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About 252Naberius

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    Morrowind, Skyrim, Fallout 3, FNV

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  1. *not trying to bump!!! I'm adding an update to this* I tinkered with the Creation Kit and made a summon-able Drainspell Bow. I am not sure if this would work with Zephyr, because it does not already have a "ghostly" appearance to it. I may look into this another time. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/107546/ Summon Drainspell mod
  2. Hey everyone I have been playing a Dragonborn who carries no weapons -- only those I can conjure, as sort of a game challenge and character building challenge. I have also really loved the Dwarven bow "Zephyr" from Lost to the Ages since I found out about it. I'd love to see (or get any advice on how to create) a conjuration spell where i can summon an aetherial version of Zephyr. I imagine the lore behind this would be that since Katria has access to a ghost version of her weapon, my character could be given permission to summon and use it after the quest. Alternatively: I also really like the Drainspell bow, and am interested in the possibility of being able to conjure that as well. The idea is just to not have a visible weapon equipped, to not need arrows (I don't particularly like the summon-able arrow mods I've tried in the past), and not have the carry weight that comes with it. Thank you!
  3. Hey guys, I'm currently trying to mod an armor for my FO3 character (basically a mashup of existing T6M armors; don't worry, it's only for private use). Most of the armor meshes I've brought in have no issues (Raider Badlands Armor, Underwear, Armored Vault Suit), but others, namely the Leather Armor, give me this error that I haven't been able to find online yet. Tell me what you guys think. File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Blender Foundation\Blender\.blender\scripts\bpymodules\nif_common.py", line 1235, in gui_button_event self.gui_exit() File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Blender Foundation\Blender\.blender\scripts\bpymodules\nif_common.py", line 1598, in gui_exit self.callback(**self.config) File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Blender Foundation\Blender\.blender\scripts\import\import_nif.py", line 3771, in config_callback importer = NifImport(**config) File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Blender Foundation\Blender\.blender\scripts\import\import_nif.py", line 254, in __init__ if root in [c for c in b.skin_instance.skeleton_root.children]: AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'children' Here's what I'm working with: Blender 2.49Blender Nif Scripts 2.5.9meshes from Izumiko's "T6M Equiptment Replacer" (Again: ONLY for personal use)Some extra details if it matters: The T6M body attached to the armors imports just fine along with the other armors that are working. It might also be worth noting that my FO3 character uses the Daughters of Ares body, so far I have made her armor by changing textures of unedited T6M armor meshes with NifSkope, then removing the T6M body underneath and setting the armors as "Body Add-ons" in the GECK, this way the armor fits but does not alter her existing android body mesh. HOWEVER, attempting to open her DoA body meshes in Blender results in an indefinite freeze, which can only be gotten out of via Task Manager.
  4. Does anybody know of a mod that adds non-skimpy sweaters/jackets/hoodies for female characters? Like something that can go over other armors? Not too worried about breaking immersion here, just dont want plastic-looking clothing
