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Everything posted by UK47

  1. Hey, I got kicked a while ago and since then I can't join the chat, so .....yeah..I would like to know if I am banned from the chat or it's a kind of bug? It says And by the way, I got kicked for saying "Gary" in the chat.
  2. Here you go! mythic dawn "cybernetic" arm without the upper part dwemwer "cybernetic" arm (right) (left)
  3. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=9037&navtag=file/images.php?id=9037&tab=3
  4. Send me the file and I'll see if I can get it to work for you.
  5. Calm down, there is no need to start insulting people. If you think that a comment is inappropriate, please just use the report button and let the staff handle the issue. Thanks! -DarkeWolf
  6. There is not SWAT in Australia =.= Each state has a police assault group equivalent to the SWAT and none use that acronym :) Lets please keep this on the topic of the mod request please. Thanks! -DarkeWolf
  7. UK47

    Adult images

    Was bestiality allowed before the rule change? I don't think so. The following is a part of the Nexus rule. So let's see.... the mod is definitely obscene and quite vulgar, bestiality is against the UK law. If you really want to know, I suggest you to take a look at the Oblivion FOTM, you can miss it.
  8. UK47

    Adult images

    I am not sure if you are right here, that wouldn't make much sense since Nexus is still hosting those tentacle rape mods. Note, I do not play with said mod nor do I support it, so please before calling me a perv, you might ask yourself, “How do you know what mod I'm talking about?" it's hard to not notice something that's on FOTM. Beside, I do not express my opinion on said mods because that kind of opinion is not welcome here.
  9. I might give it a go :)
  10. Don't bump your own threads. It is against the rule and doing that will get your thread locked.
  11. I don't think so. The OP is looking for a Snake as a helmet or cloak, I'm afraid Oblivion does not support animated clothing (..yet).
  12. Hello I tried to give it a walking animation, but the rigging seems to be messed up and there is some issue with the bip01 bone. I guess I'll just rig it to the Minotaurs skeleton. Sorry for the late reply, I've been busy.
  13. Animation replacer!? I don't see why it would conflict with Deadly reflex.
  14. I agree with alonsomartinez TodaY and Modman
  15. Archer is apparently a character from Fate/stay night series, and this is apparently Archer's sword.
  16. LordFrostcraig, you do realize that I did not make neither the claymore nor the UV? all I did was to fix it.
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