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About ErvielSchmerviel97

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  1. Hi there, sorry to revive this thread *again*, but I seem to be having a problem. Everything works, however users of the mod have been reporting that random NPCs show up at the house, even spawn there. The only thing I have found that could be the issue (unless someone else has a suggestion) is the Exterior Cell keyword 'LocTypeHabitation'. Is there a similar keyword that will work the same way but won't attract random NPC's from all over Tamriel, or another way to fix this issue? I appreciate any help that anyone can give me. I have literally ZERO other ideas on how to fix this issue and have no other clue why it would be happening in the first place. Making the home 'family friendly' was important, but its proving to be a pain in the rear... or mine at least XD THANK YOU!!
  2. I have still been trying to find a fix to this issue and cannot for the life of me figure this out. I see so many mods on console that add NPCs and have no grey face, so I know its possible, I just don't know why I cannot figure it out. I created a test mod to try and figure out the problem, and am testing out a few NPCs, BOTH of which have no edited faces. I just popped in two duplicated NPCs from the game, no edits to their face, did CTRL + F4, and there is still the bug. I have no other mods active on my console for testing purposes, so I have absolutely no idea why this is an issue. It is clearly something wrong with what I am doing in the CK/upload process (even though uploading to Bethesda is a simple three (?) click process). I would really appreciate some help. Thanks...
  3. Hi again, sorry to dredge this up since it’s a few months old, but I was playing around with my own mod npcs and noticed that with certain voice types, they are silent with most dialogue except for the few lines that the specific voice type is meant for. Ex: MaleDrunk only has a few lines like “What are you looking at” “I don’t owe you money do I” “My favorite drinking buddy” , etc. Whereas the follower dialogue types have way more voiced dialogue lines. Your best option if you’re trying to use the in game voices are to just play with the voice types and see which ones work with the dialogue, but there are only certain voice types that work with followers. This thread helped me https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/964801-modder-reference-for-follower-voices/page-1 Also this video may or may not be useful, but worth a shot. I hope any of this helps you!
  4. Hey, I really wish I could help you with your problem, but I actually had a question for you. I'm sorry if that's crappy of me... I am attempting to make a creature follower as well, a simple dog follower, and I cannot get him to talk to me. When I open up the dialogue tab in his base menu the only options are for favor and to hold stuff. I can't figure out how to give him the 'Follow Me' dialogue, let alone Dismiss. He has the Current Follower Faction (-1) and PlayerPotentialAnimalFaction (0), the relationship is set to Ally with the player.. as far as I know everything is properly set up. I've created a working follower before, and a horse. But I guess I didn't anticipate an animal follower to be more complicated. Again I apologize for asking a question without providing you with a solution to your own problem. If I do find something I will be sure to pass it along! Darkfox127 on YT might have a tutorial or two, but not 100% on that.. EDIT: I just found this thread, not sure if it'll help, but maybe? https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/596108-how-to-make-animal-followers/
  5. Hey all, I recently added two NPCs to my mod. One of them is a ghost so there is no issue with grey face, or at least a visible one, however the other NPC has either the grey/pixelated face bug, or a brown face, whenever I try to fix it and send out a new update. No matter what I try to do to fix it, Ctrl +F4, changing weight, whatever I have found on the forums, nothing seems to work. I have disabled and deleted all other mods in my load order and started a new game and it is still a problem. This wasn't a problem when I tested the mod from the file on my PC, but when I ran it on my PS4 through the upload, bam, grey face. I have run out of ideas to fix this and am at a loss. It hurts me deeply that I cannot figure it out or fix it. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thank you so much
  6. I realized that was in the mod description a little while after posting this, and totally forgot I had asked the question haha but I really appreciate your response!!
  7. The only scripts that won’t work for PS4 are ones that I a add in myself, or if I edit the script lines of an existing script, which I don’t plan on doing for this. Your suggestion of looking at the byoh stables and steward dialogue does help, I will see if I can use that as a stepping stone to get where I’m going. If it does end up requiring script editing then I’ll have to find a new way to go about it. Figure out how to make an enable/disable button perhaps (I’ve seen those on PS4 mods and know they work, just don’t know how to set one up) I am probably, most definitely, making this more complicated than it needs to be/explaining it terribly. I just need to figure out how to add vanilla dialogue into an npc. Lol I appreciate your help
  8. If parts of the dialogue are silent I don’t mind. But setting it up to begin with is proving way harder than I thought. I created an NPC that is basically a steward, he has the steward faction in his base, I just don’t know how to work the dialogue *anything* of the Creation kit lmao. All of the items to be added with the purchase/addition are linked to an enabled parent X Marker... all that’s left is the dialogue/purchase part. Which idk how to do haha Again, even if it’s silent, I can live with it, I just need to know how to actually do it. (Assuming it doesn’t require external assets that is) I appreciate your input though!! Thank you!
