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Everything posted by Schluebricant

  1. I recently starting transitioning to PC gaming more than before now that I have one and am starting to get games, and I started modding Fallout New Vegas (one of my favorite games of all time). Coming from Xbox it seems to have an insane amount of stuttering on PC. It's getting to be unbearable to play. I don't understand how it can load instantly on PC but play so poorly. I downloaded the New Vegas Stutter Remover mod and it only helped a little. It was noticeable, but not enough. I heard New Vegas Tick Fix works better with Windows 10 so I downloaded that. It didn't have a noticeable improvement. I tried them both separately and I tried them together and it's just not working. Does anyone know how I can fix this? Is it just a problem with the game and I'm stuck with it? I really just don't feel like playing anymore because it's painful to look around and stutter. I've only found old posts regarding this topic and they directed people to start a new thread. I never really use forums so I apologize if I did something incorrectly or if something needs changed/added.
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