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Everything posted by bluekatt

  1. mario kart 64 diddy kong racing was more a adventure game with karts which got real odl real annoying real fast mario kart is god damn cheap but at least fun to play when you can stand it
  2. this piece of filth has already been exhumed from its grave on the xbox where it was given spiffy new graphics and made even harder which adds nothing for the crap crude humor or totally garbage game play andit has been sensored which i think is funny
  3. apparantly i am the only one who is utterly not interested in diablo 3 played 2 hated it gave it away wonder if we wil get a world of diablo after this
  4. wonder what will happen if you use ressurect on him
  5. yes but whats there to say ? you can only strech this subject so far i know for sure with out even looking that i am in the top 20 which is like i said when you think about it pretty damn sad considering i only signed up 3 weeks ago il only be giving autographs away when i reach 500
  6. no shivering isles is merly an extension of oblivion it ha sno effect on the mods ( with the possible exception of mods like ooo which overhaul oblivion ) im running around as a tabaxi on shivering isles with various mods installed
  7. id like some spam with whipped cream for dessert
  8. honestly ? it wont hurt if you write an article on how to become a contributing member
  9. id rather have soem spam with my lobster
  10. must be i already have half your post count and now i got a normal internet connection that figure is bound to rise
  11. if you look closley i am almost always featured in there since i signed on for this forum a scant two weeks ago isnt that sad ? ^^
  12. off course they are and you thought it was a good game and thats fine but i found it vulguar crude and un appealing the fact it was a platformer as wel just is the icing on the cake that makes me want to avoid it at all costs
  13. i am wondering howver does a trike against you dimish and be taken away al together on good behavior or wil you always have that strike against you ?
  14. i had hoped you forgot about this vulguar crude unfunny uneven gameplay insane camera and it got revamped for the xbox and ramped up til its even more insanley difficult vile game not as vile as the spice girls game or most movie tie ins but stil vile and a platformer on top of that so no i dont agree
  15. threads and mods liek this actually make me doubt the claims of morrowind fans that graphics dont matter and that gameplay is paramount if that is true then why do people fall over themselfs to download mods to spruce up those horrible ratfaced graphics of morrowidn which werent all that great to start with back in 2002 with its dull and drab color palette horribly drab textures and dodgy graphics compare halo from 2001 and morrowind from 2002 and its not hard to see whose graphics are stil good looking 7 years on hint its not morrowinds so not to put down the work the modder did because it is quite wonderfull really but peopel tend to praise morrowind over oblivion stating graphics dont matter and then i see mods liek this with pages upon pages of praise something doesnt add up there
  16. thats because you kill him in the darkbrother hood
  17. not even the Hlaalu chick from the alchemy shop the one who asked about the fine on necrophilia she'd be perfect for glarhtir's corpse hold on this is getting sickly morbid
  18. thats the mythic dawn infiltration quest and there you do need to give up everything your carrying even your weapons and money for apaltry mythic dawn robe or the dark brother hood quest where you have to kill the unsuspecting guests which was quite humorous to be honest reminded me of an agatha christie book ( ten little niggers its more political correct title elludes me for amoment isnt it all fall down ?) but i can walk in on the blades in a black hand robe and they wont bat an eyelash i can parade around in skingrad in the gear i pulled of the corpses of the guards and the other guards wil greet me happily and heartily maybe its because im a catgirl in the game maybe that explains things another odd thing is that no matter if its pitch dark outside day light wil always be filtering through the windows inside
  19. how incredebly stupid npc's are you can kill everybody in a inn except one person leave and return a bit later and the remaining npc wil greet you as normal the same goes for guards you can slaughter a whole town do your entence and when you get out they wont treat you any differnt nobody responds to what you are wearing you can wear daderic armor an nobody will bat an eyelash other then the people in the arena bloodworks and only then if you wear the battle rainment i can march through the imerical city in dadric armor or dressed as a dark brother hood assasin or as the black hand and nobody will notice rats are as big as dogs no other darkbrotherhood scantuaries there are 7 mage guilds and fighters guilds but only a single db scantuary everything is spaced ridicilously close together the black hand convegned under the nose of the current emperor and his blades in applewatch and one of the speakers was holed up in the mountain range next to bruma silver and gold are soft metals and totally un suitable for weapons but id rather trust my life to a silver blade then that of glass npc's generally dont respond differtnly to you no matter what gender or race you are then again i dont play as argonians or kahjits my character is stil wearing eshme's glass armor which after getting bashed by several deadra stil is in one piece corpses usually just lie there though i find it hilarious they jus leave glarthir out there and nobody seems to care you can bribe any npc and they wil spil their darkest desires out to you even when a clifface is nearly vertical your character wil still stand on it perpendiculair your character doesn tneed to eat or sleep at all you cant fight while riding on a horse back several of the mage guild masters are sadistic unsuitable or severly incompetent peopel dont really respond to a threat they wil just contiue with whatever they were doing even if the oblivion gate is on their door step or the mystic dawn cult and guards are fighting inches away from their faces grass and other foliages are up to eye level in first person but much smaller in third when you level up you wil encounter animals and beings you havent seen before even if you explored the whole of cyrodiil the fact that there is no toilet to be had anywhere is a bit suspect too the fact that leyawiin has no ports what to speak off yet bravil and the impercial city do both of whom are far ore inland is not just suspect its bizarre leyawiin shoudl be the primairy port town together with anvil everybody knows about the curse of benimarus manor but nobody bothers to warn you or tel you this until after you actually bought it the adoring fan is bizarre in his behavior in that he can turn up everywhere follows you eveyr where frequently gets killed btu returns after a bit brighteyed and bushy tailed gushing with priase even if you just paralysed him and set him on fire and threw him off the jelal mountains at the city gate of bruma the sheogoraths have differnt voices the sheogorath in shiveirng isles sounds remarkably differnt from the statue's voice no brain pie to be had ...shame that mountain lions can apparantly be lured in to basements as long as you can carry it you can drag along an complete armory of severla swords daggers long sword shsort swords hunderds of arrows differnt bows staffs and a complete library and wardrobe yet this doesnt show up on your character and you dont even have a back pack your character must have georg stobbard like pockets fo massive proportions or maybe they are black holes in to subspace
  20. come to think of it the worst part is the coldest sleep where you have to find and kil hoarblood its always impossible to fidn him and i hate walking up against that vulking mountain if i could blast it out of the game i'd do it
  21. okay il bite there are a few of them i want to see back again tell zim more about ressurect function
  22. he seems to be even more nervous then he already is and there is an option to talk about the head hen you drop it there but dont quote me on that
  23. nah my father is 56 i doubt your that old and my mother never went to collage nor was she an exchance student
  24. killing dreth not that i like him much but i tend to utterly foul it up and kill many a legion soldier maybe i should try a more direct aproach
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