The problem is that you don't know how exciting pvp in eve can be. When you have a 1v1 in a frigate versus another frigate then it can get exceptionally close. Have you ever had to think about traversal, the slingshot manoeuvre, how to stagger your modules, when to overheat and when to stop so they don't get burned out? It isn't exactly hard to make isk if you know how, in faction warfare you can make enough with a single atron. You have to THINK in eve to get the best out of it, you need goals and people that set no goals in eve are those who will ultimately fail and fall at the wayside. Initiative is very important. Its a game about harshness, consequences and strategy. You might think fellows ganking freighters have no strategy but you would be wrong, you have no idea of their motivations. It is perfectly possible to out-scam a scammer. If you buy caviar, do you complain that you have no money left after you have consumed it? Ships become more rustbuckety with age btw, so ships you haven't used in a while or cleaned will look dirtier.