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Posts posted by thebunnyrules

  1. There's also an automated blocklist manager: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/66759/?

    Good luck.



    You can actually do everything this mod does by editing a text file. For example, for Patchus Maximus, edit


    Skyrim Special Edition\Data\SkyProc Patchers\T3nd0_Patchus_Maximus\Files\BlockList.txt


    Add the names of the esp files you don't want patched. The esp file names can be found in:


    C:\Users\<Username>\AppData\Local\Skyrim Special Edition\plugins.txt

  2. It's normal, if you have mods that change main_game.arc, you're going to loose it when you update. Any file check you do on steam will also result in your mods being deleted.


    Option 1:

    Best thing I can advise you is to keep copies of the loose files of the mods that change the main_game.arc and uncrompress your updated main_game.arc and patch in the mods yourself. I used WinMerge to seperate out the loose files by comparing extracted content of modded main_game.arc to unmodded. I'll probably be putting up loose files on nexus.


    Option 2:

    I beleive you can disable updates all together for this game but you can't roll them back when they happen. Not unless you keep copies of your game dir (which personally, I do with any game I mod)

  3. I had this problem when I first installed a BBP-enabled body replacer along with walking/running animations that utilized it. There was an arm skeleton fix rolling around here, but I can't remember its name. Installing it should do the trick though. I know it did for me, so hopefully it'll fix it for you too. It doesn't matter what body replacer you find the fix for, they all use the exact same skeleton... I think.


    Thanks so much, I went to the the CHSBHC page and it's listed right smack under the bug section. I guess I must not have read it at the time or it was unknown. Apparently it will still block but will not show the block animation. Personally, I care more about the blocking animation then that mod as this mod has annoyed me since day 1 due to it's weird jiggle that looked really fake.

  4. If you've run TESVedit to clean the main ESMs, you should absolutely not run Steam file integrity verification as it will over-ride the clean esm files and replace them with dirty ones. Steam File Integrity Checks rely on records of the official hash signatures of game files. If you don't mod those files, then yeah, it's integrity checks are a good thing to use. Considering that even the main ESMs in Skyrim are dirty and need to be cleaned in TESVedit for stability, the cleaned files will no longer comply with the hash on record (as modifying a file changes it's hash signature).




    Here is a list of things that may help stabilizing your game if not already been done. :

    /// Cleaning and correcting potential bugs :

    • Clean your master files to eliminate potential problems : Gopher's videos cleaning your masterfiles on the Nexus Tesedit page. You may use this updated guide to clean your masters. It contains the same automated cleaning procedure as Gopher explains in his video + repeating once for Dawnguard.esm + some selective manual cleaning.
    • The method above can be used to clean mods. LOOT should tell you which plugin you should clean. You may also do a check errors.

    /// Load order / mods conflicts :

    /// Settings / memory :

    /// Save game :

    /// Meshes healer :

    • Read here, this is potentially a cause of CTD that you can resolve by following the mod procedure on this page.

    /// Useful informations :

    Hope this helps.

  5. I just got my Steam Controller yesterday and was having a lot of difficulties configuring the device and after a bit of troubleshooting, I traced the problem to the fact that I was using the skse_loader.exe to lauch Skyrim instead of launching it via Steam Big Picture.

    Since a lot of SKSE users with a Steam Controller will be in the same boat as I was, I thought it'd be worth putting up this mini-tutorial on how to fix this.


    First off, game specific controller configuration options are only available when you launch Skyrim out of big picture mode. You get access to them by clicking the steam button. These options are not available when launching with the SKSE_loader.exe and are not available if you launch the game out of regular Steam. Don't be confused by the controller configuration options available in big picture mod while you are out of game, these are for desktop or non-steam games and will be automatically overwritten by in-game controller configurations.


    Problem with needing to launch via steam big picture is that it sends you to the SkyrimLauncher.exe instead of skse_loader.exe. You can easily resolve this by renaming the skse_loader.exe to SkyrimLauncher.exe (just backup the original launcher somewhere) and then you can launch out of steam Big Picture normally and have access to your controller configs and activate rumble emulation and all those good things.








