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About Taolan13

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  1. So I finally found myself in Valentina and picked up the Razer promo free Wolverine II, and it got me to thinking... why don't we have more of these? Not more promotional 'mechs, though that would be a great way for PGI to squeeze some extra capital from MW5; why don't we have more hidden SLDF caches at various star systems? Specifically, is there a way to create some additional "transmissions" to locate pristine 'mechs around the map? Maybe with logic requiring a certain merc rep to prevent campaign start shenanigans? Any way to make procedural ones? They could contain factory 'mechs like a Crab-27SL. that's about all I've got so far.
  2. Specific Project Checklist: Once the development of the mod is fully underway, a specific checklist of intended changes will be posted here to reflect the progress toward completion. Current Action Item: Complete 10mm Pistol edit to post as Proof of Concept ESP: Adjust weight values. (Done)Additional mod variety.Balance tweaks for caliber conversion mods(Secondary Objective) explore possible 2-hand "Carbine" configuration utilizing Submachine Gun and Combat Rifle assets.
  3. (Will improve and update post later) (I accidentally put this in the wrong forum) Logical Equipment Overhaul (LEO) is intended as a lightweight, console friendly, ESP-only mod that addresses numerous issues and oversights in the inventory of available equipment across Fallout 4 and its DLC. -=||=- Primary Project Goals: Adjust weight values of all weapons and apparel (mods included) to better reflect both past Fallout titles and reality. Adjust defense values and features of apparel to tweak game balance and foster greater customization across existing tiers of equipment. Adjust damage values and features of weapons to tweak game balance and foster greater customization across existing tiers of equipment. Increase the variety of worthwhile weapon and armor mods by taking advantage of underutilized game features and enchantments. Secondary Project Goals: Create additional tiers of equipment utilizing vanilla assets to provide greater risk and reward for players across the full breadth of the core game. -=||=- Logical Equipment Overhaul started out with my frustration at the weight of certain weapons, specifically a fully modded Combat Shotgun. The arbitrary relationship between weapon weight and damage, as well as the way in which weapon weight is calculated in the engine, result in some of the game's weapons weighing in at 20 pounds or more. While this might make sense for a "heavy" weapon like the Minigun or Flamethrower, it seemed ludicrous for me that an individual carried weapon like a shotgun or sniper rifle could get up to such a high weight. My fury at the subject was furthered by the discovery that the Hunting Rifle and Pipe Bolt-Action Gun were only about 10-20% different in terms of performance, but the Pipe Bolt Action Gun with an equivalent loadout (Marksman's stock, long ported barrel, long scope, suppressor, .50 Cal Receiver) was half the weight. So I decided a change was necessary. Having started Fallout 4 on PS4, and understanding that modding on consoles is still a touchy subject to some developers, I want the mod to remain console friendly; thus the requirements that it be "lightweight" and "esp only". We the modding community, mod makers and mod users together, can show the developers that allowing user-created content can only improve the lifespan and play value of their games. Now at a position to do some of the work myself, I am comfortable coming back to the Nexus after a long absence to post about this project, and to potentially recruit assistance in its development. I understand that much of what this mod is intended to do is also done by other mods, but many of these mods either include additional changes or are done in a manner that is not console compatible. I am currently working on setting up the 10mm Pistol as an example of the intent of the mod, and will post the ESP as soon as it is ready.
  4. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/11193/? Assuming no response from Jorne, the writer of the original mod, hoping for someone to port this mod or make something equivalent.
  5. I know, it's simple. Remove the existing bolt, and add a stubby charging handle in its place for perfection. It's going to initially just use the Service Rifle animations. here's a good close-up of the action on a 10-22: http://www.tech-sights.com/ruger%20ad%20_07_2.gif Try as I might, I just suck at modeling of any kind.
  6. So the Varmint Rifle was originally a .22 LR bolt-action plinker. Useful for exactly what it says, varmints - dealing with Manti, Radroaches, mini Bark Scorpions, and with some skill it was enough to eliminate unarmored human opponents. For whatever reason they changed it to 5.56 late in development, but the shell casings and magazine mesh remained .22 LR. We've all seen the conversion mods that swap it back to .22 LR, and they work well for us balance gamers. But... I say we take it a step further. When I look at the Varmint Rifle, I see what may have originally been a copy of a base model Ruger 10-22 but then changed to bolt action for balance reasons. My question is, what balance reasons? Accuracy degradation could restrict effective DPS at range to controlled fire, but a semi-automatic weapon would continue to be useful at shorter engagements. A real-world 10-22 is effective in single fire out to 200 yards, which is about 180 meters (9 meters being nearly equal to 10 yards). I see no reason why the in game gun could not use the same accuracy statistics as the varmint rifle, but like other semiautomatic weapons in the game - rapid fire degrades your accuracy. My meshing skills are not nearly what I would like them to be, and despite my many successes in the department of scripting I have yet to successfully mesh -anything-. You would think stripping the bolt handle and switching the animations to semiautomatic would be easy, right? Not so much. All I need is a good, solid re-mesh of the original Varmint Rifle with a much shorter charging handle. Something that would match up with the animations from, say, the service rifle, and we'll have our 10-22, with the appropriate references of the mods (Scope, Suppressor, extended magazine). I intend to script it as a semi-automatic .22 LR rifle. It will behave similarly to the Service Rifle but at significantly lower DPS (as well as reduced range and accuracy). Base magazine size will be raised to 10, as the factory-provided box magazines for the 10-22 are tenners. Extended I haven't decided on, but I'm leaning toward 20 or 30 as anything higher would just be ridiculous for a starting weapon. If you could mesh in a deeper curve to the extended magazine I would love you forever. I also intend to remove the night vision effect from the scope and slightly increase the magnification, so feel free to take liberties with the scope (using vanilla resources). The suppressor is fine but if there's a way to slim it down a bit I would again love you forever. Do both and that's two forevers of love. Tentative deadline of December 31st for the mesh. As I've never successfully done something this small, or anything larger, I have no realistic timeline. Static meshes are what I'm looking for initially, partnership on this and future projects may follow. Best mesh wins: again, please use vanilla resources as I want this to be something available to anyone in the modding community. Re-skins are a dime a dozen compared to the artistry of meshing itself. Even if your mesh is not chosen, it will still be referenced and this thread linked in the posting of the mod. tl;dr - I need an edited mesh of the vanilla Varmint Rifle with little or no charging handle. Accommodate the scope, suppressor, and extended mag mods. Mesh will be used for a semiauto Varmint Rifle replacer/non-replacer mod. Full credit given to chosen model, all submissions will be referenced in mod posting.
