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Everything posted by Antsh

  1. Probably worth mentioning Safety Load (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/46465) Wasn't released when you wrote this guide, but it has helped my ILS issues immensely. I was getting ILS b/c of SFO, even with the lower-res LOD texture and that mod fixed it.
  2. Normally the 'bound' errors are fine, but I'm not sure about a missing ESP error. Been a while since I've used Wearable Lanterns, though. Regarding SKSE.ini, yes go ahead and create it. It allows SKSE to remove orphaned scripts. It takes a while to work, but just play the game normally and it may eventually get rid of some issues. Some users report that it helps to leave the game idling for a few hours, normally in the testing cell (coc qasmoke in the console to get there). I think one test you can do to see how the INI change is working is to monitor your save file size after sitting idle for an hour or so. If it decreases, then it may be an indication of scripts being removed.
  3. I tried using the PRID method but when I 'showvars' on the plaque, I only see three variables, none of which have an objectid.
  4. Right off the bat, it looks like you did not uninstall UFO or Wearable Lanterns correctly. Make sure the Data\SKSE\SKSE.ini file has the lines [General] ClearInvalidRegistrations=1 Might help get rid of those embedded scripts.
  5. I'm seeing the same colors as reflections in the water at the Flagon. Started when I started to use ELFX. I don't think that mod's the problem, but something that is conflicting with it.
  6. I'm seeing the same thing in the Flagon when using ELFX Haven't found much info on it... did you ever find a solution?
  7. You have autosave stuff enabled? Try disabling all of that. [09/20/2013 - 01:31:02AM] VM is freezing... [09/20/2013 - 01:31:02AM] VM is frozen [09/20/2013 - 01:31:03AM] Saving game... Looks like the game performed a save prior to the load screen.
  8. I am just now experiencing this as well. Only major change I have had is updating Better Vampires, along with Bat Travel and Royal Bloodline. Do you happen to use any of these mods?
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