Hi there all! I'm new to Skyrim and Skyrim Modding, though I did a lot of mod installations in Fallout 4 and seemed to do alright with most minor debugging there. But Skyrim seems to behave much more finicky and I am near the end of my rope trying to sort out things for my installation. I've been reading and trying out the suggestions in other threads here, using tools such as LOOT and Wrye Smash. I've downloaded SSEEDIT and Fallrim Tools as well, though SSEEdit is a bit beyond my initial comprehension diving in. I thought I had a decently solid installation, as I was running thing alright but lately I run into errors in certain areas that are causing CTD's, like entering Solitude. It's not my first time there, and I think I may have even had a dragon attack inside the city prior... but now once I start walking a little past the entry area, right around first two shop doorways, BOOM! CTD. That's when I realized that Skyrim seems to be much pickier about load orders than tools like NMM and LOOT can handle. I started trying to organize based on mod notes and in Wrye Smash, I've got about a dozen orange checkboxes that I cannot seem to find where they need to go. Can anyone take a look and help me figure this out? My rig is an ACER Predator 17, with Intel i7-6700 HQ @ GH, 32 G RAM, Nvidia GTX 1070.