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  1. Color me stupid because I could not find Hardware and Software discussion. Maybe blind is more accurate than stupid. OK, I found it. How do I move this to that sub-forum?
  2. I am looking to do a new computer build that can play my modded Skyrim. I have many graphics mods. What AMD, to make use of my freesync monitor, would be the minimum you would recommend? I am looking at the RX 580 and 590, but been out of the computer build game for a couple years and am not up to date. Would that be overkill? My current GPU is the NVidia GTX1070 Founders. Sorry if this is in the wrong forum.
  3. If you can afford it, upgrade the computer. 4Gig of RAM isn't very good for gaming .
  4. Turns out I somehow did not have CBBE installed. DOH!!
  5. My bodyslide does nothing. All I get is a not responding message.
  6. I am wondering if I am having mods fighting or what. Vortex shows no conflicts. When I loot a bandit body, the men look normal, but the women are weird. The butt looks like it got smeared up and so do the breasts. I use CBBEv3. I have gone in and one at a time disabled some follower mods with no change. Would a clothing mod like a bikini mod cause this when the women are nude?
  7. I have had the motivation, to start when I was done working for the year. Now that I have 2 weeks off, I am learning Vortex, adding mods and will probably start a new game. Been so long since I have played, I do not remember anything about the last game save. That's what working 6 or 7 days a week and/or 10 hour days does to you.
  8. Then continue to use NMM if you can't be bothered, or are too tired to learn about it. Nobody is begging you to use it. Now, unless you have an actual question, instead of just complaining I'm going to move on and unfollow this thread. How about you move on instead of being all high and mighty. you act like you created Vortex and anyone that doesn't bow down and worship you is a steaming pile of poo. I have been working every day, 10 hour days and needed sleep before trying to get involved in something that will take more time than I had. I now have time and will learn Vortex.
  9. These threads are always started by people who didn't bother to watch the tutorials, or read anything in the knowledge base built into Vortex. The people who actually spent time learning Vortex and are using it successfully are the ones you don't see in this forum. If you want to continue to use NMM, you can still download and install it from here: https://github.com/Nexus-Mods/Nexus-Mod-Manager/releases. If you want to use Vortex, be advised to set aside your preconceptions of how a mod manager should work. That's why it's very important to visit the Vortex Knowledge Base. I would recommend that you pay special attention to issues of load order management, file conflict resolution, and the use of hardlinks in Vortex. May your Christmas gaming be a joyful holiday experience! I was hoping to just mod/play, but now I have to do homework first to learn Vortex. Need to find out if I should just start over with mods or what. Too sleepy today to figure it out.
  10. Oh fun. This thread makes me leery of installing anything. I go away from the game and mods for a few months due to work going nuts and come back to something new. Wish me luck in catching up and getting everything working correctly. I want to be able to mod/play when I have 2 weeks off during Christmas.
  11. I wish I could help, but TES5edit makes me nervous. I do not want to screw something up and make my game unplayable.
  12. Hold on, is it the graphics card? Or is it the computer as a whole? Sorry, I just need to know what the REAL problem is with my current PC. You need better CPU, GPU and RAM.
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