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  1. Ever since I played Elden Ring and fought the dragons in that game, its got me thinking. Considering that the dragons in that game are Wyvern shaped, what if someone were to make animations for the dragons of Skyrim based on them? The Elden Ring dragons have alot more animations, attacks, and better AI. So what would the plausibility of this working? Take note I said make animations as I don't know the legal line of imported animations being used for the dragons.
  2. Basically considering how long Skyrims been around, I have not seen anyone try adding new enchantments from past TES games. Yes, I know there are awesome mods that adds hundreds of new enchantments but alot of them are just weird gimmicks like killing an enemy to gain extra gold, or 'attack enemy to gain movement buff', half or most of them don't fall in line game mechanically with the rest of the past TES Games like Oblivion or Morrowind, especially the kind of rings where you could cast a spell as if its a staff, using only the charge in the ring instead of Magicka. I would love it if anyone could make a mod that lets you make enchantments like that or as loot found.
  3. Alright awesome, thanks, I'll give it a go.
  4. Repeatable quests? but will each quest lead to a different dungeon?
  5. Considering its been seven years, you may have gotten better at your scripting?
  6. GAH! I'm so sorry, I didn't know anyone replied to this old request of mine. As for the idea, it can work as long as it teleports me to a dungeon's entrance so I can explore it, clear it, return to entrance, use the item or spell, and just keep doing it. I just love dungeon exploration, getting treasure, fighting mobs, etc.
  7. Basically, I've been putting Daggerfall sounds into my Skyrim after touching them up a bit with small volume boost, reverb, and a fade in/out effect make them fit the area they are heard in while sounding less low quality but still retain the nostalgia. I would love to share those files on the nexus, but there are some things I'm concerned about. I know you can't rip and use sounds from one game and put it into another as a mod as its a rule on the Nexus, but will it be ok considering I edited those sounds myself? My other concern is that I had to replace existing files to make those work. I know other people's Skyrim don't use the same folders, so how do I go about making it so others can install it? However, if by chance Nexus frowns upon me sharing them, I will understand.
  8. Has anyone made a spid to where it disturbutes enchantments including custom enchantment mods onto all armor/weapons/jewellery but will not include enchantments from artifacts?
  9. I would love it if someone made Daggerfall bars, which is basically gold around the bars with the red, blue, and green in lower quality. The rest of the bars, if its possible, could be cracked stone themed?
  10. Considering we have mods that lets you physical grab in VR, why not make a mod where if you shake a corpse, it will drop the loot? This will eliminate the need to bring up a menu just to loot the items.
  11. And I don't mean perk points, but rather the perks in the perk tree. I'd love it so that instead of having to use my perk points per level, I'd like it if I could find the perks as books, you buy it or foound it, you read the book, and if you've got one perk point and the required amount of skill, you'll gain the perk from whatever tree the book is for. If however you don't, you'll instead gain a temporary three or twelve hour buff in leveling in that skill. Now, I know there are many perk trees out there, but I'd like it if Vokrii's perks were turned into perk books.
  12. My first request is for Zelda styled health/magick/stamina where the healthbar is a bunch of hearts, and the stamina/magicka would be ocarina of time or twilight princess. My second is for an enemy styled health from Oblivion where it is a half cycle around your cursor that changes color depending on how low enemy is, starting from green, to yellow, then red.
  13. I just thought of this idea. Would it be possible to make a custom filled grand soul gem that looks like a Sigil Stone but is stronger than a normal grand soul gem?
  14. What is the best one that can make npcs look better but keep the rough looking hair of Vanilla or at least any kind of rough hair that makes them look like they've been roughing it out in a harsh land such as Skyrim and they won't look like they've got access to modern day shampoo and condition to make their hair look flawless curly smooth and perfect.
  15. Has anyone ever tried remaking Morrowind's enchantment system for Skyrim? Yes, I know there's mods like wintermyst and summer myst, but those mods aim to do "too" much, as in have enchantments that aren't lore friendly. Naybe being able to bound a spell to your ring that's zero mp to cast but it drains charges.
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