  7. I've got a long list of mods running in my regular game, and I recently started encountering an issue when traveling to the section of Freeside containing the Followers of Apocalypse fort where the game goes into a infinite loading screen and use of the task manager tells me the program stopped responding around fifteen seconds after starting to load the cell. I use FOMM, and I've both disabled and completely uninstalled the mods installed directly before the issue happened the first time.. and it still happens. I have yet to attempt a full reinstall. Mod list - (not in load order) Calibre Reload Rearm Rebalance Resort Weapon Mod Expansion (WME) Classic Pack Project Nevada (WME compatible) Talon Company Starter Pack Stampede Merc Survivor Armor Better That Gun (WME compatible) That Gun Holdout Old Vaquero Includes That Gun (see a trend here?) PipBoy Readius Gun Runners Exanded (WME compatible) 00 Commando / Shotgun Commando (WME compatible) Mail Order Catalogs (WME compatible) Courier 6 Power Armor (Project Nevada Compatible) Perk EveryLevel Perk Levels Redistributed Lucky Shades Weathered 10mm Professional Perky Snowlgobes Logical Reputation Shifts Frontier ThermicLanceFireEffects Eli's Machete Ninja Perk Fix APB Slayer Melee or Unarmed Perks for Challenges Major Knight Repairs Armored Power Armor Gloves Be a Ranger v1.2 Armored Duster DamWar Clothing Fix Legendary Bloatfly Sniper Rifles ReLoaded (WME Compatible) Light Step ED-E Boxing Tape as gloves -mods loaded immediately before issue- Freeside Apartment (seems most likely candidate. Mod adds building to the cell as well as a map marker) .308 That Gun XL Sheriff Meyers Primm Home - Converted Gas Station currently debugging this myself but any assistance would be appreciated.
  8. I spent about half an hour searching for it just now but couldn't find it - there was a mod exactly like what you're asking for Fallout 3, it should still be on the FO3 Nexus. One-handed weapon on your right hip, one-handed melee on your right hip, two back 'slots' for rifles, and a butt slot for grenades. It would usually equip the first few things in your inventory, so as long as you kept yourself tidy and precise in your weapon choices it could potentially be ported.
  9. Those animations could use a little touching up. His wrist holding the bow is bent and limp, and a closed fist would be better in appearance than the splayed hand there holding the arrow. Just technical points.
  10. I would like to see this done as well. Animations themselves might be difficult, but would it be so hard to incorporate a 'disarm' effect to the sideways power attacks? Knockdown or knockback to the backward power attack? As someone who likes to get up close and personal in FONV, I'm behind this.
  11. Not sure if this can be done in the game engine. As epic as it would be for stealthy melee-favoring characters to have a low-weight high-power ranged weapon with recoverable projectiles, I think your best bet would be to do a crossbow at first. Maybe using the scripts for a grenade launcher but faster non-exploding projectiles?
  12. I like ninjas. I like unarmed combat. I love how FONV has special unarmed techniques you can learn from NPCs in the game that give you an additional advantage in melee combat. But... I'm a little surprised. Why has nobody made dual power fist weapons? It's not a matter of animations, it's a matter of meshing and stats. Use the animations for bare-fisted/knuckle weapon fighting, but with the Power Fist, Ballistic Fist, Displacer Glove! or the Bladed Guantlet and it's special variants. No mesh existing for a left-handed powerfist? just mirror the existing meshes! I'm -horrible- with meshing and texturing. Even cloning existing meshes, I just can't do it. Nifscope hates me. I would do this myself if I could but I can't. Back in FOT one of my favourite melee builds was dual adv. power fists. I want to do that again. First person. let's see those ten thousand fists in the air!
  13. The whole point of the red glow is he is identifying the enemies for you. Idea that comes to mind would be to create an ESP that replaces the scripting on his perk... maybe replace it with the sensor perk from ED-E? (unless you use everybody's favourite Eyebot. I renamed mine from ED-E to "Eddie" for when he's upgraded. I'll share the .esp if anybody is interested.
  14. I think the easiest way to do it would be to take the model of the .32 revolver from FO3 and rechamber it for .44 magnum. Just reduce accuracy vs the regular .44 magnum revolver but maybe increase firerate.
  15. They call themselves Legion. They roughly model their tactics after the Roman Army, and the mass-formation concept could almost be considered Phalanx. So... Shields. Melee spears. formations. that sort of thing.
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