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About Elisuki

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    Dragon Age: Inquisition

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  1. Sounds like a good idea, thank you so much!! Could it work like that if I'm currently playing Trespasser? I mean, I wouldn't loose my saves from this DLC? EDIT: nevermind. I actually don't have any save that is near enough to the romance scene, I'd have to replay half of ''Unfinished Business'' and I don't have time nor will for that, honestly LMAO. Thanks anyway, at least I recorded the scene in the first place with my phone! let's see what kind of shitty edit comes from that ayyyyy :teehee:
  2. Hello! Sorry for my silly question first of all, but as the title says: is there any way to be able to rewatch or replay cutscenes without rewriting the (old) saves that are next? Imagine this example: I'm near the end of the game and I wanna go back to a starting romance/love scene and watch it (bc I'm a dumbass and I didn't record it with Bandicam) And of course, I wouldn't want to loose all the progress next because of a cutscene. Especifically: I don't have any save right before Cassandra's love scene shows up, so I'd have to go and make her quest ''The ideal romance'' again in a moment. Would that rewrite everything? Should I make a copy of the actual save that contains the scene, or is there any other option to not make a mess on the playthrough? *NOTE: it would be just replaying it normally, not changing any important options on the story. I hope I explained myself well :s Thank you so much <3
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