In the time i've played skyrim i've always -hated- that when i was leveling my proffesions i would gain exp from it, fx. I start a new game and the first thing i do is level my proffesions up, suddenly i'm level 22 with the best gear in the game but with no weapon skills. So what i'd like too request is a mod that will remove the experince gain from proffesions as well as needing too put perks into the tree, they should just unlock as i level it up. There might be a mod already that does this, but most likely it has something else too it, like more perks and stuff like that, i don't want that. I'd just like too unlock the proffesions through the game as i find ore, ingots, ingridents and enchanted items and level up my proffesions. I hope this sounds appealing too someone and i look forward too what you come up with, many thanks.