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Posts posted by seppesusi

  1. Since the mod scripts remain in your save file after removal, to my knowledge, you shouldn't install mods for entirely trivial reasons. Mods which only replace texture or audio files don't require an ESP, but I'm unsure if it's possible to replace any game variable (e.g. the amount of XP gained, damage done/taken, health values, buff duration etc.) without using the said extension.


    It's extremely frustrating to come across a compilation such as this one when all of the links are in the legacy format. Why the issue hasn't been fixed?


    I don't know if it's possible to create a userscript to convert the links or redirect all without affecting page load times.

    Since you don't know how to do it, I will explain. You see the numbers after mods/ and before /?. Those are the file numbers.


    Just go to any mod page for the game and change the numbers in your browser.


    The mod uploader is actually responsible to ensure the mod page for their mod is maintained.


    If it is such a bother to you, why don't you contact the administration and volunteer to go through all the thousands of mods and make any changes to the links that are necessary?


    Users as prominent as Gopher don't seem to maintain their pages, unfortunately: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/Users/38219?tab=user+files


    Sorting by the most recent, mainly legacy links. Maybe I will help once I learn how and if the staff accepts external help from unknown users.


    And I wasn't only thinking about myself, some users assume that Nexus is having downtime when the links don't work and mods receive slightly less traffic.

  3. At least from Oblivion to Fallout 4 (Fallout 76 was changed) the game doesn't allow fast-traveling from interior locations. Since there's a mod for each of the games to disable this restriction (works well based on my experience) there doesn't seem to be any technical reason. Allowing fast-travel from everywhere doesn't seemingly affect the game balance (making it possible to escape from dungeons) since the "you can't travel when enemies are near" rule is active.


    Especially Oblivion suffers from the forced backtracking with its dungeons, but Skyrim made improvements nonetheless by usually placing an exit at the tail end.

  4. I disabled the setting in Fallout 3 to remove radial blur added by a mod. MSAA anti-aliasing was disabled (doesn't matter much since you can inject FXAA/SMAA or use SSAA) and the sepia-like filter in the quest "Tranquility Lane" was removed (which I personally prefer).


    Can someone confirm that this variable doesn't introduce a significant graphical downgrade in some form? I'm mainly worried of reduced particle effects and god rays.


    I assume that the withdrawal and addiction effects will change significantly, but they are so rare that it isn't worth worrying about. Depth of field and motion blur have always been disabled in my game for performance reasons.

  5. Well, here is a request for all you geeks (and I salute you) to dig into: Can you bind one particular console command to one particular key; example:


    Console Command: "TM" (Toggle Menus; Toggle Hud) = Bind to key (on keyboard): "M"


    Was this ever possible?

  6. I didn't immediately find a mod via search. I want to increase the time the blood remains on surfaces, preferably until you leave the area. Could stay as long as the bodies do, provided that this doesn't introduce performance or stability issues.


    I'm not currently looking for any texture replacements.

  7. I installed the mod after UIO and MTUI in Mod Organizer. The UI doesn't seem to fade away and the activation hotkey only toggles the crosshair.


    My installed mods:

    "0000","+","DLC: Zeta",-1,"",""
    "0001","+","DLC: ThePitt",-1,"",""
    "0002","+","DLC: PointLookout",-1,"",""
    "0003","+","DLC: BrokenSteel",-1,"",""
    "0004","+","DLC: Anchorage",-1,"",""
    "0005","+","UPDATED Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch",19122,"https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/19122",""
    "0006","+","Fallout Stutter Remover",8886,"https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/8886",""
    "0008","+","DoF Motion Blur and Other Effects",20865,"https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/20865",""
    "0013","+","UIO - User Interface Organizer",20867,"https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/20867","f1.00"
    "0014","+","Immersive HUD - iHUD",15790,"https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/15790",""
  8. LordPariah - Hello!


    I've used "Fake Fullscreen Mode Windowed - Alt Tab Fix by BUDA20" for ages & it works perfectly:




    BUDA20 has also made an updated version, "GameCompanion - Alt Tab Fix Gamma Screenshots and more" that can be found here:




    That newer one provides other options & settings as well as the borderless window feature of the original.


    Both versions work with FOSE but do not require it to work.

    I'm updating the links, difficult to understand why Nexus doesn't redirect:






    I am about to start a replay.

    Anyone tried Borderless Gaming?


    I used it with other games. It cuts down the bars (which is ok) and then it stretches the image (which causes a little distortion).

    I can live with the small distortion, but I wonder about Fallout 3's stability.


    Borderless Gaming certainly doesn't stretch the image based on my experience.


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