  9. Howdy So I am adding a stable and custom horse to the exterior of my player home mod, however I decided that I wanted to make them optional features for the home. My solution for this was to make them purchasable through the caretaker(?) NPC that I am *trying* to make for the house. My only problem is that I have ZERO idea how to create the purchasing dialogue for the dude. I want to avoid using external assets, so that it is compatible with PS4 as much as it would be with XBOX and PC. I know there is dialogue available within the CK for what I am trying to do, I just have absolutely no idea how to put together the dialogue tree for it. I have seen a few tutorials for it but they all use custom dialogue. I am just genuinely confused haha, any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you wonderful people for the help
  10. I just want to say thank you very much for this- I was having the exact same issue (trigger creation not working despite every attempt, re-downloading, etc.) and I tried this method... boom. Magic. Thank you so so so much
  11. This may be a dumb question but worth the ask. These instructions are to make a house compatible with the Hearthfires Multiple Adoptions mod that’s available on Xbox and I’m assuming PC as well. However would it also work alongside a mod such as Relocate NPCs which is on PS4? Since the multiple adoption mod isn’t available on the PlayStation. It’s not the same type of mod I don’t think but in a way it does the same thing... essentially. If it would work the same way, would the steps be the same or would I have to do some things differently? I appreciate any insight. Thanks!!
  12. I have been working on a mod for PS4 since that is where I play Skyrim primarily, however the modding restrictions have been a pain in my ***. I don't fully understand all the restrictions or what all is considered an external asset. All I know is that I cannot create new scripts and add them into the mod. Beyond that, I simply don't know what is and is not allowed according to Sony. For now, I have been very careful to just use what I can drag and drop from the object window in my mod, and I have not edited anything in fear of things not working once its ported to the Playstation. Buuuuuut all good things must come to an end. So far there is only the one bump in the road and I am not sure if I will be able to proceed with my idea or if I will have to scrap that part. I am unsure if creating NEW triggers will be allowed. These triggers will all use existing scripts, and are essentially duplicates of existing triggers, they just need to function for different items. Additionally, I am not sure if editing the properties of existing scripts is allowed. Obviously, I am simply unsure about modding for PS4 as a whole, and I would probably safer not bothering with anything I am unsure about, but I want to know so I can confidently build the rest of this mod, and maybe even future ones! I appreciate any insight that anyone has on the restrictions of PS4 modding, as well as my specific problem. Thank you!!
  13. This thread is a little old but it can't hurt to try I guess: I am trying to create a mod for the PS4 since that is where I play Skyrim, and I have been struggling to figure out what constitutes an external asset. I want to make sure that everything I am doing will work properly before I even try to port it to Playstation for testing. I have found ZERO online sources that explain what an external asset is, except for one or two comments on this Forum, and obviously I am still fairly lost. Right now I am trying to figure out if creating NEW triggers will be allowed. The triggers will all use existing scripts, and are essentially duplicates of existing triggers, they just need to function for different items. I am sure later down the line I might have other questions but for now this is the only thing that has been bugging me. If anyone knows, or if anyone can point me in the right direction, I would be truly greatful! Thanks!
  14. Yeaaahhh... I already have everything working with scripts that I added, like you said, a different on for each group. BUT they were added scripts, and I eventually realized that it wouldn't work on the ps4 so I has to find a different way to go about it. But I may be S.O.L. Regardless I appreciate the help!
  15. That is where I was going to go next- back to my original idea of just using a display script. However my issue comes in the form of external assets. I am creating my mod to be used on the PS4, so I've been trying to find a way to display all these unique items without adding scripts or adding anything into the program/game. Since it's all considered an external asset (I'm still trying to grasp the full range of what is considered an external asset but I know added and edited scripts are definitely a no no) I've tried a few scripts out from within the game but they didn't work, so that's when I moved on to a different solution. If theres a way the script option could work I would be more than grateful for advice and/or help!
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