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Posts posted by Khaoserat

  1. Realism VS Difficulty? For roleplaying purposes? Realism everytime. So how come I can't one-hit-kill NPCs that are just wearing clothing? Or even still, how come I can't one-hit-kill unaware NPCs at all? It would be much more realistic in my opinion for you to be able to OHK anyone so long as they are not in combat against you as you would be in casual conversation, then suddenly they'd find a sword in their stomach or an axe in their neck :ninja:

    So that's my mod request from all you talented mod makers, maybe it's cheat-y, but I'd like a mod where you can one-hit-kill unaware or under-protected NPCs. Please and thank you! :happy:

  2. Anyone think there'll eventually be a bunch of mods for Beyond Skyrim? I'm hoping for BS versions of mods like 'A Quality World Map', 'Populated Skyrim' and 'Immersive Patrols'. I hope BS starts getting some quality mods soon.

    Also I know it seems unlikely to happen but I'd love an 'Open Borders' mod, similar to 'Open Cities'. I'm not sure why it isn't one worldspace but I'm sure there's a good reason, but still, a man can dream.

  3. So as you may be able to tell from the title I want to feel like the gosh darn Night King from GoT/ASoIaF. I'm after a powerful spell that will raise all nearby corpses to permanently fight for me, if possible this would include wolves, trolls, dragons etc. and also would not have a level cap like the Dead Thrall spell which caps at NPCs level 40.

    As I would be raising god knows how many corpses as permanent followers it may also be handy to have a spell which gets rid of them all if needed.

    If something like this already exists then please point me to it. Thanks :D



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