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  1. So I'm just curious to see if there's a way to open up the fos save files for New Vegas in such a fashion so I can view the plug-ins used on it. I only ask because I can't quite remember all what I used on my last install
  2. Really? I didn't have to do that last time I installed and modded fallout 3. Just a bit confusing as well since the file it's trying to modify is in the more accessible Documents folder as compared to Program Files
  3. So while setting up and installing my mods for Fallout 3, I reach the point where I begin to instalt the Darnified UI mod (v. a11) only I can't. Upon reaching the window where I'm asking to allow the mod to modify the fallout.ini to use the DarNUI font I get hit with error message after error message from .NET Framework saying the following: "Application attempted to perform an operation not allowed by the security policy. To grant this application the required permission, contact your system administrator, or use the Microsoft .NET Framework Configuration tool." Thus far I've only installed the files for FWE, and I'm using the most up to date version of NMM (0.63.10) with the required 4.6 .NET Framework to do so. So what's happening?
  4. The wooden pillars would help out once I can find a scaling of the walls I find agreeable since the scale I was using would have far too many of the pillars. As for the engraved panels, I personally find them a bit gaudy on top of feeling out of place of the kind of middle class feel I'm trying achieve
  5. Most of what's there is already packaged in the Useful Meshes Collection, which I've spent a few hours pouring over to find items that I might use
  6. So I've got one more question, I've found the wall I'd like to use with the interior I'm making but the mesh in question has a kind of shadowy type bevel to it that makes the whole wall seem off. Is there a way to better blend that in the CS without an issue with clipping for will I have to modify the NIF itself? And the wall in question (which I've attached an image of) is bulidingwall02CRT from Griffon Fortress, though it could also be from Castle Seaview as I'm using assets from both
  7. Nothing fancy really, just materials that feel like that actually belong in the game instead of looking really out of place and I think I found exactly what I was looking for in the resources of Castle Seaview
  8. In short then, my two choices are borrow pieces from other mods or take a gamble with a NIF editor to create what I'm looking for
  9. So I got rather used to how the models and what have you for the Skyrim CS was set up with the walls and floors being independent items. Now with me trying to get into the Oblivion CS I mainly see that nearly everything is just prefabed. So my question is there a resource or something I could use to have floors, walls and etc. to be stand alone items?
  10. Ok, that is a bit strange to remove the map marker. So best I stick with that works as I don't want to end up getting lost
  11. Then I'll just live with the fact that I won't be able to display all my weapons and ammo in the UH. But it still beats the vanilla homes
  12. In short it's a screwy patch and I shouldn't bother with it?
  13. So the FWE-Underground Hideout Patch is calling on data that would exist in older versions but is no longer there? Not like I'm actually going to painstakingly backtrack just for one mod, just want to me clear is all
  14. Here is the save without FOSE running, and just a heads up that I also disabled DarNifedUIF3.esm and CASM.esm in case that affects anything
  15. So just to be clear, by vanilla do you mean a game running no mods at all or just FOSE?
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