I'll be updating this list whenever I find something that would be nice to get implemented. I didn't got time to check the whole mod list nexus already have so maybe I'm requesting something that already exists, anyway here it is:
- player
- no respawn time on death
- better/faster armor and health regeneration
- hud
- add a third arrow for increasing/decreasing the outcome item stack on crafting menu, so we'll have buttons for 1, 10 and 100
- allow hold LMB on crafting menu to quickly increase/decrease item outcome stack instead of clicking the arrows all the time
- dungeons
- change reopening timer
- keep them always open
- treasure chests
- change respawn time/rate
- make them respawn every ingame 24h
- alpha pals and sealed realms
- make them respawn faster
- pal eggs
- allow eggs of the same species, size and rarity to be stackable
- skills
- fix dragon meteor skill not aiming correctly
- map
- unlimited markers
- merchants
- make them sell all kinds of items for a fair price, including food, pal souls, skill fruits, schematics, spheres, weapons, technology points books, etc
- make them buy player equipment like armor, weapons, helmets, etc for a fair price