    • Leave a copy of skyrim_loader.exe in the Skyrim directory as LOOT/Boss tend to freak out if they don't find it.
    • I found another way to configure the game specific controller settings that doesn't need the Steam overlay. You can access a game's controller profile by click on the game in big picture and selecting Controller Options in the Manage Game tab on the left. Given Skyrim's chronic alt-tab issues when in full screen (seriously, WTF Bethesda), I'd stick with the overlay which is conveniently ingame.
  6. Yeah, now the you mention it, the breast on CBBE do look more natural then the freaky perky UNP ones on my character. I had to use RaceMenu to reduce my PC's weight to 50% of maximum and reduced the breasts by 20% to get her to look more natural.

  7. It took a week of bashing my head against this problem to figure this out and I thought I'd share the solution.




    -Native AMD crossfire profile for Skyrim does not work properly: low FPS, stuttering, texture and light flickering. According to some old forum posts that I came across, it seems Bethesda made a patch sometime in 2011 which fixed a bunch of stuff but broke AMD's crossfire profile and AMD never bothered fixing it.


    Some of the solution that I tried but didn't work



    - Tricking Radeon drivers to run Skyrim using the Oblivion Crossfire profile. Though this profiile is a lot better than the default Skyrim profile, it made DOF unusable in RealVision and my character's face was perminently flickering. I got a lot of CTDs with this too.

    - Running the game with Assassin's Creed Brotherhood profile (yeah I was desperate enough to try that).




    In AMD Radeon Settings, choose Optimize 1x1 under Skyrim's Crossfire Profile. Next, turn off Surface Format Optimization. Turning off SFO made all the stuttering, low FPS and lag go away. The Optimize 1x1 profile doesn't have any flickering.




    After having used this profile for about a week, I noticed a couple issues:

    - there is an occasional ghosting artifact that happens. I say about once every 20 minutes for a second or so.

    - the first 5 minutes after starting the game, the FPS is low but then the FPS picks up quite a bit.


    Personally, I'm more than happy to trade the few quirks I'm getting from running this Crossfire with this profile as the performance boost is almost double what I was getting with one card (again, I use alot of mods).

  8. Guys, I've been bashing my head at getting a decent crossfire setup for this game for all of last week but I finally got it to work.


    Here's what doesn't work for me:

    - Leaving the default AMD profile for Skyrim.

    - The trick of rename TESV.exe to Oblivion.exe so that AMD drivers run the game on the Oblivion profile (cause some weird artifacts on my character's face and completely messed up DOF in ENB).

    - Running the game with Assassin's Creed Brotherhood profile (yeah I was desperate enough to try that).


    Here's what did work for me:

    In AMD Radeon Settings, choose Optimize 1x1 under Skyrim's Crossfire Profile. Next, turn off Surface Format Optimization. This last step made all the stuttering and lag go away. The game now runs my way over modded and over textured Skyrim build runs smooth as butter with this profile.

  9. Just a heads up guys, I had installed a few xml based mods (that go into CookedPC\items). One mod doubled the duration of potitions via def_stats_item_potion.xml and another that gave better stats for import weapons via def_stats_item_swordsilver.xml.


    I had installed them for my vanilla playthrough but had forgot them when I installed FCR2. This is just a heads up to warn you guys that these xml files are either prioritized over FCR2 or they are not defined in FCR2. To make a long story short, they'll interfer with the mods.


    For example, the potions in Flash's mod last 60 minutes and once you're almost at the top of the alchemy tree, there is a skill called alchemist that removes all bad effects (such as damage reduction etc.) Because I had this potitions xml installed, I played 35% of the game with duration at 20 minutes with completly different potition stats then had been intended by flash. Way to shoot myself in the foot eh... :D lolol I was gathering ingredients left and right and pumping more potions out than a factory. I only noticed something was wrong when I had gotten to the Alchemist skill and all the negative effects were still there.


    Another funny side effect was that after I killed the Anarchas in flotsam. I found Deithwin. The def_stats_item_swordsilver.xml file I had forgotten had Deithwin slotted at 40-45 whereas FCR2 has it at 18. I didn't know that at the time. When I found it on the ground next to Anarchas, I thought I found a doomsday weapons and I had (sorry, there's no polite way of saying this) massive wood. The game became alot easier all of a sudden and it's only now that I realize that it's because 45 damage sword was only meant to be 18 damage... :D ah well. Please learn from my mistakes community.

