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Everything posted by MrCrowley36

  1. Well, hi! I am Crowley Astray, and can speak both English and German fluently. Born in Ireland, yet I currently live in the United States. I am still quite young (21) and as shameful as it is, the LEGO games got me into gaming. I am using this site for multiple years now but never released any Mods or anything of the sorts, so I never bothered actually doing anything with this account aside from downloading the mods. I would very much like to translate mods from German into English and vice versa, so if anyone has a need for one such as me, just send me a message. And this is where I'd like to ask my first question: Is there a place on this forum where I can offer my service as a translator? (free of charge) I don't actually have any qualifications as a Translator, but I should be good enough for smaller mods. Lastly, I'd like to say THANK YOU for all the awesome mods I downloaded over the years, without you I would have stopped playing Skyrim long ago! Have a nice day, ~Crowley
  2. 1) Alucard (From Hellsing) Armour + Guns 2) Option to 'enslave' people (Have them work somewhere after dominating them) 3) More Radio Stations 4) Some immersive quest mods 5) Some kind of vehicle 6) Buffing Meele Combat (Since it is kinda weak IMO) 7) Some Star Wars mods (they are always fun) 8) More immersive relationships (Call me a weirdo, but I would like a bit more dialog with your companions) 9) More things to place in settlements (Already Done) 10) New Balanced Perks
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