  5. Hey everybody, this is my first time posting in this particular forum cause I'm cooking up a bit of an idea but I don't know where to even begin looking to learn if its possible to create what I'm thinking of here. Here's the basics: Say you have a pretty small animal follower. Like a chicken, a rat, a skeever, maybe even a fox -- you get the idea. But you're pretty big on traveling with your horse as well. Human followers can just get hooked up with their own horse, but little critters can't. So is it possible to make a mod, maybe a spell of sorts, that you direct at your pet and it gets placed in your inventory? So, walking around Whiterun; you have your pet behind you enjoying the stroll. Time to saddle up and ride to Riften and don't want your buddy wheezing behind you and getting lost? Throw him in your backpack. Let me know what you guys think, and as always, thank you for your time :D
  6. Hey everyone. I had difficulty deciding if I should post this in the "mod troubleshooting" or "technical difficulties" topic, but alas, I've decided to post it here. So, my issue is reeeeally specific, and I'm not entirely sure if a solution can be found, but I'm at a bit of a loss here. So it starts with this: I created a follower mod a looong time ago to use in Fallout 3. It was entirely custom made, save for a dependency on Ling's (for hair). The scripts and packages I made for the follower were from scratch, in other words. I used this mod on my first play-through of the game, and everything was totally breezy. Moving on. I decided to spruce up Fallout 3 for the sake of replaying it. The only thing I really did, however, was install Fallout 3 Wanderer's Edition. I kept a bunch of mods that I already had previously, which you will see in the mod list I'm about to present to you. After doing this, I noticed that intercoms would cause my game to CTD immediately. There wouldn't be any dialogue or anything, just an immediate crash. This is ALL intercoms (tenpenny, gnr, rivet city, etc). So I decided to strip my game of all its mods, and load them up again, one by one, to single out which mod was causing the crashes. Long story short, it ended up being my custom follower mod, which had NEVER done this in the past. So of course, I uninstall all the mods except my follower. That means, no FWE, no Marts Mutants, no overhauls, no nothing. And... same issue. Every intercom would cause a crash, which is confusing because this follower mod wasn't ever changed, and it never caused this problem before. So I cracked open the GECK and do some deep-digging to see if my follower happened to change ANYTHING regarding the intercoms. And, you guessed it, nothing having to do with intercoms was ever changed. Having this follower in the game is of huge importance to me, so deactivating it just isn't an option. I feel like there has to be something I'm overlooking here. Any and all help will be greatly appreciated. Carrying on, here is my mod list/load order: Fallout3.esm Anchorage.esm ThePitt.esm BrokenSteel.esm PointLookout.esm Zeta.esm CRAFT.esm CALIBR.esm Lings.esm LingsAcid.esm <------ this is a custom esm I made to add more hairs to Lings. RH_Ironsights.esm UnofficialFallout3Patch.esm FO3 Wanderer's Edition - Main File.esm Mart's Mutant Mod.esm DC_Interiors_ComboEdition.esm SharingandCaringCompanions.esm My Follower Mod.esm <-------- according to my research, this is the trouble-maker My Dog (Globals).esm My Dog.esm Fellout-pipboylight.esp Fellout-brokensteel.esp Fellout-Zeta.esp Fellout-Pointlookout.esp Fellout-Anchorage.esp FelloutFull.esp MyCustomHome1.esp <---- one of my own custom homes BlackwolfBackpack.esp BlackwolfBackpack - Blank Containers Patch.esp LeatherJacketblack_eng.esp RH_Ironsights_Basic_AnchoragePlugin.esp RH_Ironsights_Basic_VanillaPlugin.esp RH_Ironsights_Basic_ZetaPlugin.esp RH_Ironsights_Pitt_newriflesights.esp RH_Ironsights_Basic_PittPlugin.esp RH_Ironsights_PL_Newitems.esp RH_Ironsights_Basic_BrokenSteelPlugin.esp RH_Ironsights_Basic_PointLookoutPlugin.esp RH_Ironsights_RemoveReticule.esp oroLookoutFix.esp Max Level 99.esp TF_HoodedJackets_FWE_DR.esp TF_HoodedJackets.esp New Uniques.esp TailorMaid.esp TailorMaidPITT.esp TailorMaid trunk.esp TailorMaid PITTtrunk.esp MyCustomHome2.esp BLTC.esp BLTC Immersion Patch.esp BLTC less Addictions.esp BLTC No Overdosing.esp BLTC No Visual Effects.esp