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About NiMiTz882

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  1. I've always done NMM because it makes modding ALOT easier but after watching a few streams on Twitch.TV I've heard NMM might not be the BEST way to install things. If that's the case how do you install mods? Manually?
  2. I want to start this off by saying that Oblivion was my very first elder scrolls game. I had not played Arena or Morrowind so I do not have such a rich understanding of the history. In Oblivion,The High Elfs (as far as I remember) were not total jerks like they are in Skyrim. I am wondering what happened in-between Oblivion and Skyrim that made them nearly destroy the imperial city and why they went..."evil" you can say. I know it has been 200 years in-between Oblivion and Skyrim (Or so I heard one of the NPC's say) but is there a quest or series of books I have not read in-game that explains why the Thalmor are around and why high elfs turned into complete jerks?
  3. The stormcloak soldiers that have the Arnold voice. "The imperals think we need their laws. Pfft" Makes me laugh every time.
  4. While I wish they would do Elswyr as DLC I'm not as naieve to think they ever would. That will probably be Elder Scrolls 6. Because as far as I remember they have two more games till all the provinces of tamriel are completed. However I do wish they do some interesting sort of DLC like they did with oblivion. Perhaps more partners/companions? Something that completes out the stormcloak/legion factions? I mean I just finished the stormcloak side story yesterday and it's like...nothing changed. STORMCLOAK guards mind you...still go "They say Ulfric stormcloak murdered the High king....with his voice!" Its like.....yeah....did I even EFFECT the world?
  5. Not sure if this goes in the "Technical support" area as I'm not really sure if it's just a bug or if it's me or what have you. But often it seems the combat music always bugs. No matter how many days I sleep,wether I fast travel or what have you. It's always stuck in combat. I have to turn the music off for a few (in-game) days for it to go back to the ambient music. Does anyone else have this issue?
  6. Good to hear I'm not the only one with this issue. I know in Skyrim you can do anything and everything as the game allows. But I suppose I'm stuck in the old oblivion mind-set of "YOU WILL PICK THIS TYPE OF BUILD AND YOU WILL PLAY THIS AND ONLY THIS" Examples being Pure Sword and Board or Pure Mage.
  7. I don't know what's wrong with me at this point. I can't seem to beat the game. I can't seem to figure out what I want to play. First it's the sneaky archer type who 1-shots everything. Then it's the sword and board tank type character. Then it's the mage who loots all the herbs and ruined books. Then it's the typical nord who does nothing but swing 2 handers. Then it's a hunter character I RP. Highest level I've ever gotten was 26-27. at this point I'm half tempted to just rush through the main story @_@ I can't be the only one like this?
  8. lol yea like gta is "made for adults" kids always play M rated games
  9. Well I mean it has been a while since I played FO3 but I know Bethesda is a company that's never really been THAT BIG on cussing (I don't even think Elder Scrolls 4 has a single curse in it) yet this its like !#@%@ and @#$@ and !@#$#@ and !@%#@ and !#%%@
  10. This has nothing to do with what language you speak or what language you play the game in. But more or less it's I've recently noticed just HOW OFTEN characters in New Vegas swear like a sailor every other word is some form of cuss word has anyone else noticed this? Feels a bit...unnecessary if you ask me maybe it's to bring in the teenagers that think it's awesome to swear
  11. Don't press shift, just `. Still doesn't work,they should add a "enable console" in options lol
  12. ` is right next to my 1 key I hit Shift and ` so it turns into ~ but still nothing happens
  13. Has anyone else had an issue with brining up the console? I hit the ~ key and nothing happens,I use Win7 and I've heard its an issue Does anyone else have this issue? I bought it on steam if that affects anything (I dont think it should) is there something I'm missing in the options menu?
  14. thats what i was gonna say lol exept it would be in a snow mountain
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