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little timmy

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About little timmy

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    battlefield 2 and oblivion
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  1. I've been using the NMM and download the UFO mod a month ago. Recently i've been trying to update this mod because in NMM it says i have the 1.0c version and the latest version is 1.1a and everytime i try to download the latest file of this mod with NMM it doesnt get the latest file it still says i have the 1.0c version. im sure im doing something that should be obvious completely wrong as i always do but im lost. any help would be greatly appreciated thanks :)
  2. Sounds good ill make sure to try it out, any one else have any more suggestions?
  3. yea probablly but im not really into the hole having the male junk attached to it with the mods which puts me off the most.
  4. hey im just looking for some cool armor and weapon mods for a vampire character, hopefully something dark and stealthy because i just can't seem to find any mods that fit that description, but also i hope they don't use any body changing mods like HGEC and stuff like that because its all to complicated and i can't be bothered with getting it. but any suggestions would be great because i really enjoy playing as a vampire and would like some coll atire to go with it. cheers :thumbsup:
  5. thanks i did look a bit but i make take a more thorough search because im starting to become a little annoyed.
  6. so it seems that absolutely no one knows what i am talking about or can help at the least? or maybe it is just the right people i havn't seen the post but please if any one knows how to fix it or if some one has done it and can share some detail as to what they did it would really help so please any one i really need some help!
  7. I recently got the city of sutch mod by dragon captions and im up to a quest where you have to kill some black bandits and save the wife of an old begger down at the docks, after i talked to the begger it says i should check the guard towers down at the docks, the only one i could find was the West guard tower and i can't go up to the top because of an unopenable door and another one downstairs i can't open so im not sure if i have missed another guard tower or there this might be a bug of some sort, but if any one has done this quest and know's what im doing wrong please help i would really appreciate any hint to it Thanks :thumbsup:
  8. haha of course I don't listen to what they say i just figured that it would be procius thanks for the help i waqs getting frustrated.
  9. I have been playing kvatch rebuilt for a short while im up to the third quest and ignar told me to talk to procuis and everytime i talk to him i can't start the quest i click kvacth and he just says something about the chapel and then nothing happens i really like this mod and its bugging me that i can't do anything, i have finished the main quest so it isn't a aid for bruma problem any one who has experienced this and found out the problem i would appreciate the help thanks.
  10. Ive looked for the Kvatch aftermath mod but i can't find it just other mods to add onto it if any one can get me a link it would be greatly appreciated, and im not sure but i think there might be a mod fix so you don't have to have finished the game to use the mod because of a glitch with savlian matius or something similar. cheers.
  11. thanks Tom i know you can recruit people with the companion recruit and share but i wanted NPC's that didnt have an effect on the game like most NPCs in oblivion have a quest or do something so i wanted to the Companion mod u suggested so i dint interfer withthe game and NPC's thanks heaps i really appreciate it! Cheers :thumbsup: Little T
  12. im looking for a mod i had along time ago but deleted im not sure what it was called but it was a mod that made lots of NPCs found in Inns and other places that you could recruit with the companion share and recruit mod i would really appreciate if any one could get me a link to the mod or a similar one becaue i have been looking for ages and havn't found it I really appreciate any help that you could offer. Cheers :thumbsup: Little T
  13. i am look for a disguise clothe mod that when you wear the clothes and have a bounty on your head the guards don't chase after you, i have heard of this mod but cant seem to find it appreciate any help. thanks
  14. i was just wondering if you could find a new kvatch mod i was looking at a week ago but i was busy so i didnt download it so now i am looking for it again adn cant seem to find it hope u can help. thanks
  15. bans myself for not looking at it enough lol (joking)
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