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  1. Bumb!: I didn't wanna make another thread, i cannot make the above mod work anymore. So i was wondering if there is any mods out there right now which does this? Remove the character level experince gain from all proffesions, including lockpicking. Thank you.
  2. I'm looking for a mod which completely stops experince gain from any crafting (Alchemy, smithing and enchanting) so i can level up my smithing without getting 10 levels, the perks i'll take of myself. I've tried My link made by aggies11, which should have taken care of my problem, but i can't seem to make this work. I've got the required things which was required for it too work but it doesn't. So is there any mod which completely stops experince gain, other than the mod made by Aggies11? Or is there anyone who knows a fix for the mod so i can get it too work. Thanks.
  3. Thank you so much, you've greatly improved my experince of skyrim! :) plus kudos and whatnot.
  4. In the time i've played skyrim i've always -hated- that when i was leveling my proffesions i would gain exp from it, fx. I start a new game and the first thing i do is level my proffesions up, suddenly i'm level 22 with the best gear in the game but with no weapon skills. So what i'd like too request is a mod that will remove the experince gain from proffesions as well as needing too put perks into the tree, they should just unlock as i level it up. There might be a mod already that does this, but most likely it has something else too it, like more perks and stuff like that, i don't want that. I'd just like too unlock the proffesions through the game as i find ore, ingots, ingridents and enchanted items and level up my proffesions. I hope this sounds appealing too someone and i look forward too what you come up with, many thanks.
  5. Erm i just figured out i could read and found this lovely button called search.. Never mind..
  6. I just recently got a mod called "Tailor mod" Which adds alot of extra wearable items like ammo belts, shoulder pads, slaver collars and such things.. but i didn't find any face accessories amongst thosse which disapoints me. But back to the point i'd seriously give up my life for a nosering/piercing it would complete my character completly. I do know that fook2 adds thesse things but it messed up my game so i simply could'ent play it would'ent even let me see the start page.. I did search amongst the mods that fook2 contains but i didn't find it. So if anyone could make a nosering? Please most be combatible with type3 bodys.. :) Thanks alot http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/ima...-1252734307.jpg something like that nosering.
  7. After i got past the bug with two weeks later i was finanly gonna play broken steel i stumbled upon a walking "!" Mark.. :) And strangely turrets can now fly? and somehow i find it very strange to see a dead enclave soilder living on what seems to me a "!" Mark. Also when you get too the tunnel racer cart (The first quest after you get into broken steel i think its called death from above) Any when you get out and gotta fight thesse enclave dudes the whole mountain behind them is almost competly covered with "!" Marks.. Erm how can i fix this? :b Seems kinda hopeless.. Yes i did download this from a torrent i'd pay for the game but i dont really have the money trust me i'm gonna buy the real version once i do. Even if its only about 30-40 bucks Thanks for any help. :)
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