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About Firearm2112

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  • Country
    United States
  • Currently Playing
    Fallout New Vegas and Skyrim
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  1. I have played Skyrim before, just on less capable hardware so I couldnt go rambo with the mods
  2. So I am building a new computer with a 4790k and a GTX 980 soon, and was wondering what skyrim mods I should get? I can pretty much push anything, seeing how I will have pretty capable hardware. I am looking to play a female character, but with lots of realism, like keeping warm, food etc. Quest mod suggestions are also welcome! Thanks!
  3. I would try deavtivating all your mods first.
  4. Very strange problem I have where in order to load my current save, I have to delete an old one or the game will crash on first load. Any way to fix this? Thanks and have a good day, Firearm2112
  5. Are you using a new drive thats internal or external?
  6. I have been having this problem recently with the trees.. See thumbnail below. Anyways from a distance they look very ugly, and only when you get closer they turn normal. Any idea how to fix?
  7. Well first off, do you have steam installed on that other drive? Is this other drive connected internally or is it external? Because if its external, skyrim will be much slower
  8. Just wondering. I would be using imgur as the image share of choice. So how do you embed images in the description of... an image? Thanks!
  9. So recently I have been having this tree glitch, screenshots attached. Yes my view distance on everything is maxed, if you know what I mean. Any possible solution to this? And no, it dosent happen when standing infront of the tree, only when from a distance. This image has been taken close up to show what is happening.
  10. Just started happening recently, dunno what caused it. Basicly there are large white patches in the background that only seem to become normal terrain as you get close. My distance is set on the maximum, pics attached.
  11. Just started happening recently, dunno what caused it. Basicly there are large white patches in the background that only seem to become normal terrain as you get close. My distance is set on the maximum, pics attached.
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