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    The Elder Scrolls V - Skyrim
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    Company Of Heroes, EvE Online, The Elder Scrolls Skyrim, Total Annihilation, Planetside 2 & Armed Assault 3

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  1. The problem is that you don't know how exciting pvp in eve can be. When you have a 1v1 in a frigate versus another frigate then it can get exceptionally close. Have you ever had to think about traversal, the slingshot manoeuvre, how to stagger your modules, when to overheat and when to stop so they don't get burned out? It isn't exactly hard to make isk if you know how, in faction warfare you can make enough with a single atron. You have to THINK in eve to get the best out of it, you need goals and people that set no goals in eve are those who will ultimately fail and fall at the wayside. Initiative is very important. Its a game about harshness, consequences and strategy. You might think fellows ganking freighters have no strategy but you would be wrong, you have no idea of their motivations. It is perfectly possible to out-scam a scammer. If you buy caviar, do you complain that you have no money left after you have consumed it? Ships become more rustbuckety with age btw, so ships you haven't used in a while or cleaned will look dirtier.
  2. Looks great, does this mean we will see the Spear of Bitter Mercy and the Spear of the Hunter somewhere along the road?
  3. I have seen outdoor rain ripple retextures but where on earth can I find indoor ripple retextures? Many thanks.
  4. I modded as I played, the best way to play skyrim.
  5. http://www.skyrimgems.com for a list of realism mods, the list might not be updated anymore but a lot of the mods are. Climates of Tamriel Pure Waters Open Cities Jaysus Swords Enhanced Blood Textures Amidianborn textures Skyrim Flora Overhaul Skyfalls And Skymills Skyrim HD 2K The Beauty of Skyrim - Dungeons SMIM - Static Mesh And Improvement Mod ELFX - Enhanced Lights And FX That's a good start, I have around 350 various mods and textures in my skyrim, though my esp limit is lower [can't remember the esp limit for skyrim but I havn't reached it yet] which is something textures on their own do not carry [plus I have various ini tweaks].
  6. Im just going about the quest to get the White Phial myself, however I don't mind the original white phial bottle itself, I just would like a decent texture for it [the damaged and repaired version]. Any chance you could also do a retexture for the original too? If someone wants the White Phial for display it could always be made as a droppable item?
  7. Basically I want to find what the name of this particular texture is [its by the fire in Storns Crag-Strider's house]? I want to replace it but I want to know what name it is first. Is there a way I can do this using console?
  8. I would personally like a fix for this as it seems a bit short-sighted of Bethesda to miss this.
  9. You can currently only wear one or the other, so say you have magic tuning gloves and you have imperial steel gauntlets. Despite not covering the hands you cannot wear the gloves along with the gauntlets. I would like to see a mod that allows players you wear gauntlets [ones that fit anyway] over gloves.
  10. Its bothered me that when you want to improve a weapon at a grindstone you get generic iron sword 1 instead of an actual weapon you are holding/have in your inventory. I would like to see that changed.
  11. Ive read that high res texture pack 3 does not work if added to the ini and actually needs to be activated so things like stahlrim armour get the effects. However I have also read that High Res Texture Pack 1 & 2, no longer need to be added to the ini because of the update to the high res dlc back at the beginning of the year and also have to have the esps activated. This is because loose files are now prioritized or something like that. Is this true?
  12. I believe convenient horses mod enables removal of the mane. Can't quite remember in what capacity at this time though.
  13. Quite simply they should be able to be viewed at a large distance instead of the pitiful short range where they currently pop into view. These are halls, not some beggars shack! Much like Azuras Statue [in an unmodded game] its a realism killer. Id like to be able to view the fruits of my labour at range as well as close up.
  14. I have a multiple follower mod on however after a while they tend to sound the same, so what I would like to see in the future is an option to choose what follower voice to give to one of your followers. Maybe being able to do something like lighten the tone of a vanilla voice to make it seem not as identical to others of the same.
  15. Ala http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/2c/Kukri.jpg http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/47/Kukri%2C_karda_%26_chakmak.jpg/330px-Kukri%2C_karda_%26_chakmak.jpg http://beemartialarts.com/userfiles/image/article2011/khukuri_nife4.jpg http://i00.i.aliimg.com/photo/v0/104570484/1st_World_War_Khukuri_Knife.jpg http://chhayakhanal.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/khukuri.jpg
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