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Posts posted by jepulisman


    Hey dev have you been working on the mod?

    Alas I haven't been able to work on any modding or gaming for months now :sad:


    Would appreciate just all the vanilla + dlc weapons (or as many as possible) the same way as the brush gun in alpha.

    I think I'll probably release a pack called "your special" that contains the base game unique weapons (1/3 less models to make for the unique weapons)


    How far you would rate your progress towards all the vanilla weapons?

    Um I'm not sure I'd guess there is somewhere between a dozen and two dozen weapons done, most of them listed in this thread.


    I'll try and make a push to start creating more as soon as I have any free time to spare....hopefully soon. Do you have a weapon or two that you'd like to see done right away, to hold you over?


    Nah I'm good. I'd rather have all the weapons at once than one at a time. Hope you get the time to mod soon again! :)

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