ACustomCharGenPreset.esp MyCustomHome3.esp T6M Female Power Armor Replace + DLC.esp FO3 Wanderer's Edition - Main File.esp FO3 Wanderer's Edition - DLC Anchorage.esp FO3 Wanderer's Edition - DLC Broken Steel.esp FO3 Wanderer's Edition - DLC Point Lookout.esp FO3 Wanderer's Edition - DLC Mothership Zeta.esp Mart's Mutant Mod.esp Mart's Mutant Mod - Master Menu Module.esp Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Anchorage.esp Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC The Pitt.esp Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Broken Steel.esp Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Point Lookout.esp Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Zeta.esp Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC DC Interiors.esp Mart's Mutant Mod - Natural Selection.esp Mart's Mutant Mod - Tougher Traders.esp Mart's Mutant Mod - Zones Respawn.esp Blackened FWE + MMM.esp LingsVanity.esp <-------- another custom extension to Lings that I made for my own use SCC-Closer-FollowDistance.esp <----- an extension I made for SCC A Cosmetic Plugin For My Follower.esp <---- This was also active before FWE and never caused issues. My Dog - MMM Foods Integrated.esp Unique Dogmeat.esp 1nivDogmeatOverhaul.esp mergedpatch.esp Okay, so just to make things clear again: My follower mod + the cosmetic esp I made for it; neither of these ever caused this issue. After installing FWE, the issue began. When I uninstalled FWE but kept the follower mod, the issue persisted. When I kept FWE but uninstalled the follower mod, the issue went away. The follower mod was NEVER changed. Essentially, it's like FWE screwed up my mod in such a way that the issue remained even after uninstalling FWE. I'd also like to point out that I've searched all over the internet for possible solutions. All solutions I've found for "random crashes", or "crashes when using intercoms", have not solved this issue. Thanks again for anyone who's able to offer even a little bit of help. My game is essentially unplayable, but I don't want to play without my follower! :sad: POSSIBLE SLOPPY SOLUTION I JUST FOUND: Alright so I think I just fixed the issue? It's all really sloppy and confusing, but the reason I'm keeping this post up is so that I can still gather people's advice and input, and so maybe anyone else who had a similar problem can chime in. So waaaay back before I installed FWE, and I was still creating my follower mod, I was doing a lot of work in FOMM to turn esp's into esm's, renaming files, clearing master files in FO3 edit, so on and so forth. A long while back, my follower mod relied on a custom hair mod that I made into an esm. But when I switched to using hair from Ling's, I cleared my custom hair mod from the follower's master list using FO3. And then I deleted that hair mod. FO3 then ran my follower mod without an issue, but whenever I went to edit it in GECK, GECK would give me a warning about how "Follower.esm does not match the Follower.esm in the directory. Would you like to copy the one from the directory?" This made zero sense to me and I was afraid of changing something I didn't want to change, so I always declined. Fast forward to the present; I got curious so I open the follower mod in FO3 Edit again and it tells me it can't load without that old custom hair esm that I deleted months ago. So I trick it by creating a dummy esp in GECK, naming it the same as the old esm that I deleted, and turned it into an esm with FOMM. Even though the dummy esm didnt have the same data that the original hair esm did, FO3 Edit still loads the follower mod fine. Then I got the idea to take a chance and accept GECK's offer to overwrite my follower mod with the copy from its "directory". I backed up the mod, of course. Nothing seemed to be changed but I haven't looked too far into it yet. So I say, "hell, I'll try this out", and now I'm able to use intercoms with my follower installed. Truly... I have no idea what crapstorm just happened but.. I guess I have the problem fixed? For now?
