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Everything posted by Giltintur

  1. In response to post #43600675. #43602615, #43640040, #43670780, #43794730 are all replies on the same post. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/1725
  2. Sadly I guess Kaylebor is right, but this game really needs a first person body AND a third person holster.
  3. Go back to 1K textures, uninstall open cities, don't use unique grasses. At least that's what I did. Now I have the double of your average frame-rate.
  4. Oh, and I'm using RealVision full. And I fully gave up on Open Cities Skyrim, it's a serious fps hit.
  5. I truly know the woes of 2560x gaming. I just remodded my entire Skyrim, as I was stuck below 32-ish fps, sometimes looking at a slide-show. (I have a 2560x1440 screen, an MSI GTX970 Gaming 4GB video card (oc'd a bit), an i5-4690K (@4,3 GHz) and 8GB of RAM (the next 8 gigs are arriving tomorrow).) You should give http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/6491/? a try, to pinpoint your bottleneck. Sadly my bottleneck was my GPU running at 99% on the "idle skyrim" and just couldn't cope with a fire-magic fight in front of Whiterun. And not so surprisingly that the SSD only ever effects the load time, but without enb I'm easily at my limit of 60 FPS. As I couldn't possibly give up on ENB I chose to downscale my graphics: 1K textures for everything, and 2K for hair, armour, weaponry, skin: what I'll constantly see up close. I'm almost done with my play-through's mod-build, and during testing my lowest FPS ever was around 24 (highest outdoor around 42ish, indoors at 60). That's all I can help with right now.
  6. Ok, pinpointed the error: it's Vivid Landscapes: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/49344 Deactivating it fixed my world.
  7. Dear Nexus forumers, I thought my new character modding was going great.. and while running to Whiterun to test my minimal FPS, I sadly encountered this: http://i58.tinypic.com/1z31ow9.jpg Original resolution here: https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=0B4G2YPJbvs9bYUl3c0daaV9JYUE As you can see, the further Whiterun LODs get a sort of wooden texture, while the closer ones have the correct texture. I checked in MO, whether I could find a conflict causing it, but alas, I'm unsuccessful. My current mod list (exported from MO): http://pastebin.com/MkhRyX7u My current load order (exported from MO, active/merged mods marked): http://pastebin.com/Js597mBb (All [ ] are either dummy or merged in to the nearby similarly named mod.) Could you please help me find the cause and the solution?
  8. Mostly for some of my friends who had troubles modding, I created a blog about installing Skyrim and there already are a couple of thematic posts... I thought to share it here, as hopefully it might help someone: http://skyrimmoddingguide.wordpress.com/
  9. And yes, ther Error was caused by Immersive NPCs in the Dark, and its new update solves it.
  10. Checking out this: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1537733-bows-getting-removed-from-my-inventory/
  11. Update: After the glitch happens, all my bows are removed. Both from my hand when I try to unsheath them, and from my inventory.
  12. I hope this error is so common, that everyone knows the solution, and that's why I haven't found one while googleing for it. So what happens is, that during some battles, I get the message in the upper left corner: Bound Bow Removed And from then on I can't resummon the Bow. After going back to a previous save, I can sometimes go on without the error, at other times the error is reproduced. Using quicksave seems to muddle up things even more. If I manage to survive without the error after loading, I won't get it again for quite some time. Previously I had CTD-s while being in 1st person, with a summoned bow in my hand and sneaking, if a follower killed a dwarven spider, and it exploded. (I'm not sure all mattered, but this is the best I saw). Cleaning the masters solved this.
  13. Yes, please, please, please do build this mod! Just a simple hunters lodge is quite enough. I believe this is the msot beautifull setting in all of Skyrim.
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