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About SharraShimada

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  1. When released, i will probably watch 1 or 2 gameplay-videos on youtube. Just to see the 2 features i would be interested in, if the game itself would not be total crap.
  2. Anytime, a settlement "renames" to "commonwealth", something seriously screwed up. From this point on, your lost beyond redemption. Roll back, and try again. Identify the mod causing the problem, and get rid of it.
  3. Targeting options are known to turn NPC hostile. Maybe your flashlight works like that, or is based on that.
  4. I dont think the issue is time-related. You may stand for months at a place, and nothing happens. The problem is more memory, or script related. At a certain point, depending what you´ve done until then, the engine will run out of ressources to handle. That may be too much running scripts, too huge buildings your rig cant handle anymore... It is really hard to come down to a certain event, that causes crashes or corrupting save files. Sometimes its just a combination of things.
  5. To clarify, what number of mods are we talking in general? You know there is a hard limit of 244 .esp files the engine can handle? If you´re below it, skip this. Are you using more mods from the bethesda-page, or only the 2 ones, you cant load? If the 2 are the only ones, something may be wrong in general, either on your end, or on bethesda´s page. If the 2 are 2 of more files, check if they are still listed on the page. If not, that may be the problem. If they are sill there, try uninstalling them, and reinstall.
  6. Your 2 problems could be related. Both may be caused by interrupted data-stream from harddrive to game engine or to the GPU. And because its after the update, some game files may be moved around the hard disk. That all given, you are using an classic magnetic harddrive and not an SSD. If so, defragment it. All this problems are know to happen, if the disk is too much fragmented, and game files wont load as smooth as expected by the game. And yes, it may fix your problem, but it can also be something completly different.
  7. This sounds like a malware-injector, replacing, what you intend to download with crap. DONT run the exe, whatever you do else. If you already done so, reinstall your windows.
  8. Okay, thank you. I´m official blind now... Havent seen it before. And i had the wrong link... https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/28597 was the mod. (chaning it above)
  9. I´ve looked all over, but the old "report" function seems to be gone... https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/28597 No valid picture, no description, authors first file ever, and comments/bug-sections disabled. This qualifys highly as a malicious mod in my book. So, wheres the report-function now?
  10. Fallout VR is out, and beside the fact, i do not own it (nor planing to), i appreciate the work, modders put into it. But: while incompatible with the non-VR version, VR-mods are 100% useless for everone else, but cluttering the "normal" section. Its like making mods for a complete different game, and putting it together with another games mod list. It makes no sense at all. So i suggest to open a Fallout4 VR section on Nexusmods, like its done with Skyrim Extended. This yould be easier for everyone. Non-VR gamers wont see mods they can´t use, and VR-gamers have a place to look for mods, running with the game.
  11. Isnt as fast in games? In what games? I parallelizes fine, the AMD-CPU will do awesome work. If not, and it counts only per-thread-performance, only the newest Intel-CPU will have an advantage. In fact, you will never feel the difference.
  12. If prize is irrelevant: AMD Threadripper with 16 cores, 2 Nvidia 1080TI via SLI, 64GB RAM, 2TB SSD. Should be no more then 5000$
  13. First: Its not bethesda alone, who decide what mods, and what tech is used on console. Its also Microsofts and Sonys decision. And they wont allow mod-downloads from an external platform like nexus. They want to keep control of the content. Deal with it, or buy a PC. Thats the way consoles work today. And there is NO way for nexusmods to build something to allow console-players to use nexusmods on the consoles. Its just impossible. Even if its possible to make it work in some way, MS and Sony will sue nexusmods to death. You may keep in mind, that consoles are limited in what the can handle. So there is a game, what runs fine, as it is, and then you start modding, and the console is giving up on that. Be happy, there is some mod-support now. But it will never be the same as on PC.
  14. Recent updates are all bethesda.net mod related. If you dont use it, you wont need the updates. Just ignore them, and prevent steam from updating. You can always update, when F4SE is updated, and all your mods are patched. At the time, bethesda is satisfied with the system, there will be no more patches, and we will all come to rest.
  15. If its really something from Elianora, then the problem was caused to a missinstallation. Her stuff is not known to cause trouble (aside from low fps, because she uses way to much clutter ^^)
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