  7. What if you're running a dual processor computer but not with nvidia??
  8. I'm getting that classic G.E.C.K Error when I try to edit NPCs that goes like this: ----------------------------------------- Assert file C:/_fallout3/platforms/common/code/bsshader/bsshadermanager.cpp Line:1996 Abort, Retry, Ignore ----------------------------------------- So I've been all over the internet trying to look for answers, but once I find one solution, I realize I have other issues running even further and it's created a huge confusing mess that I can't work around. So, for starters, I've done these things: Reinstalled Fallout 3, as well as the GECKInstalled the GECK from the official page on Bethesda, as well as updated it to 1.5Deleted and re-obtained the GECK configuration/ini filesCriedSet GECK to Run as Administrator and even tried compatibility modes.I'm running Windows 8 on a 64 bit system, and I have dual processors. I thought I found the solution when I read this: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/230468-geck-assert-error/ But therein lies the next issue I'm facing. I have an Intel graphics card as well as an Nvidia PhysX. I don't remember how long ago, because it's been forever since I checked, but I used to have the Nvidia control panel that can be found through the regular control panel. And if I still had it, I'm sure I could have followed the instructions given by user Shiholude and found my fix. The problem there is that the control panel is simply not there anymore, and I even tried to look for fixes for that, but they all point me to the same direction -- Download a fresh driver from the NVidia website. Which would work and all, if only I had a GeForce product, which is the only one the website offers drivers for. So in summary, I'm completely hopeless. I thought I found a fix, but it's being set back by another issue that I can't seem to work around. Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong here, or of a solution that doesn't require tinkering with video drivers?
  9. Are you exporting the head data in the creation kit by pressing alt+f4 over her name in the actors tab?
  10. Hello everybody, I've got an issue regarding the custom player home I'm making. The goal of the home is to house plenty of followers, and it's set up sort of like a bandit camp, so a lot of the beds, crafting stations, chests, etc. are reached by 'stockade' bridges and stairs. But for some reason, my followers absolutely refuse to go up the stairs, and get stuck running into walls instead of actually getting anywhere. I've never noticed this in any other modded or vanilla area, and I'd really like to know how to fix this because I'm proud of the house and worked to the bone on it and I'm not about to toss it away because it can't serve its intended purpose.
  11. Oof, actually I was far from right. It only worked for my dark elf follower because the shape of his eyes that I made ingame with the Racemenu was the same as the one selected in the Creation Kit. In other words, this won't work if you have more customized eyes (i.e., affected the tilt, size, eyelid height, etc.). I'm actually running into this problem all over again with female followers, I can't find a work around to get the right eye color. Eh sorry.
  12. Hello guys I'm back with good news. After a while I finally returned to trying to make custom followers, and after a night of frustration and tinkering with Skyrim and Nifmerge, I FOUND A SOLUTION! However, I'm not sure if it's the same solution urza4315 found, but it certainly worked for me! Oh and a heads up, I'm terrible at explaining things but just try to bare with me. So first thing's first; when you're making the NPC in Creation Kit, set the correct eye color there. For example, if I'm making a Nord and I want the finished product to have blue eyes, then while I'm in the Creation kit, I'll set the eyes to blue. (If you use a mod like Eyes of Beauty, I'm sure it would work the same way but I haven't tried yet myself. Just have the custom eye mod active in the CK, and select the eyes there). Next, export the head using ctrl + f4. Now, this got me, so listen up: Even if you already exported the head with the wanted eye color BEFORE reading this, do it again. Just trust me, this took many hours of aggravation to figure out. Just after you set the right eyes, re-export everything. Now, when you open NPC Nif Merge, (assuming that you know the basics of how to set up the two nif files in Nif Merge), uncheck the box next to "Eyes". Check the "Merge child nodes" box and hit the "Match by Vertex" button as you usually would, and then click "Merge to Target" Good luck, and let me know if this works for you guys as well.
  13. I needed this bumped, I'm not finding the solution anywhere!
  14. First off, I have followed each step of this tutorial for using Nif Merge to put my CharGen extension face on a follower. http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Using_a_face_made_with_Chargen_Extension_on_an_NPC_for_Skyrim Here's the issue; I follow that guide step by step and I get these few problems: 1. The body color of the NPC does not match the head and neck color. And the head and neck don't match the original CharGen character. (Despite the work witht he DDS in GIMP) 2. The eyes are the wrong color. 3. The eyebrows are completely different shapes. Here is the NifMerge when I'm putting the two together, in case I am missing something here. http://i272.photobucket.com/albums/jj186/oreomoseley/mergscreen_zps77d6d40e.png Here is the intended face versus the resulting face. http://i272.photobucket.com/albums/jj186/oreomoseley/mergeissues_zpsacf6067d.png Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!!
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