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Everything posted by GingahNinja47

  1. I had. Also, it now works perfectly! All of the scripts! And I have no idea why the first 2 decided to start working, because all I did was fix the other 2, but hey, I'll take it! Thanks to Sjogga and Matthiaswagg for replying and HUGE thanks to lofgren for helping me get the scripts running! Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some modelling to finish.
  2. Okay, so do you have any idea why the spell isn't added when I equip the item?
  3. I actually ment lowering a section of the bridge. In other words, if someone walked down the center of the bridge, it would bring them to the dungeon, whereas walking toward the left or right, they would cross the ravine into Dragon Bridge as per usual. Therefore, I'd need to be able to alter the bridge's model, which I can't find ANYWHERE.
  4. I got a request to add the Crescent Rose to Skyrim. I'm making it so that equipping it in Scythe Form adds the spell "Gun Form," which you can equip to your power button and use to switch to Gun Mode. Equipping it in Gun Mode does the same but for Scythe Form. Problem is none of my scripts seem to be working and I can't figure out why. Script attached to Scythe Form Weapon Script attached to the Gun Form Weapon Script attached to the Scythe Form Spell (the one that should be added when you equip the Gun Form Weapon) Script attached to the Gun Form Spell (the one that should be added when you equip the Scythe Form Weapon) Any help would be much appreciated!
  5. Hey guys, I found the problem! I still have no idea why, and any insight would be wonderful, but for some reason the game decided to set my base Armor Rating to -13501. Honestly, now I'm kind of impressed that I took a hit from a Draugr.
  6. I seriously need help. I'm not sure what caused it, but for some reason in the middle of a play session, my difficulty spiked. How much you ask? Normally I play on Adept and rarely die, but suddenly I'm getting 2HK'd from 210 Health at level 27 wearing full Orcish Armor by a Draugr. Not a Draugr Deathlord or a Draugr Wight, or even a Restless Draugr. Nope, just a plain old run-of-the-mill Draugr. I was planning to make this the account that I wouldn't cheat at all on, but now I need god mode to fight a couple of Skeevers. Any advice? Oh, and like I said, it was in the middle of a session, so I doubt this matters, but here's my BOSS log:
  7. Hey guys, I'm doing a YouTube playthrough of Dragon Age: Origins, and I'm playing as a Dwarven Warrior. I have all the DLC, so I want to be able to use Starfang, as it is the highest tier weapon in the game. However, as a Dwarven Warrior, I prefer to use battleaxes. Could somebody please make a mod that allows you to request that Mikhael Dryden make you a starmetal battleaxe? I really hope somebody can pull this off in time for me to use it in my series. Thank you!
  8. Hey, if there are any experienced modders out there, I need some help. I'm pretty well off with my mod, but there is one thing I can't get to work. For one of the many quests I'm adding, A section of the dragon bridge (dragon bridge the bridge, not Dragon Bridge the town) lowers, revealing a new dungeon hidden underneath the town of Dragon Bridge. Problem is, I can't figure out how to get part of the bridge to lower. Help?
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