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Posts posted by Zimnel

  1. I suppose the trick should consist on take track on topics, or on quest givers.


    Many players do quests instantly when they are supposed to to them, but many of us don't :whistling:

    I know this request is not an easy one, but it should be a way to mark quest givers and they related topics.

    Perhaps it should be a way to enlarge quest descriptions and make the journal more immersive.


    If you never played Morrowind, I'll say you the journal there was like a real book. Similar to opening a book in Skyrim or Oblivion.

    When an Npc gave you a mission a text appeared in the book, something similar to: "Tirdas, year 305, 3rd Era. Today I met an argonian named Stand-at-his-Toes who seemed really upset about a family heirloom. He asked me to visit a mage in Maar Gan, a hermit who no cares about the world. I must convince him to give me some information about Stand-at-his-Toes heirloom."


    That gaves us the quest giver, a clue about the objective, and who must we talk to. We could always return to that page in the journal and read it. When the quest advanced, some more messages appeared in the journal.


    "Loredas, year 305, 3rd Era. I've not found the mage in Maar Gan, but the tavern keeper said me where his shack was. I visited the place and it was not that abandoned as I expected, as if someone still lived there. A note on a hammock clarified me the mage identity."


    As yoy may have noticed, some words appeared in bold. That are recurrent topics and the journal tracks all the quests that have that topics in their text. At the end of the journal you could find and A-Z index to look for topics and quests.

  2. +1 to Mark and Recall, invisibility and lock spells.


    As a plus, having the Divine Intervention spell to use in enchanting should be fantastic.

    In Morrowind I used a lot the Divine Intervention amulets. They were very useful at the end of a very large dungeon, or simply if I got lost in a cave.


    I enjoyed Middas a lot in Oblivion, some conjurated creatures were very fun (melon atronach xD).

    Some more variety in conjuring creatures should be awesome.

  3. I really loved Morrowind's Journal system and appearance. It felt like a real adventurer diary, that open book with date and every quest with details and searchable topics. I missed it a lot in Oblivion, and I missed it even more in Skyrim.


    As far as I know, Skyrim black and white UI gives you a rough list of all quests you have and divide them into side quests and important quests. But reading at them doesn't give you any clue to what occured the day you picked the quest. Was it on loredas or in sundas? Was yesterday or a week ago? What were my impressions on the npc which I talked to? That black and white list with one sentence on the side as information, not even stating the city where you picked the quest, it's very poor for me.


    I know nothing can be made until CS release, but a real journal in Skyrim would be just wonderful.

    Same as some editable books, diaries or blank notes to write your experiences on them :)


    And what about a real quest manager? It would be nice a quest division by cities or factions.

    Feel free to share your thoughts on this.

  4. I used the Morrowind CS mainly for doing houses for my character, even played with some scripted features for them. I did a unique house in Balmora outskirts which I used until today. I loved that CS really, and I managed later to do some clothing. Dialog and quests were always a difficult issue to me, and same occured in Oblivion. There I did mostly retexturing works and house decor as well. I released some mods, not many, but played a lot with Oblivion CS, included the npc's Ai and path nodes. I worked too with collisions and exporting/importing objects. And of course, a lot of nifskopery went alongside with the CS work, which I enjoyed.

    What to expect from the new Skyrim CS? I haven't played Fallout 3 nor New Vegas, so in consequence I never used the Geck.

    I imagine the difference should be big as most of you say, but I hope the new CS will allow me to manage what I love in TES modding, which is making houses the first ;) then some retexturings and later we'll see ;)

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