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Everything posted by Cyb3rDogX8

  1. So I've been Really busy lately with my study and making a full on game on the side.. I kind of abandoned the modding scene for a while, but I'm not gone yet! I will keep maintaining my mods and look in to requests, just less often the I used to sadly. I'm also thinking of re-building Light flares and crazy raiders when I got more time and experience! With more features and better quality, while keeping it lightweight.
  2. Might be a little late, but that sounds like an interesting idea. i might look into it as i don't have much time and my skill is limited. i'l let you know if i see a way to get it done alright?
  3. I'm looking to pic modding back up, gonna finish some old projects fix some updated versions of them (wasteland engineer and a few new ones). but i'm currently at a los of inspiration, so if anyone has a mod in mind? or some improvement on one of my older mods,
  4. Trust me i hate it 2, that's why its the full name. (and the first guess was right :tongue:)
  5. So i just found this page.. even now it's been so long, my apologies. problem was. i was planning on uploading them both but at the same time, only i forgot the one.. Please forgive me for this stupid mistake, I'm not new to nexus but i am to modding it self. That said, i know how somthing like this can be irritating but i still need to learn to prevent this from my mods. and i'm always open to dm's if there is a problem, so i can fix it quickly.
  6. Currently working on a new mod! I'm starting with base game assets only and keeping it small for now.
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