Forsworn Conspiracy quest... And that when the dragon attacked I could "unfortunately" not be able to save him soon enough... Just an example, I'm sure I'll have more of that once I truly start making my own storyline... As for the Invisible HUD, does that make me able to still see the Compass with only the Discovered Locations and the whole "only see the red dot when the enemy is on sight"? Because if not and it truly disables all HUD, then it's not really what I want :\ I'm sure there might be some command key or cfg magig I can do but I don't understand much of that besides the console part... And about the "Dragons>Giants>Mammoths>Trolls" I meant every type of them, weak/normal/stronger dragons, I mean, for me at least, it does not make any sense that a troll is harder to beat than a much bigger Dragon and Mammoth, and a much more fierce Giant. If it's already like that in-game, it sure didn't seem like it when I played it :\ But if it is, please do tell me
  2. CK? & I'm not demanding any thing, just giving ideas, I would like it ofc (duh) either way I wouldn't post this :P
  3. This will be my first post :smile: Note: I do not own Skyrim, I played it a lot but it was rushed because the copy wasn't mine (borrowed from my cousin) and I could only play it for a certain amount of time... So, yeah... So, I've been wanting to record my own playthrough, but maybe a different one (I know, quite an impossible task huh? hahaha yeah, someone has definetely done this already) I wanted to play like this: I want no active HUD and more passive HUD (passive as in, it pauses the game for me to see it) but without removing subtitles or enemy health bars (That I have detected on my line of sight), however (of course) objective arrows I don't want, VISITED locations I want to be able to see on what direction they are at on the HUD (the small bar where the objective arrow also appears). (This includes the World Map too, I don't want to see those black outline icons either). I would also like for there to be a passive walk animation (inside cities or when out of combat/not detected ) while I have my weapon drawn without it going super high profile drawn (just normal walk animation but with my weapon on my hand, Swords/Axes (grip-wise) horizontally and Daggers/Maces pointing down (or if possible, maybe have it so I can choose how I want it :tongue:), as for two-handed weapons, they can stay the same way they are when drawn. Crossbows and bows pointed downwards. If possible, make Dragons>Giants>Mammoths>Trolls from harder to easier. I really think by that order it makes a lot more sense, I really don't mind if you remove Troll regeneration... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now for the hardest one of them all (in my opinion, I'm no modder, unfortunately, or I would not be giving these Ideas out :\ ) I would like all NPCs to be able to be killed, just like back in Morrowind (yes, including children). I also would like to be notified if someone important (with a quest) and/or someone not in my line of sight, when they die, so I can reload my save if necessary. One way I figured to make this a lot less possible, is to make me the primary target (unless the attack is suppose to be directed to them or to completely not attack me, unless provoked) and make enemies go after/flee when I hit them. (unless, this is already implemented, if so, I want to make the All NPC's prone to take damage and have a chance to actually die) Another one would make the NPC flee after he is below half is health or when fighting very damaging/fearful creatures (City Guards are doomed tho lol). Most of these I think are very hard :\ And I expect some things to be already available.... Please reply if you know of mods with this or if the base game already has this and I'm an idiot for requesting it «,« DEv,
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