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About maxitmojo225

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  1. Half the people who say fallout 4 isn't a good game are more likely to be people who didn't play 3 or NV and just jumped on the hype wagon mid October 2015. Therefore they have no other fallout games to relate their experience to. I rest my case.
  2. Hey im trying to keep a key in place so that explosions and combat don't send it flying around the room it is in. Is there anyway to make to key fixed in place and unaffected by physics?
  3. hey is there an invisible collision wall that can be used to block off non playable areas in the geck?
  4. Hey peeps i'm a noob modder working on a small quest mod. I can't figure out how to change the weapons a protectron uses in game such as a lazer gun apposed to meele with hand. Im using Fallout 4 Geck. does anyone know how to change base traits of npc to do this?
  5. Hey peeps i'm a noob modder working on a small quest mod. I can't figure out how to change the weapons a protectron uses in game such as a lazer gun apposed to meele with hand. Im using Fallout 4 Geck. does anyone know how to change base traits of npc to do this?
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