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  1. Found out. If anybody wonders for the future: Just delete all the tri.'s except one, and shrink the last one till it's so tiny you can't see it.
  2. Trying to replace a greatsword skin with a longsword atm, and I can do that, that was as simple as dropping some files into a folder... But the sheath remains. How would I go about removing said sheath. I assume I'll unpack some files for that particular longsword I am trying to replace, find out which file has the sheaths and ... Replace those files with empty ones?
  3. I found out. For any future curious folks out there... Don't do it. It won't work. But what happened? I hear you ask... The game crashed. /shrug
  4. Using TES4Edit. If a mod messes with the vanilla Races and NPC's, and I want none of that, and I go in and manually delete every edited NPC and RACE entry of that mod through TES4EDIT... What would happen? Would the ESP insert Blanks instead? Would the game use the Vanilla or some other mods NPC and Race records? What would happen? But for what purpose? I hear you ask! Some mods have some things I like... And some things I don't. I'm just fine tuning em' is all.
  5. Thanks for the answer. I resolved it by following my second conclusion:Don't launch OBSE through MO and stuff it directly into the Oblivion directory. After having used MO for a couple years, every fiber in my body is screaming "NOOOOOOOO! YOU GOTTA KEEP THE INSTALL FOLDER CLEAN!!!" But I can deal with that. So yeah, resolved!
  6. To the point; Is there any mods I can't use with the GOG version over the Steam Version? Does it really matter? In my head, it shouldn't matter, but my head and reality are disconnected at times. OBSE & Mod Organizer... Do these two not interact well? Or not? I honestly can't tell. I have a couple OBSE mods installed, and they seem to work fine, and running the OBSE tester mod and checking the OBSE.log both gives me the A-OK in written format, that Mod Organizer does in fact run OBSE. Enhanced Camera for Oblivion, an OBSE plugin, doesn't work through MO though. So OBSE tester and the log, are both lying. I am confused... It seems MO really doesn't handle the plugins directory or something. I tried running it without any mods on a clean profile through MO, except for the base OBSE scripts and Enhanced Camera enabled, but no dice. So is the lesson here... Don't use the GOG version? Or is it Don't launch OBSE through MO? Or is it simply: Don't use MO? Halp
  7. Nevermind, I got it working. Now I just need to add some finishing touches and I'll have done something successfully with Blender! 24 hours spent. Feels nice...
  8. Are there any recommended export settings I should be using? As right now I am rather clueless. I have managed to export a mesh and see it in-game, but the textures were all wrong, In the Geck the outfit shows up as completely black, and in-game they are a jumbled mess, so I figured I must've messed up at the export phase, as when I checked the Nif in Nifskope, it had all the right texture paths for the texture I wanted to use on each individual object. It's an outfit conversion from one bodytype to another.
  9. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/2631/? Following sickleyields guide: https://sites.google.com/site/sickleyield/uf3clothingconversion On part 3 it says to use Nifty, but since i grabbed all my models from New Vegas with the intention to use em New Vegas, I am a bit cautious... I assume it's fine, as lots of meshes from Fallout 3 can be used directly for FNV as replacers already... But it's better to be safe than sorry.
  10. UPDATE: DISGREGARD THIS. I solved it by doing it all from scratch in 2.49b! This time, everything was on the same scale. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.49b So I started out trying to convert some armor from one bodytype to another using Blender 2.78. As 2.49b is recommended for the older Gamebryo games, I swapped. I loaded up the project I worked on yesterday in 2.78, then I exported that project as an obj file, and imported it in 2.49. It was real tiny, but I just zoomed in till I could see the details. Then I selected all the meshes, imported the vanilla FNV .nif skeleton as a parent for all selected, and it worked... But it was in a completely different scale, a giant by comparison to the imported obj. file. I tried loading the blend project I made in 2.78 directly in 2.49b, but then the scales were opposite, the skeleton was same size, but the project was giant by comparison. Pictures of what I mean: http://imgur.com/a/VzKAP How do I get around this? Can I not load a blend project made in 2.78 in 2.49b? I was told I can get around this by saving the blend project as an obj. file, so I did and it does work. Was the problem that I saved a blend project in 2.78, closed and re-opened it? Instead of saving it by exporting it as an obj file?
  11. YES! My efforts can still be salvaged! Thanks a lot, I'll go ahead and do just that.
  12. So I may have made a mistake... I wanted to play around with blender, alter some meshes for a couple New Vegas armors, 7 hours later I am halfway done and have just about gotten semi-comfortable with the UI layout and the basic tools. Then I read somewhere that people really recommend Blender 2.49 for editing Nif files, supposedly has more support for nif export/Importing. You can get Nif scripts for 2.78 as well, I did, but I also have no idea of the difference it makes as I started with Blender 7 hours ago. Is this going to be a big problem if I want to make models for the older games...? I am terrible sleep deprived right now, can barely hold a coherent thought. Gonna have me a little rest I think...
  13. It was a steam problem. We cleaned out the steam cache and re-downloaded the game, then and now it runs fine. Thanks for all your help people.
  14. It's not just the auto-saves... He can't save AT ALL. I gave him a save-file where we were past all the enforced auto-saves in the beginning, and he can play until he saves. The game is as vanilla as can be aside from me cleaning the ESMs... SKSE and ClearInvalidRegistrations=1 didn't help. His game is f*#@ed. I'll eat my own hand now as this is an utter defeat. I don't understand.
  15. Don't worry about your English, it's good enough to understand what you're getting at. Thing is, he isn't using ANY mods. It's modless, completely vanilla, and it still crashes. I cleaned the ESM's today(Well, he did while I was supervising) and that is the only alteration of the game files that he has, and he still crashes. Just as we noticed it was happening on auto-saves, something urgent came up and we had to stop, so we're going to try disabling auto-saves tomorrow and see how it goes from there.
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