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About snijboer

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  1. Ah arcane has released his mod! I must say...give it try! i'm impressed how far it has become! http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/27538 Nice!
  2. Oh nice! I see that you already have released the mod! Nice! I will post this on in the request section of the samurai mod! Also! My Neighbor Totoro inspired! Hell! I love Totoro! i even have a blu-ray and a plush! The movie is great! Anyways keep it up!

    I downloaded it and i'm going to give your new update a try! I also hope you will add the traditional samurai armor if it will come.

  3. Didn't watched the whole docu but it is a good idea to add ofcourse!
  4. Excellent! That is great news! I'm sorry that i can't help you with the project. I can only request things! :whistling: I've tried the editor for skyrim, probably a few min how it works, but thats all. So i can't be much of a help here! So i hope you will have the success to finish this "Samurai mod" I say, good luck for the project and keep us updated! And please don't make this project die! I think this will come out as an good samurai mod than every other mod out there!
  5. Now if that is going to happen...... http://d2vcblkey4a3r8.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/shogun-2-cg-trailer.jpg
  6. Any news or progress yet? Still waiting for it, that's for sure. :armscrossed:
  7. Look what i've found. It's from Fallout 3. But it's coming closer i guess. http://static.skyrim.nexusmods.com/images/1306511-1336456721.jpg Some people asked where they can download the armor but it's not here on skyrim nexus.
  8. Nice one HITDAMAN. I downloaded and gave it a try, it's nice so far. Now into the next step to the real one. I have a gif that probably should help or anything. That red samurai armor is the armor we all would like to see... http://i46.tinypic.com/1lwev.gif Also Weapontheyfear thanks for your comment. Japanese villages and houses is really welcome for me into skyrim!
  9. Look what i've found while searching "Skyrim samurai mod" on google. http://www.moddb.com/mods/skyrim-warring-states I don't know if they will include samurai armors too. But who knows.
  10. I hope so. it's now 10 days ago....
  11. It's the closest thing it can get. Anyway, new updates? i'm a bit suprised nobody has made one yet. it'been a few months and there nobody that is even interested about the samurai gear. This is such a great idea to put into skyrim. I just can't believe no one made the real samurai armor! But still......there is a chance.
  12. It's been a month now..and looks like this thread is dead. Any news on the armor or that is even confirmed? If not then the OP needs to make a new thread if he wants...
  13. Please try it as long as it needs.
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