  10. This is probably too late to help you but I thought I'd answer in the event that someone else has a problem like yours in the future:


    - It sounds like you have some corruption issues. Something in your setup went bonkers when you were patching. I've actually tried patching TW2 after having made a fresh download from steam and never worked quite as well afterwards. I get the impression that in 2015, your version would have all these really old patches preinstalled in them already (though the file version are very confusing when you look at them in Windows Explorer) and I get the feeling that they are NOT meant to have any non-redkit related patches.


    - Solution: start from scratch. Re-download TW2 from Steam / GOG. Keep a copy of the prestine folder so that if you screw up modding it, you don't have to redownload (you should always do this when you mod games). Do your modding. Keep track of your mods and test a few at a time (not 15). Don't Patch unless you have to install redkit (and redkit installer will do the patching itself). If you're not authoring mods, don't install redkit. If you must patch or install redkit, do all your modding first. Make sure everything is stable and make a backup of modded directory before undertaking any patching. This way *when* patching messes stuff up, you have a fallback. Whether you patch or not, it's always a good idea to keep stable backups of your modded directory, in the event that you screw up something awful during modding or get a virus attack or what not.

  11. Hi everyone, I want to make some texture mods but I'm stuck on how I would go about converting Witcher XBMs to something most tools can work with like DDS.


    I've downloaded and installed Red Tools but it doesn't seem like there are any utilities in RT for converting XBMs. I've also came across some really old forum posting from 5 years ago saying there's a tool called QuickBMS which uses user written scripts to convert all sorts of obscure formats including Witcher 2 xbms. The problem is that I can't get my hands on the scripts needed for W2 xbms. All the links are dead. I'm seeing a ton of texture mods still being develloped for Witcher 2, so people must have found a way.


    Can someone please give me some guidance (or, if you have those quickbms scripts, could you please post them).


    Thanks so much!


  12. I'm in the same boat as you, I want to do some texture modding but I'm at an impass with regards to the tools. From what I undertood on other forums, the Witcher 2 XBM not actual X Bitmap but a compressed form of DDS. A conversion softwaare called quickbms can be used to convert xbm <-> dds but it requires a script file to the conversion and all the links to the Witcher 2 bms script files are dead. Since there is still a very active texture modding community for Witcher 2, it may be that there is a way to convert textures via red kit.


    This is the topic that discusses the modding of xbm: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/387058-dds-to-xbm-converter/


    Does any have the quickbms script needed to do the converting or does anyone know how I can use Red Kit to do this?

  13. Sorry for the necro posting, guys.... well.... who am I kidding! I'm not sorry at all.... I love necro posting! the older the better! :p


    Anyways, I want to edit Witcher 2 xbms but I can't find witcher2_texture_converter.zip anywhere and the http://filesmelt.com/dl/witcher2_texture_converter.zip link is unsurprisingly dead after 5 years. Anyone has a copy of the scripts or another way I can edit Witcher 2 xbms? I got Red Kit already installed but I honestly can't make heads or tails of it... :)

  14. I'm trying to mod the player.lua script that came with FCR. I want to make it so that night vision only comes on when I input a certain key stroke rather then the algorithm Flash used. On the LUA sites, they say that LUA doesn't actually support keyboard input events (for portability reason) but some variation of it do. I'm thinking that the LUA that came with Aurora engine does (it wouldn't make sense otherwise for a videogame) but I have no idea what the synthax would be. Does anyone know? Failing that, does anyone know how I can mod the stats on the potitions to make CAT last longer?

  15. Oh man, seriously bro, I and everyone who had ridden a horse in Skyrim feels your pain. I can't speak ill of Bethesda because I've never seen this level of dedication from a gaming company to their fans but oh boy can some of their bad design decisions be trying sometimes... No sprint and jump, no casting from hisses ??? Ah well, guess the devs may have been stretched a little thin and were probably prioritising the things that count: great story, beautiful concept art, epic support for moding.
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