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About villish

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    United States

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  1. Hi all, I am not a mod-maker myself, although I might look into it. Anybody know if there is any good Wolf/Warg mount mods? I am hoping for a full, large size wolf or warg. Something along the lines of the horses in the wonderful Convenient Horse mod by mitchalek. If you're an orc character, how cool would it be to ride a Warg? Or archery characters firing bows on the back of wolves! Anybody know of anything? Thank you all, V.
  2. In response to post #47796960. #47797130 is also a reply to the same post. Haha, sorry Michael. Of course I mean you. Looking forward to the Oblivion RP possibly? Thank you.
  3. I cannot tell you how many times Gamerpoets was my go to guy to get the help I needed in modding. I run 250+ mods on my classic Skyrim and almost 80 on SE, and all because Paul did the heavy lifting in creating his videos. And as much as his videos are great teaching devices, he also tells a great story. I've been following my hero Paxton for months now. Thank you Paul for all your hard work. Eric
  4. So glad to know that you are back Someguy! It will be a fitting crown to all the play-throughs to give Marko the justice he deserves. Then we can move on to Fallout 4 with a true sense of accomplishment. Peace.
  5. Hey someguy, fun now that F4 is coming. I sincerely hope that you are able to finish NV Bounties III. It would be the perfect way, for many of us who are your fans, to finish New Vegas and get ready for Boston! Thanks again,
  6. Thank you! This solved my problem of Morrowind not starting after I installed MGSO. Worked like a charm for me. Cheers!
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